Chapter 7

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Freya sat next to her father as Dr Strange explained the story of the infinity stones

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Freya sat next to her father as Dr Strange explained the story of the infinity stones. Once he was finished explaining she stood up and walked closer to the images he had created to explain.

She stared at each of the stones and an unsettling feeling washed over her. She closed her eyes and backed away as she rubbed her temples to dull the pain that was emerging just at the mere thought of the stones.

Tony watched his daughter nervously before speaking "What's his name again?"

Bruce stepped forward "Thanos"

Freya felt a chill down her spine at the mention of his name. It held a familiarity to it, a name that was stuck in the back of her mind.

Tony ran his hand over his face as he stared at Bruce. Bruce looked at Tony desperately "He's a plague Tony. He invades planets. The attack on New York, that's him"

Freya spun around "So he's an alien?"

Bruce nodded his head "Pretty much"

Dr Strange cleared his throat to grab all of their attention again "We need to come up with a plan. There are two stones on earth"

Freya felt someones eyes on her. She lifted her head seeing both Wong and Dr Strange giving her a look. She crossed her arms and glared at them "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You feel something don't you?" Freya went to protest but winced at the pain in her head "If you know so much about me you know what I'm feeling right now"

Tony thought of something and stood up from the chair he was sat in. He walked over to Bruce "How many stones does he have now?"

Bruce shot him a confused look "Two Power and Space"

"And when did he take the Space stone?" Freya looked at her father confused "Why are you asking him this?"

Tony ignored her "When did he take it?"

Bruce glanced between the both of them "Just before I got here" Tony turned around and faced Freya "You felt something earlier, before they arrived. You said you felt something bad was about to happen"

Freya still looked at him confused. Tony grabbed her arms as he explained "Your power came from the Space stone"

Freya's eyes widened in realisation "And when he took it..." Tony nodded his head "You felt it."

Bruce stepped forward and grabbed Tony's attention "Tony, Thor's gone"

Freya stepped back in shock of his words. She had never met Thor but she knows how strong and powerful he is. So if Thanos was able to kill Thor, none of them stand a chance.

"He already has the Power and Space stones making him the most powerful creature in the universe. If he get's his hands on all six stones Tony..." Bruce trailed off not wanted to say the possibility.

Freya let out a shaky sigh and ran her hand through her hair "We need to get Vision here now"

Tony winced and shook his head "About that..."

Bruce groaned knowing what that meant "You lost another super bot?"

Tony shook his head "Not exactly. He turned his responder off, he's offline"

Dr Strange glared at the man in front of him "Do you know anyone who can find him?"

Tony glanced at his daughter who avoided his eye contact. She knew then by the look in his eyes that he knows she's been in contact with them even though she tried to be discrete.

"Maybe Steve Rodgers"

Dr Strange rolled his eyes "Oh great"

Bruce looked at Tony eagerly "Call him"

Tony sighed and shook his head "It's not that easy anymore. We had another fall out"

Bruce's eyes widened as he turned to face Freya "Again?"

Freya sighed and nodded "Something set Bucky off one day and he attacked me. Dad wanted him held accountable but Steve left with him before anything could happen and Bucky went into cryo again"

She then glanced at her father who closed his eyes trying to block out the images from that day, not wanting to remember seeing his daughter lying in a pool of her own blood while Bucky stood over her.

"But he's right. We're going to need all the help we can get" Tony took out the burner phone that Steve gave to him after Berlin and held it tightly in his hands. When he hesitated to call Freya stepped forward "Either you do it or I will"

Tony glanced at her briefly and sighed knowing she aunt going to back down. He mumbled under his breath as he stepped away and flipped the phone open. He glanced at the number on the screen and went to press the call button but when Freya gasped and fell to her knees, the phone was completely forgotten as he rushed over to her.

Freya let out a cry of pain as she cradled her head. Tony knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hands "What's wrong?"

As soon as the pain came it had left. Freya finally looked up at Tony who frowned at the scared look that graced her face "Someone's coming"

It was then they all felt the shift in the air. Tony helped Freya stand up and glanced at the others, who were all looking towards the door to the sanctuary. Freya let got of Tony and stumbled towards the doors. Tony followed after her seeing the streets flooded with people running from something. They all shared a look before running down the opposite way to where the people were running from.

When Freya ran around the corner she stopped causing Bruce to bump into her. She stared wide-eyed at the space ship hovering just a few feet away.

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