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Hope's POV:

I give Josie a purple jumper and shorts to sleep in and I grab myself a shirt and shorts. I let her get changed while I turn around, since there's nowhere she can go to get changed at this hour. "Ok done!" I hear her say and I turn back around facing Josie. "Purple suits you" I say winking at Josie playfully. "Maybe I'll steal this jumper then" we both chuckle

Josie's POV:

"Okay I'll let you get changed now" I say to Hope because she's still in her uniform. "Okay" she replies. I sit down on her bed, facing the opposite way to her and go in my phone to text Lizzie. I text Lizzie saying 'Going to sleep now. Love you' i hit send and close the text message app. I then open the photos app and check my eyebrows. Just girly stuff you know. I fix my eyebrows and pull the phone away from my face so I have a view of my whole face, but as I do I see Hope in the background taking her shirt off. I quickly put my phone down so I can't see her anymore but slowly pick it back up taking a second glance at her. She was now shirtless but I didn't mind. I continued looking at her, listening to the devil on my shoulder but put my phone down again as I hear the angel on my shoulder telling me I'm invading her privacy.

Hope's POV:

I was getting my shirt on but as I do i see Josie looking at me on her phone. I don't think she knows I saw her but I did. But what was weird is that I didn't feel offended or annoyed, I just felt.. flattered. If anyone else had looked at me whilst I was shirtless, I wouldn't have liked it but with Josie it's weird. It's different. It's like I want her to look at me.

"I'm done" I say but I assume she already knows that. "Alright. Night" Josie says as she lays on the floor. "What are you doing" I ask as she gets comfortable on my floor. "What do you mean, I'm going to sleep." She stays in the floor "you're not sleeping on the floor Josie" I say as I see her head pop up. She looks at me and says "it's fine. I can get comfy anywhere" I walk over to Josie and help her up. "You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor" I help her onto my bed as she says "no it's fine, I don't want you to be uncomfortable" I tuck Josie in and say "goodnight Jo" she sits up and looks at me "You're not sleeping on the floor Hope" I grab a blanket and a pillow and lie on the floor saying "I'm not giving you a choice in the matter" she sighs and lies back down "okay but don't blame me when you get 2 hours of sleep" I roll my eyes "goodnight" "goodnight Hope" she replies as I turn on off my lamp before checking my phone for the time, it's 10:57. Time to sleep.

An hour later- (still hope's Pov)

I lie down and try to get to sleep, but I can't. I just feel so restless. I look over to my phone to check the time. It's 00:02. Jesus Christ it's already been over an hour. I glance over at Josie who is sound asleep. I know I have trouble sleeping and I won't be able to sleep for a while so I decide to get some food. I grab my phone and turn my flashlight on, I try to be as light on my feet as I can so I don't wake Josie up. I grab the door handle and slowly open the door, knowing that my door squeaks. I tip toe out of the room and quietly shut the door behind me. I walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen. When I get to the kitchen, I open one of the food cupboards and look for anything I feel like eating. I end up just having a sandwich and a glass of water. When I fish my sandwich and water, I put my glass away after washing it. I make my way back upstairs, managing to not make any noise. As I approach my room I hear screaming and crying so instinctively I run to my room and see Josie screaming, clearly having a nightmare.

I run over to Josie and place my head under her head, holding it up as I sit down on my bed. The screaming carries on. "Josie" I say but she doesn't wake up. "Josie?" I try not to take anyone but Josie up. "Jo!" She wakes up but carries on screaming and crying. "Shh Josie it's me. It just me" I say hugging her. She calms down and looks at me "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" she says. I laugh "you didn't wake me" I hug her again and I hear her say "oh" as I comfort her.

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