Chapter 26.

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Chapter 26.


Maya had gone for a shower after she had considerably calmed down. It felt like heaven having her back in my arms. And it will take a while but I will destroy every bad memory or person from her past and mine.

As soon as I’m alone and get a hold of my emotions I call the number I did before to help me out of this situation. Only now the situation has accelerated and I once again call the person who can help me get out of this unharmed.

With the phone in my ear I started working on something to eat. It was probably not a good time to call considering it was almost midnight but I was impatient.

“This better be important.” Was the way Dylan greeted me. His gravelly voice would make a grown man wet his pants. Which was quite admirable.

“Time has come. The fucker is out.” Not long after our first conversation I talked to him again letting him in on Mayas situation. ‘Piece of cake’ was what he said. Let’s just hope he sticks to his words.

“I’ll get on it. You will get your report on him in the morning. I’ll see you in my office. What was his name again?”

“Jackson Pierce.” Saying that name made fury boil in every part of my body. “He’s mine Dylan.” I said emphasizing on his name to make sure how serious I was. He is mine to hurt. Mine to kill. He will feel every pain there is and more for hurt my angel.

“He’s yours.” He said with a menacingly voice. He knew the power of a man whose woman is hurt. He took his revenge and quenched his thirst. Now it’s my turn.

“Good night.” I said and hung up the phone and got started on making a few sandwiches.

I was almost done when Maya came out of her room wearing my shirt which I discarded a while ago.

She came up behind me while I placed the sandwiches on the plate and wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her face on my back.

I placed my hand on both of her arms and a smile tugged on my face. “You okay angel?”

I felt her nod but she didn’t utter a word. Turning around in her embrace, I faced her. She looked so damn beautiful that it almost hurt my eyes. Cupping her face in my hands I placed my forehead on hers.  “You swear?”

She immediately raised her hand, showing me her pinkie finger. “Pinkie swear.” Her eyes danced with amusement and I felt at ease. My angel was back and I will never let her go.

I wrapped my pinkie around hers and sealed us together with my next words. “And I will make sure you always remain that way angel.” I said and she her smile turned huge.

She swooned in and kissed me “I know.”

I gave her a nod and back away from her to take a hold of our sandwiches. Maya turned towards the fridge and took a bottle of wine and two glasses from the cabinet and followed me back to her room. Although I preferred for us to stay at my place. Hers was far more comfortable and cosy. I set the plates on the bedside table along with the wine and glasses and removed the covers of the bed to allow Maya to step in.

As we both settled, I handed the plate to Maya and pours us each a glass of wine. I watched her as she grabbed the laptop and started on playing a movie. She looked adorable with her tongue slightly out as she concentrated on her task.

“I was thinking. You need to get back to work.” I don’t know what compelled me to say this but the words were out way before I could form them in my mind. Her entire body froze and tension oozed from nearly every pore of her body.



As soon as he said those words I knew what I had contemplated a while ago. “I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?” His voice was completely normal as if my words meant nothing but the way his body tensed gave him away.

I still didn’t know why I thought working with him again would be a bad idea. Maybe because I had way too much pride. And that didn’t allow me to return back to a place I left just yesterday.

Knowing I had no answer to his question yet I tried to change the topic. “Will you tell me everything about Jessica?”

Elijah’s shoulder shagged as he let out a deep breathe at my obvious attempt to avoid his question. “What do you want to know?”

The movie playing in the background was completely ignored as I turned my body towards him and took a bite of my sandwich. “How are you going to rectify this…thing?” I don’t know what to call this, whatever had happened between them but I needed to get straight to the point. He said she wasn’t his wife. Just on the papers to show his father for inheritance. But now that she has gone rogue on their agreement, I needed to know if there was a chance for him to get out of this.

His lips turned into a smirk “Get straight to the point, why don’t you?” I shrugged. “I have a non-disclosure agreement she signed which I don’t think she remembers and a whole conversation about us agreeing to this was recorded which she doesn’t know about.” My smile turned wide and I jump from my place ad onto his lap sans my plate.

Kissing every bit of his face had him laughing out loud and this is what I wanted. Him. An his laughter,

Our playfulness kisses turned into a full passionate make out which accelerated to a session o full passionate love making.

