Chapter 25.

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Chapter 25.


I was just down the hall from Mayas apartment, with a big bouquet of her favourite sunflowers when I heard loud screeching screams. My heart leaped out when I realized it was from her apartment and rushed. "Maya!" I yelled hoping she would hear but her screams only seemed to accelerate. Worst possible scenarios rushed through my mind while I tried to break down the door.

I rushed inside and found nothing out of the ordinary. The screams seemed to stop but my heart pounded harder. Following my instincts I entered her bedroom only to find her unconscious on the floor with nothing but a towel wrapped around her.

I moved my gaze around the room looking for an intruder or anything that might have caused her this much distress and rushed towards her. I knelt beside her moving her on my lap. "Maya, Angel wake up." Worry clutching my bones when I saw how pale she looked. Moving my eyes over her I looked for anything that might show she's hurt but nothing caught my sight.

I picked her up and placed her on the bed covering her up with a blanket. I turned around to look for her clothes when my shoes nudged something. I peered down and saw her phone.

Confusion filled me as I picked it up and opened her phone. Going through it I saw she got a call mere minutes ago and called it back.

"Miss, Campbell I'm sorry I had to be the barrier of such bad news. I know this is extremely inconvenient of you but I would prefer if you go underground for a few days. Take a vacation. When the situation with Mr Pierce is settled you can come back"

"What situation?" I was burning with fury when I heard the name of the demon from my angels past.

"Who is this?" The man asked his voice filled with uncertainty.

"I'm Maya's fiancé. I'd like to know what this situation you're talking about that cause her this distress." The lie slipped through my tongue but it felt right. But as I looked her I got more determined to make this work and I will do whatever it takes to make her mine again. Forever.

"Oh Mr...?"

"Frost. Elijah Frost." I said my voice held the usual authority that got me what I wanted.

Silence filled the line for a couple of seconds and then a throat cleared. Hello Mr Frost, I'm Jacob Arnold. I was given the case of Miss Campbell against her culprit. I called to inform Miss. Campbell about the release of her stepfather Mr Jackson Pierce."

Every part of my body froze upon hearing that. How was it possible that a disgusting guy like him can be released before his actual date? "What did you say? How is that possible?"

"He was released because of his good behavior. I suggest that Miss Campbell takes a vacation. I'm sure you know he's a dangerous vengeful man and he might come after her for retribution."

Pure terror filled me as I looked at Maya. How much more till her suffering would end? "Thank you for letting me know Mr Arnold." I ended the call before he could reply and took a step near her.

I toed of my shoes and slid under the covers beside her, wrapping her tightly in my arms. Although she was unconscious I didn't wake her. Knowing that the darkness behind those lids would keep her safe till reality pushes back in. And when it does I would be the one who would protect her. She's mine and anyone would have to go through me to get to her. But even then I would rise from the grave and protect her. I've got her.



I woke up with a gasp, my heart beating a mile. I couldn't get a hold of my bearings as if my mind was stuck on one thought. A thought I never wanted to get a hold of but won't let me go. He was free. He was released and he would come after me.

Remotely, I heard someone shouting my name but I couldn't grasp it. My throat close up and it was hard to get air through my lungs. Trying to pull in as much as it could was a much harder task than I thought.

All thoughts left me as soon as a set of lips slammed onto mine. My mouth opened on its own as if it sensed the familiarity of person.

As If I was thrown back to the earth, all my sense woke at once and a strong manly musk filtered in my nose. Telling me the person on the other side is the one I wanted with me all along.

"Angel." He breathed and I choked on a sob trying hard to keep the tears in me. I didn't want to open my eyes afraid whether I would want him near me. But I did. Realistically I shouldn't want anything to do with this man. But I couldn't let go.

Wrapping my arms tighter around him, I pulled him into me. Needing his warmth like never before.

"I need you Elijah. Please." My voice was hoarse but the need to water was much much less than my need for him.

"I'm here angel. Let me help you." I nodded and he pulled back to look at me, his arms still tightly wounded around me. "Look at me." I hesitated which made him groan out like he was in pain. "Don't hide from me angel. Let me see you. I need to see your eyes."

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. God, this man was so beautiful. I lifted my hand as if in a haze. My fingers running over his cheekbone and a tear slipped through my eye. I missed him. So much.

He seemed as miserable as I was. Dark circles surrounded his eyes and his frown lines more prominent. And that weirdly made me feel a little better.

He leaned towards my touch as if he wanted nothing more than that.

"I'm so sorry angel." It shocked me to my core as I saw his eyes wet with tears. "I will fix everything. Just give me a chance to." He moved forward as if to fill any space that was left between us. My tears freely running now. Overwhelmed with everything that was happening in my life. I wasn't this strong to handle everything and I needed someone to carry my burden with me.

I needed him.

"Promise me." I said in a voice not above a whisper. "Promise me that she isn't your wife."

"I swear to my entire life she isn't. It was just a façade to show my father. I have proof about that. She doesn't mean shit to me." He said eagerly, eyes filled with hope but uncertainly as well. I couldn't help but let hope bloom into me as well.

"And promise me that you'll not let me go. I need you now more than ever Elijah."

"I won't. Ever. I'll sort everything out."

"Elijah. He's been released." I said as I started sobbing. It felt real as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

Elijah tensed and held me tighter. My head rested on his chest hearing his furious pounding of his heart.

"I know. There's nothing on this earth that will hurt you and I swear to you on my life. I will kill that bastard before he can even think about hurting a hair on your head."

I closed my eyes as I let his words sink in. And I was filled with nothing but relief. This man would never hurt me or let anyone hurt me again. His possessive nature was the one thing I loved the most and I knew I would be safe as long as I have him by my side.

"I love you angel." He whispered as if he was reluctant to my reaction.

"I love you too. I tried so hard to forget about you but it was impossible. You already have my heart and I don't think I can ever have it back even if I want to." I said moving back to look in his eyes. "I should have given you a chance to talk. To tell me. But I was selfish. I'm sorry."

"Fuck Maya, never apologize about doing what your heart say. You were hurt and I would love to be your punching bag as long as you let me love you later." He said with a devilish smile that made me laugh out loud. And it felt good.

Although Kyle tried very hard to cheer me up. My smiles always seemed force. But now that my heart felt light, my smiles were genuine now that I had Elijah back.

I knew this happiness was temporary until the situation about Jackson and Jennifer wasn't diminished but I had to be strong now. Had to fight any battle to achieve my happily ever after. I deserved it and so did Elijah. We will fight both our demons and win.

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