Movie Night

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(Also my story is after the krampus came- so no one was affected in the time of this story)

It was 7pm and Hope had just told Lizzie to find Landon. She thought it would be safer to have him here, at the school rather than out wherever in the world with a werewolf (rafael)

Hope's POV:

I told Lizzie to pick Landon up about 10 minutes ago. The locater spell I did said they weren't too far away so they should be back within the next 30 minutes. I am just in my room lounging on my bed, thinking about what has happened today. I met Santa. Like actual Santa. I never believed he could exist but I guess it shouldn't come to much of a surprise because of all the monsters we have encountered recently. I hear a nock on my door before I sit up and shout "come in!" I look at the person entering my room, it's Josie.

Josie's POV:

I walk down the school corridor and turn left, heading to Hope's room. I nock once and hear her shout 'come in!' I walk in the room, closing the door behind me. "Hey" I say turning back around from closing the door. "Hi Josie. What's up?" She is sitting on the end of her bed looking up at me. I take a step closer to Hope and begin to speak "I need to speak to you. Please" Hope pats a spot on her bed next to her telling me to sit down. I sit next to her and look at her eyes. Those blue eyes, they're so beautiful. "What's the matter, Josie?" Hope places her hand on my arm and listens as I talk "I just wanted to tell you that um. I.. I just." Hope removes her hand from my arm and places it on my hand. "You can talk to me Josie. Tell me what's up." Hope's voice is soft and almost like a whisper.

Hope's POV:

Josie is trying to tell me something but she seems nervous. I move my hand from her arm down to her hand. I look at her hand and then look back up at Josie. "You can talk to me Josie. Tell me what's up." I don't know what she has to tell me, but it seems pretty serious. She looks at me but turns away and looks at the floor "it doesn't matter" I'm confused. Whatever she had to say seemed important. Why would she do all that and then just say it doesn't matter? "It clearly does matter. Just tell me what's on your mind" Josie shook her head and mumbled "not important." I could tell it was important, she just no longer wanted me to know, for some reason. "Josie-" I get cut off by the sound of my ringtone. I look over at my phone, Lizzie was calling me. Josie sees me looking at it "it's okay, pick it up" I turn my phone off and look at Josie "no, it's fine. I just want to talk to you. I want you to talk to me. I want you to tell me whatever's bothering you. Please Josie." Before Josie could even speak, my phone goes off again. I bow my head knowing it's probably important so I have to answer it. "Lizzie again?" I look over at my phone and pick it up. "Yeah. Look Josie I'm gonna have to answer but once the call is done I want you to tell me what you wanted to talk about, Okay? Josie doesn't respond. I sigh and answer the phone. "Hey Lizzie what's up?" Lizzie tells me Landon is nowhere to be found. I reply telling her to come back- "well there's not much more we can do really. Just come back and I'll look tomorrow." We both say bye and I put the phone down. My eyes wander and look down at my hand, it's still interlocked with Josie's. I look up at Josie and smile. I shuffle closer to her leaving hardly any space between us. "What was that call about?" I know Josie is just avoiding saying whatever she wants to say but I still reply "Lizzie went to get Landon but couldn't find him"

Josie's POV:

I ask Hope what the call was about. Mostly to avoid taking about the whole situation about what I want to tell her. But also because I'm curious. She said Lizzie went to get Landon but couldn't find him. I feel bad for Hope. He left me but he also left Hope, the love of his life. "Oh. I'm sorry" Hope saw the apologetic look on my face "you didn't do anything, you have nothing to be sorry about. Plus it's fine , I'm going to find him tomorrow and talk to him. Do you want to come with me?" I look at Hope, startled by what she just asked me "wait you want me to come with you to find Landon?" I was sort of confused she walked because it would be an bit of an awkward car ride in the way back. She looks at me, recognising why I'm hesitant. "Josie, you don't have to come. I just wanted company, your company, that's all." I can see Hope really does want me to come, so I agree "Okay, I'll come" Hope smiles at me "thank you Josie" she turns to look at her phone and then turns back to look at me "Do you want to watch a movie with me? We have time, it's only 7:35" curfew is 9:30 so we have just under 2 hours. "Sure I'll just text Lizzie telling her I won't be back until about 9:25" I reach down into my pocket to grab my phone, but soon realise I left it in my dorm. I turn to Hope "I left my phone in my room, can I use yours?" Hope hands me her phone and says "Sure" I text Lizzie 'hey Lizzie, it's Josie. I just wanted to tell you I won't be back until later tonight, I'm watching a movie with Hope.' I hit send and get an immediate response 'okay. Don't have fun without me then. See you tonight' I roll my eyes at her response and Hope looks at me and chuckles. Hope gets up, removing her hand from mine and walks over to pick up her laptop. "What do you want to watch?" She walks over sitting back down on her bed. I shuffle back and say "whatever you want, I don't mind" she chuckles again and looks at me "You're about to regret saying that"

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