"Lets just skip the movie"

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Josie's POV:

"Oh. My. God!"

Both me and Hope turn to see Lizzie standing in the doorway. Her mouth was hanging open. I awkwardly sat there, staying silent. It wasn't really an ideal situation because Hope was practically Lizzie's enemy, and she just seen me and her kissing.

It stays silent for a minute before Hope breaks the awkward silence. "Uh I think I'm just gonna go.." She says and starts to get up but as she does I tug on her hand and mouth 'stay please' she does as I say and stays. "So when did this become a thing?" Lizzie walks towards us both and her arms remain crossed. "It's not a thing. Not officially" I reply. Lizzie glares at me, still expecting a response. "We've been.. we crossed the line as friends about 2 weeks ago" Hope says, answering Lizzie's question. "Were you ever going to tell me?" Lizzie aims this question at me but I don't reply. "I'm sorry, I'm sure she would've, but I asked her not to. I didn't want anyone knowing, not yet." Hope had lied for me. She never asked me not to tell Lizzie. "Since you're not publicly gay?" Lizzie asks, she getting a little personal now. "Yea. Yea I guess so" Hope bows her head. "Were you afraid mommy and daddy wouldn't accept it? Oh wait, you don't have any" Lizzie said while laughing but it wasn't funny in the slightest. I look at Lizzie, angrily and then I turn to Hope. I can tell she's angry too, but she's more sad. I place my hand on hers and squeeze her hand, trying to comfort her. She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. "Guys I'm still here you know" Lizzie unfolds her arms and out of the corner of my eyes, I see her roll her eyes. We both ignore Lizzie, hoping she'll leave but she does the opposite. "You guys know I'm not going until I get an explanation, right?" She's so irritating. "Explanation for what?" I say, without breaking eye contact with Hope. "For this! How could you Josie? You know I hate her" By now, she's starting to raise her voice a little. "Are you joking? Our whole lives you've only thought about yourself, about your feelings and how you look and about how stressful your homework is. Have you ever thought about anyone else's feelings? Maybe your own sisters? Your own twin? Can't you just be happy for me?" By the end I start to tear up. I feel a warm hand on my thigh and I smile, knowing it's Hope's. "Josie I'm thinking about your feelings now! I'm thinking about how your going to get your heart broken again. I mean look at her, you can see the damage she causes. Her parents are dead because of her! And her uncle! I don't want you to die too" my mouth falls open at the sound of Lizzie saying that Hope practically killed her parents. "That's enough Lizzie" I look up at her with an angry, yet disappointed look. That's twice now in the past 5 minutes that she has mentioned Hopes's parents. I look over at Hope who is trying to hold back tears, but is failing miserably. I pull her into my embrace and look over to Lizzie again "you can go now" I tell her. She just roll her eyes and storms out, slamming the door behind her. I feel Hope jump at the bang it made and I hold her tighter. "It's okay to cry Hope, I would never judge you." I feel Hope nod as she lets it all out. I feel awful, I know her parents' death wasn't her fault. And it felt even worse knowing the I helped her dad die. I know she doesn't deserve everything that has happened to her. She's one of the best people I know, she kind, and loving, she's caring and smart and selfless. She's so special. Not to mention absolutely gorgeous. And the most upsetting thing if she doesn't even know her self worth. She doesn't know how amazing she is, or how her existence effects a lot of people for the better, including me.

Hope's POV:

I have been crying in Josie's arms for quite a while now, I feel so safe with her. She's my safe place. My guardian angel. I know that sounds silly and cliché but it's true. Josie is so beautiful, inside and out and anyone that knows her is lucky to have her in their life. Including me.

I stop crying and pull away from the hug. I'm so thankful to have Josie in my life and I'm thankful that she's the type of person that wouldn't leave your side until she know 's you're okay. There's not many people like that in the world so I'm lucky that I've met one of them.

"Will you be okay tonight?" She asked. "Yeah I'll be fine. Thank you Josie" I reply and give her a small smile. "Are you sure? Lizzie said some really harsh things.. I could stay with you if you want?" I smile at Josie, she's so selfless. I know that can be a bad thing, but it can also be a really good quality to have. And as selfish as it sounds, I'm glad Josie is selfless. "Are you sure? You don't have to" "no, I don't have to, I want to" okay, why is she so sweet? Ugh she's adorable I'm so happy right now. My smile grows bigger "then get comfortable, because we're having a movie night" I say smiling at her and looking in those big brown eyes that I'll never get tired of. "I love our movie nights" she says, returning a smile. "Me too. We should do them more often" "we should definitely do them more often" gosh my cheeks are tired, I can't seem to stop smiling with this girl. I reply with a smirk "we will, don't worry"

Josie's POV:

Hope and I are having a movie night tonight and I couldn't be more excited. I get to spend the night with Hope, and while I'm doing so, I can make sure she's okay and doesn't cry herself to sleep. I know it's probably hard for her not knowing where Landon is or that he's even okay, so the best thing I can do right now is be there for her. And that's why I going to do.. Or at least try.

~15 minutes later~

Hope is in the shower and I've just texted Lizzie and told her that I'm not coming back to our room tonight. I may have also asked her to apologise to Hope but I doubt she will. My thoughts are interrupted by the sight of Hope. She just walked out of the shower and she was in a towel and nothing else. Wow. She looks so hot. From her wet, dripping hair to her bare feet. I took at moment, checking her out before she noticed and said "like what you see?" She said it in a sweet voice but she was also wearing that famous Mikaelson smirk. Ugh she's so hot and she knows it. "Very much" I whispered under my breath but she still heard it. "Is that so?" She chuckled. I clear my throat and try to change the topic "uh so what um.. what are we watching?" I finally spit it out. She giggles "whatever you want" great, now I have to choose when all I want to watch is her. "Harry Potter?" I couldn't really think of anything else. "Sure, let me just get a top and shorts on. "Right, yeah sorry" I turn around to give her some privacy as she grabs her clothes and gets changed. I'm waiting for her to give me the green light to turn around when I feel warm hands creep up and wrap around my waist. I turn my head and smile seeing Hope lying beside me. I lean down and connect my lips with hers. The kiss was filled with heat and passion. I feel her tongue in my mouth and I return the favour. The kiss deepens and we only pull apart for oxygen. "Let's just skip the movie" i hear Hope says as she climbs on top of me. Her kisses move from my lips down towards my neck. She places her kisses on my neck and I moan a little. I'm trying not to make a noise since, well, you know, I don't want anyone knowing what we are doing. She moves her kisses to my collarbone and I can't help but moan louder. She places a finger over my mouth and comes back up kissing my lips before shushing me and and moving back down to my collarbone. I remove my shirt and throw it across the room, allowing her more access to my body. She reverts back to my collarbone and continues to move down. We both relieve ourselves of all our clothes and you can guess what happens after that, a lot more moans is all I'm gonna say. By the time we're done we were both lying naked, cuddling each other. "I never want to lose you" she whispered before drifting off to sleep. Even though she can't hear me, I still reply. "You won't" and with that, we both fall asleep in each other's arms.


I know this isn't as long as the others but you got some more heat in this one so I hope you guys like it 💓

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