The smile that had been permanently attached on my face since Elijah stepped in my apartment, soon vanished when the case in hand came to light. After vigorously fucking me, we laid in bed trying to catch our breathing with my back to his front and his arm tightly holding me to him.

“I think we need to take a vacation angel.”  Elijah said after a few minutes breaking the silence that crowded my room.

I just nodded, closing my eyes. I knew I had to get away from this place because the thought of being anywhere- I could be found scares the crap out of me. “What did you have in mind?”

“Remember that gala in Paris? How about we extend it to a vacation.”

A smile tugged on my face as I thought about Paris still being able to be on the table for me. “I’d love that.”

“Great. We’ll leave tomorrow.” I kissed the back of my neck and whispered. “Go to sleep now angel. I’ve got you.”

“I love you” I whispered back and fell into the bliss of complete unawareness.



I woke up way too early for my meeting with Dylan. I laid snuggled with Maya for a few blissful moment, taking in her warmth. Never in a million years did I realize I could love someone as much I love her. This woman was my entire universe. How on earth can I let any harm come anywhere near her?

Sliding out of the bed, making sure not to disturb her I walked into her bathroom and started getting ready. As I was going to brush my teeth I saw a new toothbrush right next to a one Maya uses. A smiled formed on my lips as I considered this sweet gesture. It felt like a statement made by her and I loved it. With a happy heart I got ready and walked towards her and stood there taking her in.

Would I ever get enough of her? Un-fucking-likely.

I slipped out of her apartment after a few moments and started towards my office where Dylan awaited me.

The sky was still dark and as I reached my building I saw a car not so far parked from the entrance and pulled over right behind it.

I waited for a moment thinking why anyone wasn’t getting out and then left to wait for him inside.

As I entered my office I saw a head peeking through the chair opposite of mine a chuckle left me. Fucking bastard.

“You are one motherfucking asshole, my friend.”

“I’m your motherfucking asshole.” He gave me a wink and a full laugh left us as I took a seat opposite of him.

“How have you been?” I asked. I was about to as about a drink next when I saw a glass already filled with one of my finest whiskey. I raised an eyebrow towards him and he returned it with one of his damn smirk.

“Great.” He replied.

“And the Mrs?” I asked and his jaw clenched. But his face remained the same. Emotionless.

“Better.” I nodded and got right to business.

“What do you have for me?”

“He is one sick motherfucker. A grade-A paedophile and crimes so sinful that would make a man like me seem like a saint.”

“What do you mean?” I was really confused. According to Maya, he never raped her. Not that I’m ungrateful but if he is a paedophile. Why spare Maya?

“He was involved in trafficking. He would “test” little girls out and sell them but according to him virgins sold for far more.”

Blood drained from my face and I remembered Maya saying about how that fucker used to bring his friends over to look as he assaulted her.

Good God.

“We need to do something. That fucker needs to be six feet under before he even thinks about Maya.”

“I agree. Here’s the file that contains everything about him. His time in jail. His activities before etc. But keep one thing in mind.”

I raised my eyes from the file right in front of me to his as I heard the coldness in his voice. “You kill him? It will start a war because he seems to be in a great relation with Marco DeLuca.”

Fucking hell. Marco DeLuca was a mafia leader who was recognized in the circle by supplying girls to the rich and drugs to anyone who’s willing to die at the name of pleasure.
“Exactly. Marco not only buys from him. Jackson seems to be his favourite because even in jail. He didn’t not stop supplying to Marco. Apparently Jackson has a son who operated on his behalf and supplied the girls to Marco.”

I stood up, unable to process what I was hearing. Shit was far deeper than I could ever imagine. The involvement of Marco definitely complicates a lot but this needs to be done. Not only for Maya but for all this innocents girls.

Taking the bottle that was in front of Dylan, I chugged a large amount and walked towards my window.

“Looks like I’m going on a war.”

Dylan walked and stood beside me staring outside. His poster full of dominance and completely lethal.

“Looks like WE are going on a war, my friend.” I dark smile took a hold on his emotionless face and I knew blood will paint the streets of New York soon.

And I couldn’t wait.

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