Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.

Its been a week since I've started working EJF and It couldn't have gone any better. After the conversation with Mr. Frost that night everything was running smoothly. No awkwardness at all and I was heavily grateful.

I was deeply invested in the file Mr. Frost gave me and didnt hear anyone enter. I was startled by a high clap sound right by my ear and turned to see Maria standing behind me with laughing her ass off.

"What is the matter with you Maria" I chastised, My hand still on my pounding heart.

"Its so easy to startle you Maya. Its really funny." She uttered between her annoying laughs.

"Glad I can be the source of your entertainment" Rolling my eyes, I turned around and started working on my file again.

"Stop being a drama queen and lets go" She slammed my file shut keeping a firm hand on it. It was her turn to roll her eyes when she saw my confused face. "Its lunch time princess. Lets go."

Taking a deep breath. I close my laptop and followed Maria out. The elevator opened and Elijah stepped out looking oh so hot in his pitch black Armani suit. His eyes instantly met mine and held them looking at me with those beautiful intense grey eyes.

" Hey Elij.. I meant Mr. Frost. Care to join us for lunch?" my head snapped towards Maria when I heard her. Why would she say that?

"Please go ahead and enjoy. I had a meeting and ate there" He said to Maria. But his eyes still locked on mine. It was like he couldnt look away.

I dont know if I was relieved or disappointed.

We moved into the elevator and I looked up and saw him still staring at me. His eyes darken and looking straight at me like he wanted to devour me. Like he wanted to possess me. The past week had been nothing but professional between us. And now seeing his eyes darken like that had me wanting something that was out of question. Something being him.

"What was that all about?" Maria gushed as soon as the elevator closed.

"Nothing" I said trying to dismiss whatever connection I felt.

But this was Maria. In a week she is able to recognize my lies. "Sure baby. Sure"

Maria had the tendency to be kind to anyone. She was the only one who was welcoming enough to make this week bearable.

"Lets have a night out. Just us girls. We can call Kate and Kyle as well" She winked and it reeked of mischief. What was going on with her?

* * * * *

Returning back to the office I was immediately summoned by Mr. Frost. Feeling jittery all over the place I think tentatively knocked on his door. Hearing an authoritative come in had me on the edge. This was not going to be easy. The look he gave me this morning was still stuck in my mind.

Walking inside lot more confidently then I actually felt, I was consumed with his manly, musky scent. Something changed the moment I saw that look in his eyes this morning.

He looked up from his papers as soon as he heard me come in. The intensity was back, with a gleam of possessiveness I've never seen before. Not knowing what to do, I stood in front of his desk. Waiting for him to speak up.

".How was your week Miss Campbell?" He leaned forward, elbows on his desk, hands under his chin. "I hoped you enjoyed being here as much as we enjoyed having you"

Oh God!

What was going on. I didnt want him looking at me like I was his next meal. Because I knew I would jump on that chance. And that would the worst thin because the memory of the last time was still fresh. I didnt forget my fear and it would take a lot more to forget that.

"It has been an honor working with you Mr. Frost" I was surprised with my steady voice when my insides were a huge pool of nerves. "This experience couldn't get any better"

"I think it can" There it was again. That deep throaty voice that had my insides melting all over again. I suddenly remembered his hands all over me. His softy just firm lips on mine.

"Excuse me?" For a moment panic seized me. What if he was like Max. But I dismissed that thought immediately. He was nothing like that creep Max. When Mr. Frost touched me. Every internal battle calmed. How can that be any wrong.

"I meant" leaning back in his chair with a amusing gleam in his eyes. Like he knew what naughty thoughts ran through my head. "Theres a gala in Paris a week. And I want you to accompany me. 

We will be staying there for a few days considering I have a meeting there."

Wait. What?

I knew my face showed extreme shock. My jaw was literally on the floor. "Paris?" thats all I could mutter.

He let out a soft yet manly laugh that had my thoughts distracted from the beautiful romantic country that was my dream vacation destination.

Immediately catching myself i said "Of course Mr. Frost. Whatever you need."

Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone a second later. He straightened "I would need you to confirm with Mr. Corentine's P.A. His contacts and information is in the file I gave you yesterday" His tone suddenly bossy and irritated and I couldnt help but get a whiplash by his moods.

"Yes Mr. Frost. Is there anything else?"

"That would be all" His eyes on the papers in front of him, dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

What the hell?

Nodding, I left.

Going to Marias desk I told her about the trip and as usual her excitement was over the top.

"You are going to Paris" The let out a squeal clapping her hands in that same five year old way. 

"We have so much shopping to do. We can call up Kate and set it up this weekend"

I rolled my eyes but internally I was just as excited.

* * * * *

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