Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13

Ambroise is one of the most elite restaurants in America and here I was sitting in front of the most gorgeous person to ever exist.

When we entered, the only fear I had was if there was no table available. Considering the bookings were full for the next two months. But as soon as the waitress saw Elijah, she took us straight to a private table where we were hidden from the gawking eyes of the people who were already dining.

When I asked Elijah why were all staring all he said was "Consider how beautiful you look? I don't blame them" But I couldn't help but disagree. If they were gawking. It was only because Elijah Frost was right there in front of them looking good enough to eat.

Elijah, being the gentleman he is, pull the chair for me to sit and took a seat in front of me. I was thankful when the menus were given to us. I needed an escape from those devilish molten eyes.

How did my life come to this? Where nothing but darkness consumes me everywhere I turn. Elijah is the only person who shines so bright among that darkness to wash it away. But how long will he stay being that light. That angel?

I looked up from the menu and shift my gaze straight to his. Telling me to give him a chance. A chance to discover his darkness that lures behind those gorgeous grey eyes. To save him as much I want to be saved. But can I do that? Can I risk myself for his intense alluring man?

"I can't say this enough but you look breath-taking in that dress" He said never taking his eyes away from me.

Hoping to god my blush isn't visible through my makeup I reply "Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself. This tie looks amazing on you, really brings out your eyes." great Maya. Why not just declare your unconditional love for him BE SMOOTH

His lips turned up in a half smile "I have a feeling you have some weird obsession with my eyes"

I did and there's was no way he will ever get me to admit it.

"And may I ask, what made you feel that way?"

"The day at the club, the first thing you said was 'You have beautiful eyes'." His half smile turned into a full grin when he saw my blush. Guess the makeup was the best armor I thought it was.

"You can hold that over me. I was drunk out of my mind." Looking anywhere but him. I found myself weirdly fascinated with the paintings on the wall behind Elijah. "I can't believe you remember that"

His chuckle made me snap my glaze to his "I remember every single second I spend with you Maya"

Oh my God. He needs to stop being this charming because I'm seconds away from jumping his bones. Taking a deep breathe I let go.

"Elijah." He straightened when he heard how serious my tone got. Looking straight at his eyes. "I don't think this. Us. Is a good idea"

All playfulness left him when his face became a mask of nothing. "And why do you think that Maya?"

He really needs to stop saying my name like that if he wants me to concentrate. Even now, when there's was nothing erotic between us. I couldn't help but feel severely aroused. Yup, I'm screwed.

"For once, which is a reason good enough, you're my boss. I can't be the girl who dates her boss to get her way on top" and I know that would happen. Ever since day one I've been getting enough looks for being his assistant. What would happen if people knew we were together? 

"And secondly, if this happens and we split after you've had your fill. And that will happen. What will happen to me? This job is my everything right now. I've worked really hard for this and I won't let it all of this go down the drain just because you all of sudden want me."

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