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Hope's POV:

I woke up and the first thing I see is Josie in my arms. I small smile creeps up on my lips as I recall the events of last night. Aside from Lizzie, it was a great night. Like really great. My smiles slowly turns to a smirk but before I could think about last night any longer, Josie begins to stir awake.

"Morning beautiful" I whisper as she rubs her eyes. "Good morning" she reciprocates my smile, only even bigger than mine. "Come on. Let's get ready" I suggest, knowing that if I don't get up now, I might never get up again. "Okay" she got up and opened my door before turning to face me. "I've got to go get ready. See you in class?" Even though I was a year older than Josie, we were still in some of the same classes because of how smart Josie was. I frowned at her and before she could turn to leave, I spoke "no goodbye kiss?" I insisted. Josie rolled her eyes playfully. She walked over to my bed and leaned down and kissed me gently but deeply. I can't get enough of feeling of her soft lips on mine. We break the kiss and smile at each other before Josie left my room.

I get up, get dressed, brush my teeth, have a shower, brush my hair and finally, leave my room to head to class. My first class was magic class. A little while ago, magic class split into two separate classes- defensive magic class and offensive magic class. This was decided by Alaric after he realised (with a bit of convincing from Kaleb and Josie) that it was best for the witches to learn offensive spells as well as defensive. Right now, I had offensive magic class. It's not like it need it anyway, I know a lot of offensive spells from aunt Freya, but I suppose if it benefits other people then I don't mind sitting through a boring lesson re-learning basic offensive spells.

As I was sitting in class there was an announcement through the speakers. Well, more like a request.

"Can Hope Mikaelson please make her way to the principals office. That's Hope Mikaelson to the principals office."

Huh strange. Wonder what it is this time.

I excuse myself from class and make my way over the Alaric's office. As I enter I see Dr Saltzman pacing back and forth. "Dr Saltzman? What's up, another monster?" I joked. "Actually, yes. Another monster" great. Another one. "What it is this time then?" I asked hoping for a simple response. "I'm not sure. We have him captured in the werewolf transition space. I have Dorian researching right now but the monster won't talk, he just keeps demanding to see you" I was taken back by how quick Alaric mouth was moving to be honest. "Why me?" I asked. "I'm not sure" he seemed unsure. "Alright I will go talk to him" I suggest. "Okay I will come for backup then" he said. It made me smile, how he was being protective over me. I've always seen him as a father figure, since you know, my dad died and all.

I make my way down to the cell he was in, dr Saltzman closely following. I see the monster and to be honest, he looks pretty normal to me. He appears to be human, which I'm sure is a trick of some sort. As soon as he sees me, a smile crosses his face. "Ah, Hope Mikaelson. At last!" He stood up and came over to the bars, as close to me as he can possibly get. "And who might you be?" I asked with a firm voice. "A big fan of yours" is all he said. "And does this 'big fan of mine' have a name?" I said, mockingly. "He does. Alias, Alias Jones" he extended his arm and put his hand through the bars. I shook his hand. "Well Alias Jones, What exactly do you want with me?" I asked as I put my hand back down. "I'll tell you.. in private" he said looking behind me. I looked in his direction and saw he was referring to Dr Saltzman. I nod my head gently, letting him know he could go. "Are you sure?" He said quietly, almost like a whisper. "I'm sure. I will be fine, trust me" I say hoping he would trust me since you know, what happened with the Necromancer. It was in the past but it still happened. Mr Saltzman slowly turned and walked away. "Okay, now tell me exactly why you're here and what you want with me" I turned back to Alias. "I just want a partner in crime, someone to rule the world with and defeat any and all enemies I have, and who better than the tribrid, most powerful creature on earth" he smirked at me and his eyes darkened. "Mhmm. And what creature are you?" His smirk widened as he answered " I am the tempus nec divinos. Long name, I know. It's Latin for time wizard, which means I can control how fast time goes by. I can speed it up, or slow it down." As he speaks, I get more intrigued. "Time for who? Everyone or just one individual?" I ask. He chuckles "either. I can control time for anyone I want. Of course everyone requires a lot more power than just one individual, but if I had the power, then yes, I could control time for everyone" time wizard, huh. "If you're as powerful as you say, why do you want me as your fighting buddy? Surely you're strong enough?" "Of course I'm strong enough but the only thing stronger than me is you. So I thought if I teamed up with you, I wouldn't have to fear death because you won't kill me if we're on the same side... hold on.. why am I telling you my entire plan?" "Because I casted a truth spell on you before I came down here. Thanks for the intel" A smirk begins to grow on my face. "So Alias, tell me, how do I kill a time wizard?" He groaned but couldn't stop himself from telling me due to the truth spell. "With a magical dagger that I always carry with me for safety reasons. No! Wait hope! I'm not a threat please don't kill me" he begged. "You've come from malivore, so yes, you are a threat" I unlock the cell and walk through cautiously but as I do, time slows down. Really? Stupid time wizard. "Too bad your in slow motion, guess now you can't get this special dagger from me" he says, showing the dagger in his jacket pocket. "I will kill you one way or another" I say. I guess you can talk in normal motion. "We'll see about that" he sighs "you know Hope, we could've teamed up. We could've been the pair everyone feared, but I guess I'll just have to kill you and fly solo. Such a shame, I was really hoping to be besties." He walks towards me and plunges his hand in my chest. He grips my heart and pull it out with no mercy. As I fell to the ground I heard a faint "no!" But I couldn't make out who it was.

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