Without Her

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Hope's POV:

I have just come back to New Orleans and my childhood home. I texted Dr Saltzman when I got here to let him know I had arrived. Aunt Freya, Keelin And Nik were all in the living room. The women were playing with their son. Aunt Rebekah was in the kitchen, probably looking for wine and Marcel was out trying to control his vampires. Apparently, they have been acting out of character recently and Marcel thinks they've somehow been mind controlled.

I thought maybe it was compulsion but only the original vampires can do that and the only living originals were Uncle Kol, Aunt Rebekah and me. None of us compelled them nor have reason to so that theory was blown out the window.

According to Marcel, they have been killing humans and being sloppy about it. Soon enough, people like the police and locals will catch on and realise that an animal couldn't do what they have done. That's way Marcel needs to get them back under his control so right now, he's gathering them all in the french quarter to talk to them and investigate the bizarre occurrence.

I, however, am sitting in my old room, lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. Josie has probably read my letter by now. I'm just waiting for her to call me, and I know Josie, which is why I know she'll probably call me and try to convince me to come back, then when I don't she'll ignore me for a period of time and then she'll feel bad for ignoring me and call me to apologise. That's how I imagine this will go.

I am staring at her name in my contacts, my finger hovering over the call button. The reason I haven't pressed it yet is because I want her to call me first. And as if on cue, my phone starts ringing and the name on the screen reads 'My princess 💖'

I answer it and put the phone to my ear. "Josie" I say. "Are you there already?" She asks, her voice shaky. I can tell she's been crying and it breaks my heart even more "yeah" I say quietly. "Why did you have to leave?" She sobs. "Josie, I wish I didn't have to but-" she cuts me off. "But you needed to protect me, yeah you said that already in your stupid letter" she says coldly. "I'm really sorry but I'll be back soon, I promise" I desperately try to convince her I'll be back soon although I'm not fully convinced myself. "You can't promise that. You don't know how long you'll be gone" she says. "You're right. But what I can promise is that I'll at least try to be back soon" I tell her.

There's a moment of silence on both ends until she speaks up. "I hate you" she says, her voice no longer shaky. "I'm sorry" I say sadly. "Stop saying that.. please" she raises her voice slightly. "Well what do you want me to say?" I ask with slight attitude. "That you love me" she answers. "You know I love you Josie" I reply with confusion. "I want you to mean it. Like I do" she says. Now I'm really confused. "I do mean it" I tell her honestly. "Then why aren't you with me right now? Why aren't you holding me and kissing me?" She asks, raising her voice. "I wish I could baby, you know I do. I just have some things to sort out before I can. It's not safe for you if I come back" I tell her with sorrow evident in my voice. "Can you at least astral project?" She asks me, calmer this time. "I will. Everyday" I say. "That better be a promise" she says. "It is" I assure her.

"I love you" she sniffles. "Oh so you hated me a minute ago and 7now you love me?" I joke. "I don't hate you. That was a lie and you know it was. I just hate that you left me" she says. "I hate that I left you too" I agree. "I just don't understand why" she says. "Because The necromancer wanted me, and if I stayed at the school every student, including you, would be in danger" I explain. "You could've taken me with you" she states. "It would be dangerous for you" I say. "Not if you were there to protect me" she says. "But the thing is I can't promise to protect you. I don't know when they'll be back and if you got hurt I would never forgive myself" I tell her. "Did you even consider how I would feel when you decided to just randomly leave?" She asks bitterly. "Of course I did, Jo. It's best for you this way" I say. "What's best for me is you! You've always been best for me, Hope" she yells. "Not this time" I reply. "I have to go" She firmly says. "Wait! Josie?" I stop her before hanging up. "What?" She spits out. I can imagine the look of her face right now and I'd say it isn't a happy one. "I love you too" I let a tear escape my eye. I hear silence and then the call ends.

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