Chapter 28.

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Chapter 28.


After proper goodbyes and with teary eyes, Kyle and Dave left me with Elijah to stay at Dave’s.

Elijah turned to me and held my hands. “We need to be in the airport in an hour. If you can be done in about ten minutes, we can leave and stop by my apartment to get my stuff.”

After Elijah asked me to pack my bags I did the complete opposite. I just sat on the bed letting my mind wander to various dark thoughts. After I was almost to a point of mental break did Kyle entered my room and told me his plan to stay at Dave’s.

“It might take more than ten minutes. You can leave and I’ll meet you there?” I said my gaze never moving from his.

He scoffed at hearing that. “I’ll come pick you up.” I opened my mouth to protest but he swooped in and shut me up with his kiss. “I’ll be back in half an hour. You need to be ready by then.”

I nodded and he gave me his most dazzling smile that set all my worries to the end of my brain.

He turned me towards my bedroom and swatted my butt. “Get going baby before I throw everything to caution and take you right here and right now.” With a wink my way he turned around and said “And pack light. If I have it my way, we might not leave the hotel room at all.” and left, leaving me rubbing the sting away but also with a huge happy smile.

I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water. As I made my way towards it, the front door knocked. With a smile I hurried towards it with a smile on my face thinking what on earth Elijah left behind. “If you don’t leave now baby, I will most definitely throw every caution out the window.” I said as I opened the door. What was behind that close door could never prepare me for this. 

After breaking up with him, never did it even occur to me that I might see him again. Standing in front of me was the man who I willingly gave myself too. The man who never gave me what I actually wanted. So why on earth was he here? “T…Tom?” I voice filled with incredulity. “What are you doing here?”

“Hello sweetheart.” My chest tightened when I heard hat endearment but I shoved it away. He looked really different now. With a span of a year he had gained more muscles and his smile, which was never sweet before yet held some warmth, was filled with an indescribable evil intent. “Mind if I come in? Or would you rather we take a walk?”

My heart pounded with fear as I saw something dark flash through his eyes. My hold tightened on the knob as I prepared myself to slam it shut on his face.

It was like he saw my intent as a demonic smile took over his and within seconds he was inside my apartment with the door slammed shut behind us. His hand held my throat in a rough hold which my back pressed to the wall.

Every intention I had to scream out loud turned to dust when his grip tightened in way that made it harder to inhale an inch of air. How could I go from smiling to being held in a chokehold in a span of 2 minutes?

Was it possible that Elijah was still downstairs? If I could escape him, could I reach Elijah on time? Or maybe he did forget something and might come back up and see how I’m being held captive with my now psychotic ex-boyfriend.

None of that happened but I was brought out of my panic when his hold loosed and immediately my lunges went to grasp in greedy breathes. Not knowing if that luxury will still be with me. “Do you have any idea how fucking much I hate you? You think you’re so wise? Wise enough to leave me?” He pulled me forward and slammed my head back against the wall, making me scream out in pain. My eyes blacked out but before I could lose consciousness he smacked me right on my cheek. “Oh no you don’t, you bitch? After everything you made me go through, you think this will be that easy for you.” He breathing turned harder as I tried to make sense of his words. “You will be tortured the way my dad was for the past twelve years.”

His words didn’t make sense to me at all. I tried to stable myself to ask what he meant but before I had the chance he removed something from his pocket and stuffed it on my nose and mouth blocking every source of air that is, again. “You will feel what real pain is you fucking bitch. What my father did was nothing to what you made him endure in return, I will avenge him. By doing what he had planned for you from the very first day he stepped foot in your life.”

I thought the worst was over. That his sickening laughter would have been the last thing I heard as my eyes rolled back but with a smack he held my chin and moved closer. His menacing eyes were of no comparison to what his words did to me. “And by the way, my name’s Thomas Pierce, you nasty slut.” And I was drowned in the darkness which could no longer save me.


I was drowning. There was no other way to describe as my lungs constricted. I fought and fought to get to the surface to save myself. But who knew that the place which I thought could be my safety path could turn out to be a burning hell.

Gasping I tried sitting up as freezing cold water marred my organs. Panic speared into me as I tried again. Only then did I feel my arms and legs being bound on the hard surface I was laid down to. I turned my head left and right not paying mind to my aching brain. As I tried to figure out what the ever loving fuck happened to me.

Why? Why when everything starts to go my way. It gets snatched back like I never deserve it. Fate might hate my guts coz that bitch can’t see me happy. Ever.

Every moment came flashing back to me. Tom, pinning me to the wall. Avenging his father? Thomas Pierce. My eyes widened as the name came to me. Pierce. Jackson Pierce. Was it possible that Tom was Jackson’s son?

Fuck Fuck Fuck.

I tried to release a scream as my headache took over every thought of mine but my voice was shoved back by the cloth that gagged my mouth.

Before any other thought could enter my mind and give ore agony to my already broken soul. The door slammed open the man who brought me to my demise presented himself with his nasty demonic smile on place.

“Well well well. If it isn’t Princess Maya who finally decided to grant us poor souls with her presence.”

My body recoiled in disgust when he sat down beside me in a rustic metal bed that scrapped loudly beneath his weight.

“How’s my little girl doing? Is she ready to meet daddy dearest.”

Pure antagonize fear swept in as tears started running down my face and sobs shattering my body.

If he was who really said he was. If he was actually Jacksons son. This might be the last day I survive.

“ELIJAHHHHH” I tried to scream but his name was muffled in this disgusting gagged that was shoved down my mouth.

“What? What did you just say?” Tom leaned forwards as if to hear clearly to what I was saying. The clear mocking when he shoved his ear near my mouth. “Scream again. I always loved it when you screamed lovebird.” He moved back and tapped his finger on his chin as if in thought.

“But I don’t think it’s of any use to scream the name you just did. Elijah wasn’t it?” My eyes widened with fear. Why didn’t it occur to me that he might have hurt him? The difference to when Elijah left my apartment and when Tom arrived would give him the perfect opportunity to attack Elijah.

“That’s right.” He snapped his finger as if he just solved the problem to world hunger. “Elijah Frost. Too bad that was the last time you saw him. The bullet I speared through his skull did wonders to my cock. Would you like to see what his bloody body did to me?”

Nothing else mattered as the only thing that echoed through my mind was Elijah was dead.

There was no way he could die. This bastard was lying. Elijah promised to protect me and he will. This measly pest could never hurt him.

“What?” Tom asked when he saw pure anger on my face. “You don’t believe me? Wait let me show you.” He removed something from his pocket. After a second a bright light blurred my sight as he shoved his phone right in front of me. “See it yourself.”

It was a live broadcast of a famous news channel. The blond beautiful reporter sat in front of a wide screen which was covered in Elijah pictures. “Just this morning, a tragic news that has most certainly caused grief to reside in many peoples heart. Famous business tycoon Elijah Frost was found dead in an ally at Bedford Avenue. Many say that the death could be by a mugger but some do that this was a planned murder……”


Elijah was dead.

Elijah was murdered just I was too selfish. To fucking selfish.

A scream ripped through my body as the horrific word danced back in my mind.


This fucking bastard murdered the man who was my everything. And look how fucking helpless I am. Instead of trying to escape his fucking clutch. Instead of finding a way to escape and avenge my love, I find myself waiting. Waiting for the death that would lead my back to the arms of the man who could bring back the light that had been darkened by my monsters.

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