It's Familiar

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No one's POV:

Josie was too preoccupied, drowning in her thoughts, to notice the necromancer had entered the new room she was being held in, it wasn't very different to the last.

She was thinking about everything and nothing. Hope, her family, the school, the students. They all crossed her mind at least once, but none of them stuck. Every time one thought stayed for even a second, another came, and she focussed her attention on the new thought instead.

She was lost in her own head, she felt like her mind was a maze that she couldn't escape. But that didn't matter to Josie, because she didn't want to escape. She knew that if she did, she'd have to deal with the real world, and she'd rather be trapped in her mind than in this room that the necromancer is keeping her in.

The necromancer was studying Josie, noticing that she had no awareness of anything outside her own thoughts right now. He was waiting for her to come back to reality, surprising himself in the meanwhile. He never expected himself to be this patient, one of his obvious traits is his impatience, yet here he is, waiting patiently for his prisoner to notice his presence.

He doesn't like this, he feels vulnerable. Allowing someone is holding hostage to bring out a good trait in him. It's absurd. The almighty necromancer showing this weakness and vulnerability. He suspects it has something to do with his soft spot for witches. Although he would never admit it out loud, he knew deep down he favours witches over any other supernatural being. They are the purest of supernaturals. They didn't have to kill anyone to activate their power, or die, come back from the dead and then drink blood to survive. Their magic is natural.

Though, he was completely aware that Josette was a different type of witch. She didn't have her own magic, she was a siphoner. They're looked down on, seen as abominations, mistakes even. All because they were different. They were rare. But he had nothing against siphons, in fact, he was particularly fond of one. He had met one before, other than Elizabeth and Josette. Malachai Parker. Though everyone knew him as Kai. The necromancer didn't care much about the guy or whether he was alive or not, but he did care for his evil ways.

Kai always had a plan up his sleeve. He was an evil mastermind. Incredibly smart. He always thought of every way a plan could go wrong and made sure it didn't. The necromancer admires that. Kai's knowledge was mostly based on experience. He had been plotting people's deaths since a young age. You see, when the necromancer met Kai, he learned that his family never accepted him, they treated him like the black sheep of the family. This caused major physiological issues for Kai. It literally drove him crazy. To the point where he murdered his own family. He became impulsive and developed both anger and trust issues very quickly. And ever since his first kill, he has never been the same.

There had been many times where Kai showed chances for redemption. Whether it was unintentional or not, he showed that there was hope for him. But no one was willing to believe that he could be saved. No one had faith that he could change. And become a better person. He didn't have anyone in his corner, rooting for him, encouraging him to become better. And in the end he didn't become better, because he had no one to be better for. He had no reason to change. Other than himself, but he didn't believe in himself, because he thought that if no one else could believe he could be different and change for the better, then there was no use in believing in himself and trusting himself to try to change.

So, as a result, he became a manipulative monster who was too far gone. He past the point of redemption. He was beyond crazy, he was psychotic.

And in the end, that's what got him killed.

His 'evil' mind and menacing actions were both huge factors of the reason for his death. Oh, and Alaric. Yeah, he did the dirty work.

"How long have you been standing there?" Josie asks the man who had unknowingly drifted off into his own thoughts, much like the siphon a few minutes earlier. "Doesn't matter. Come on" the necromancer says, unlocking the door with his hand that's supposed to be chopped off. "Your hand got sliced off your arm.. but it's there" Josie acknowledged. "I have a very nice witch friend who was willing to help.. with a price of course" Josie perked up at the end part of his sentence. "Price? What price? Who's your witch friend?" She asks frantically. "We'll talk over coffee, follow me" He orders and walks ahead, knowing the brunette would follow, hesitantly or not.

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