So Much For Quick

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Josie's POV:

Waking up in Hope's arms will forever be my favourite mornings. The way she holds me close to her, like she's protecting me from all the dangers of the night. It melts my heart.

My attention shifts to her rubbing her eyes and yawning. Adorable.

"Good morning babe" she mumbles. God, I love her so much. "Morning" I reply with a giggle. "What's got you all giggly?" She asks as she finally opens her eyes and looks at me. "You" I tell her. She smiles and leans in to give me a quick kiss. "Oh so now you don't care about morning breath?" I roll my eyes as she laughs. "I forgot. Sorry" she apologises. "Don't be" I respond and give her another kiss.

"I love you" she says as she rests her hand on my cheek. "I love you too" I say back. She places a kiss on my forehead and wraps me in her arms again.

"I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend, you are amazing" she mutters. "No, you are amazing. The world doesn't deserve you" I reply. "If you keep saying things like that soon I'm actually gonna start believing you" she chuckles. "You should, I'm not lying when I say things like that" I tell her. "Likewise then" she says. "I don't lie when saying those things either" she adds. "I would hope not" I say. She lets out a small laugh and tightens her grip on me.

Not even five minutes later, there's a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Hope yells. "It's me. Are you both decent?" Her aunt Freya asks. Me and Hope look at each other and it's only then when I realise we are still naked. "We will be.. in a second" Hope shouts. I hear her aunt laugh at Hope's comment. I whack her on the shoulder before quickly putting on the only clothes that I had packed, thanks to my little suitcase.

"Come in" Hope says after we both dress ourselves. "Hey lovebirds" Freya laughs. "Did you need anything?" Hope asks. "I just came to say breakfast is ready.." Freya starts. "Also, you guys weren't as quiet as you'd like to think last night. Word of advice, make sure you cast a silencing spell on the room next time, preferably before you have sex" she adds. Me and Hope look at each other, both red in the face. "Okay.. I think we got the memo. We'll be down in a minute. BYE" Hope says as she shuts the door on her aunt.

"Next time, remind me to cast the spell" she tells me. I nod vigorously and follow her and out the door and downstairs to the dining room.

"Hey guys" Hope addresses he family as we enter the dining room. "Good morning. I hope you two had a good sleep" Keelin says politely. "After last night, I'm sure they did" Kol mumbles. Hope hits the back of his head as he laughs at his own remark. "Can we all forget about last night?" Hope groans. She sits down and I follow, sitting next to her. "Except for you" she whispers in my ear and smirks as she leans back into her chair and starts eating her breakfast. "You do realise there's three vampires at this table that easily heard that, Hope" Rebekah says and Hope's smirk disappears. "Why do I keep forgetting these things?" She mutters. "Sorry Hope, can't turn off our vamp hearing" Marcel says to her.

We all eat breakfast and thankfully no one brought up last night again. Honestly, I blame Hope. She just turns me on too often and that's on her for being so damn hot. Anyways, that's beside the point. Point is, Hope's family were respectful enough not to tease us about it.. except for her uncle Kol, he kept making little jokes and snarky comments but Davina shut him up every time.

Hope's POV:

Uncle Kol cannot shut his mouth. Even my death stares aren't enough to shut him up. The only thing that can is Davina and after realising this, I suddenly became ten times more grateful for her and her existence.

I usually don't care when he makes those jokes but I knew stuff like that made Josie uncomfortable so I'm this case, I do care.

Me and Josie head back upstairs after a delicious breakfast consisting of chocolatey pancakes, heavenly beignets and other sweet foods filled with sugar.

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