Chapter 1.

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Gasping, I woke up with my scream stuck in my throat. Sweat running down my temple, I ran towards the bathroom turning on the shower, not caring about the cold water freezing me up.Sliding down the shower wall, I rocked back and forth, hoping to forget about my nightmare. Willing to do anything as long as it wipes out of my memory. But I know its not possible. After god knows how long, I got up and dressed, hoping a cup of coffee might help, knowing sleep was out of question. Looking at the time, it was 3 o'clock in the morning.

On my way to kitchen, I made a stop to the door opposite of mine. Opening it as quietly as possible, I saw Kyle, my best friend sound asleep. Thankful for not waking him up, I shut the door and went to get that coffee. Kyle has been with me since we were 5 years old. He knew everything that happened to me and helped however it was possible. He is my lifeline, my brother, and most importantly my savior.

I started working on my coffee when I saw a stack of mails on the counter. Having nothing else to do I took my coffee and my mails to the living room and got comfortable on the couch. Going through a bunch of bills and useless papers, I came through one mail that had me frozen on the spot. With shaking hands, I peeled off the flap and took out the paper that could either give me immense happiness or great distress. Reading the every word carefully, a huge smile took over my face. Not caring anymore I ran straight to Kyle's room and jumped on his bed with the loudest squeal ever coming out of me.

"What the fuck Maya?" Kyle screamed wide eyed but as soon as he saw the smile on my face, he let out a deep breathe

"I got it Kyle. Look, I finally got it." Shoving the paper down his nose, I jumped up and down the bed.

Running his eyes over the paper, Kyle turned his wide surprised eyes towards me and let out his own squeal. "You got it. Oh yes, finally."

"I know right? EJF industries has finally given me the job. I cant believe it. God I wanted a break for so long and finally I got it." I gushed, a dreamy tone that can rarely be heard by me.

"You deserve it babygirl. God knows you do." He pulled me in a bone crushing hug which I returned happily.

"LETS CELEBRATE" Kyle screamed letting me go and running around the bathroom as if he didn't just wake up. That's the thing about Kyle, he can't help but he happy about me and I cant help but love him even more

"Kyle its 3:30 in the morning, come back to bed and sleep. We can celebrate tomorrow"

"Wait a minute" Kyle walked back into the room with a stern face and I knew something has had him pissed. And I knew that something was me. "Why are you awake? Did you have a nightmare again?"

I looked down towards my lap guiltily, my fingers twisting together, a nervous habit. "No?" I replied timidly knowing how Kyle gets when he finds out about my nightmares.

He ran towards and and crushed me to himself "Why didn't you wake me up? You know I would have helped?"

Pulling back, I looked anywhere but him "I know, but you haven't slept properly yourself for the past week and i didn't want to disturb you."

Taking my chin between his fingers, he pulled my eyes towards him "I'm never to tired or you babygirl" He said softly.

I couldn't help but stare at him. Kyle was an attractive guy with light blue eyes and olive skin. His well build body and 6 feet was drool-worthy and whenever we were out, girl threw themselves on him. Though, he wasn't into that. You see, my Kyle was a proud gay and that broke a couple of hearts when girls found out he would rather kill himself then be with them.

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