The Ritual

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*In Ponza*

Lizzie's POV:

We are in the car on our way to Le Forna. It should be a short ride. I asked dad how long it should take, he said around 15 minutes but with Hope's time crunch situation, we're going to try to be quicker.

I see Josie constantly looking at Hope. I know she's worried, I am too if I'm honest, but we shouldn't worry because she's going to be fine. I know it. I just know it.

Other than a few questions, no one talked for the 9 minutes we were in the car. 9 minutes. Dad saved 6 minutes with his driving. Bonus.

Now comes the hardest part, actually finding the skull in the amount of time we have. I don't know if dad knows where it is already, or even has an idea, but it would help if he does.

I admit, I do care about Hope. I always have.. well, ever since I found out she didn't actually spread those rumours about me and it was just Josie. Before that, I disliked her because I thought she told everyone I was witch bi-polar. I didn't hate her though, hate is a very strong emotion. The only real hate I've ever felt for anyone is Penelope Park. She broke my sisters heart without warning. It all happened so fast and it broke Josie, seeing Penelope kissing someone else. At the time, I wasn't stable. I wasn't mentally healthy and I was constantly having episodes. Because of all this, I was so worried about myself when I should've been worried about Josie and I should've been there for her. But I wasn't, instead, I was oblivious to the fact that my sister was clearly upset and angry. She loved Penelope, she was never in love with her, but she did love her. She admitted this soon after their breakup. She said she couldn't be in love with anyone if she was already in love with Hope.

As soon as the car comes to a sudden stop, I snap out of my thoughts and exit the car. Dad and Dorian are taking about something and looking at a map and Josie and Hope are.. ew. Making out. I pull out my phone and take a picture of the pair. I post it to Instagram and caption it 'This is what I have to deal with 24/7. Hell on earth really does exist'. I smirk at myself and post the photo.

Hope and Josie are still.. ew. Making out. So I take one of my sneakers off and throw it at the two. "Get a room!" I whine. They both giggle and break apart. "I'm sorry Lizzie, are we disturbing you?" Hope asks in a joking tone. "I think you're disturbing everyone" I roll my eyes. "Girls, stop bickering. Come on, we know where the skull is" my dad says. "So where is it?" Josie asks my dad. "We managed to narrow it down to a church not too far from here. It is believed that the skull is located there" My dad explains. "Why would it be at a church?" Hope questions. "We don't know, but for now, let's go find the skull" Dorian announces himself.

I swiftly grab my shoe and put it back on before getting back in the car for a short journey to this church. Dorian mentioned the name of the church, but it was a mouthful, all I got from it was 'Maria Santissima' or something. I was too tired and uninterested to take notice.

Alaric's POV:

After a short drive, we arrived at the church that supposedly contains the golden skull. I tell Lizzie and Josie to stay in the car while me and Hope are heading to find the skull. I didn't need to tell Dorian to stay in the car, he already did.

"Where would it be?" Hope murmured, wondering aloud. "I'll check in the back" I tell her. I head to the back of the church after receiving a nod from Hope. After about six minutes of searching, I saw the skull. It was on display so it was pretty hard to miss. I grab the skull, careful to check for any traps or anything since it didn't have a case, and let Hope know I have it before we both head back to the car.

*After Hope and Alaric had left the car*

Josie's POV:

"Are you worried" Lizzie asks me. "Of course I am, she's literally on the brink of death" I reply. "She's going to be fine" she says softly. I love this side of Lizzie and although not many people see it, it's there. "But what if we take too long and she dies? Or what if we do the ritual wrong and it doesn't work? Or what if-" my rambling ends as Lizzie's voice is known. "Jo, I promise you she's going to be fine. She's not dying, not today at least." She reassures me. "Why are you so mean to her?" I ask. She sighs "you know I can't help it" I shake my head. "That's a lie. You can Lizzie, I know you can. You're nice to me" I reason with her. "You're different Jo, you're family" she insists. "That's not the reason Lizzie. The reason you're nice and gentle with me is because you trust me, you confide in me. You trust that I won't hurt you in any way. Why can't you trust Hope?" I question her. She doesn't reply. "Unless you do. You trust her because of her but more so because of me. You trust in my decision to confide in her. You're just afraid to admit it but I think you actually like Hope" I summarise. She looks at me, speechless. If this is any indication, I'm right.

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