Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17.


I left Elijah's room, only to see I was alone. Neither Jayden nor Maria were in sight. My smile turned into a full grin when I wondered if something might happen between those two.

Maria is one of the most amazing and nice person I know, and I want nothing but happiness for her.

As soon as I reach my desk, I swamped with work. Not realizing about my surroundings I'm startled when Maria sauntered in and place a vase full of sunflowers on my desk. "For you, babe" 

She winked and walked back to her desk.

I didn't even notice when she returned back and when I looked towards the clock it showed it's been two hours since I've been engrossed in my work. My eyes moved to the bright yellow display of my favourite flowers and nothing but pure joy filled me. How did he know these were my favourite?

Finding a card between them. My heart was beating so loud, I was sure if anyone was near me they would definitely hear it. Opening the card, I read the only two words that showed his ownership over me:

You're mine.EF.

That's all it took for him to claim me and claim me he did.

I pulled the bouquet towards me, taking a sniff. My smile making the muscle of my face hurt, but there was no way it would leave.

Taking my phone out of my bag, I texted him.

M: 'Only yours. Thank you for the flowers. I love them'

His response was immediate.

E: 'What flowers?'

I rolled my eyes but my smile was still intact. I opened the camera app and took a photo of me with those said flowers and send it to him.

M: 'These flowers.'

E: 'Still don't know what you're talking about Angel'

I shook my head and tried to play his game instead.

M: 'Well I guess then I need to find who was responsible to make me this happy. I need to thank them personally. Maybe take him out for a nice thank you dinner'

The second my message was read, my desk phone started ringing. I picked it up, knowing who was on the other side "What can I do for you Mr. Frost"

"In my office. Now"

With a smug smile on my face, I got up and left for his office, giving a wink to Maria's devilish expression.

Knocking on his door, I waited for his 'come in' but instead he opened the door. And he was pissed. My smile got even wider looking at his expression which only seems to piss him more off.

"Is there something you wanted Mr. Frost" His lips twitched at my tone but he seemed be intended to stay angry.

He took a step back, making way for me to enter. A silent command to enter. The door shut with a bang and I tried to get my serious face on. But on the inside I was amused as hell.

He moved in front of me, his hands stuffed in his pant pockets. "How many times do I have to say that you're mine and you'll finally get the gist of it?" His voice calm but his expression was anything but.

"Well Mr. Frost" I started, a slight smile broke my serious exterior. Taking a step towards him so we were chest to chest, I continued. "You know what they say. Action speaks louder than words." 

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