Hello Stranger

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Hope's POV:

I'm awoken by someone jumping on top of me and kissing every inch of my face. I open my eyes to reveal the identity of the person on top of me. I look up to see... wait.. no... it can't be.

"Josie?" I tiredly ask. "Hello stranger" she giggles. I rub my eyes in confusion. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I came to see you, obviously" she says as she places her warm hand on my cheek. I basically throw myself in her arms. She actually feels real.. is this real? Is she really here?

"Why do I feel you?" I ask. She laughs and shakes her head. "Because I'm here, silly" she exclaims. "Wait.. you're not astral projecting?" I ask with not a clue as to what's happening right now. "No. I'm really here" she says.

"Why didn't you text or call and tell me you're coming? I would've been more prepared" I question. "I did text" she frowns. I let her go and reach over to my night stand and check my phone. She's not lying, she did text me.

"Sorry, I didn't see it" I apologise. "Are you done being confused now? Can I at least get a kiss?" She asked. I shake my head. "I haven't brushed my teeth" I say. "Hope, I haven't properly seen you for six whole months and you won't even kiss me?" She crosses her arms, taking the hand away from my cheek. I frown and take her hand and put it back on my cheek. She smiles at my action.

She starts leaning down but I dodge her lips before they reach mine. "Do you not want to kiss me?" She frowns again. "I do. But I have morning breath" I reply. "I don't care" she says and quickly captures my lips before I can protest. I pull away to say something and she just pouts. "Were you the visitor my aunt was taking about?" I ask her. "Yes ma'am" she smiles. "Why didn't you wake me up when you got here?" I ask. "You looked peaceful. I didn't want to disturb you" she says, almost in a whisper. I kiss her again.

"I'm probably dreaming right now" I say to myself as I pull away and pinch my arm. "Ouch, no. Not dreaming" I wince in pain as Josie laughs at me. "Maybe you are dreaming" she raises an eyebrow. "Don't even say that. I'm gullible when it comes to things like this" I pout. "Things like what?" She tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "You" I simply reply. She smiles and kisses me again, this time with more lust.

When we separate I immediately pull her into a tight hug. "Isn't this reaction a bit delayed?" She laughs. "I didn't believe it was you" I tell her. "What changed your mind?" She asks. "Your lips did" I mutter.

We both release from the hug and smile at each other. "I love you so much" she cries. "No, don't cry. Hey, look at me" I whisper. She looks at me. "I love you too. I'm so sorry for leaving. I'll never leave you again, I promise." I truthfully say as I feel a tear fall from my eye. "I missed you" she looks down. "I missed you too. I'll come back to the school if you want" I offer. She moves her head to look at me so fast I'm surprised she didn't get whiplashed. "You'll c-come back? F-For good?" She stutters. "Yes. But first, I would like to ask you if you want to stay here for a while. I can actually show you the city instead of describing it" I say.

She crashes her lips onto mine and kisses me passionately. "I would love to stay for a bit" she says. "Why did you come here?" I ask again. "I already told you, I wanted to see you" she says. "But why now? You've had six months to see me, why did you choose now to visit me?" I asked. "I was a bit angry at you for the majority first month, for most of the second I was in denial; I thought you never loved me. The third, I got angry again, the forth, I was too sad to leave my bed and the fifth, I tried to come. Multiple times. But every time I attempted to sneak out, someone caught me. Then my dad made Lizzie keep an eye on me so I wouldn't try to leave again. I'll tell you the details about my time during the months without you in more detail later, but right now I want to talk about other things" She smiles sweetly after listing off all the months. "Woah. Did I really hurt you that much?" I ask in bewilderment. "Yes" she fake frowns. I laugh and kiss her frown away.

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