Chapter 35

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Peter has noticed as soon as they started to remove Tony's body that she had gone into shock

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Peter has noticed as soon as they started to remove Tony's body that she had gone into shock. She wouldn't look at him, she wouldn't speak to him she'd only stare at the spot where her father had died.

Getting her into the Jet was hard as she wouldn't move from her spot but Peter picked her up despite the aching muscles and carried her into the Jet. He sat her down on one of the seats and removed his arms but Freya gripped his arms tightly. Peter looked down at her only to see her looking straight ahead. Instead of sitting next to her he picked her up again and sat down where she was before placing her in his lap and out of instinct Freya's head nestled into his neck.

Once they had arrived at the house Pepper went to find Morgan to try and explain at the best she could and Peter asked where Freya's room was since Freya wasn't speaking.

Pepper showed him her room where Peter placed her gently on the bed. He looked around the room seeing all the photos of them together. He would've smiled but he only knelt down in front of her.

He grabbed her hands that were resting in her lap and squeezed them gently to grab her attention and smiled slightly when her gaze finally met his "We need to get you out of these clothes okay?"

Freya looked down at her suit only to see it covered in dust and blood.

Freya nodded slowly and looked at her wardrobe. Peter looked towards where she was looking and made his way over. He grabbed her a t-shirt and sweats but his eyes landed on some boxes with his name on them.

He opened the one on top to see all of his clothes folded inside the box. She must've grabbed them shortly after the snap. He took some out for him to wear and walked back into the room.

He helped Freya out of her suit and put the new clothes on her. Peter then retracted his suit and changed into comfier clothes. He walked into her small bathroom and wet a cloth and brought it back out.

He knelt down in front of her again and started to wipe of the dirt and blood that covered her face. Once he was done he threw the bow bloody cloth in the bin and noticed that Freya had moved so she lying down on the bed.

Peter turned the light off and laid down next to her on the bed. Peter wrapped his arm around her while Freya rested her head on his chest. Freya closed her eyes as she felt his body heat and the beat of his heart, it calmed her down.

Days past and Freya had still not said a word. She Locked herself away in her room as she laid in her bed not moving. Peter tried to get her to leave the room but she'd only shake her head.

Peter stood on the porch outside the house. He leant against the railing as he watched Pepper talk to his aunt. Pepper was kind enough to let Peter and May stay with them until they find a new place to live since someone had moved into their apartment during the snap.

Peter watched as a car pulled up by the house. Steve got out of the car and slowly made his way towards Peter.

Steve leant against the railing next to Peter "How is she doing?"

Peter sighed and played with a loose thread from his hoodie "She's still in shock"

Peter felt tears prick his eyes as he looked up at Steve "What happened to her while I was gone?" Peter wanted to deny it but she had definitely changed.

Steve sighed and looked down at his feet "She had it hard. She struggled a lot but after time we noticed she was becoming more powerful and more aware of what she could do"

Peter remembered seeing her back on the battlefield, protecting him from fallen debris and being able to restrain Thanos. He knew she was strong a she had witnessed it on more than one occasion but what he saw days before looked like a different person.

"When we lost Nat I thought that would be her tipping point" Peter frowned at Steve's words. He thought something was wrong when he didn't see her at the compound "They had gotten really close over the years and I was prepared for the meltdown but it never happened. She cried but it was like she was in a haze and then she became determined to figure out her connection with the stones"

Peter sat down in one of the chairs and put his head in his hands "She wasn't determined, she wanted revenge" It made sense now why Freya was so focused on stopping Thanos.

Steve sat down on the chair in front of Peter "She's just lost two of the most important people in her life in a space of two days. I think she's more than just in shock"

Peter removed his head from his hands only to meet the frightened look on Steve's face "What aren't you telling me?"

Steve sighed "To get the stones we had to go back in time. Freya went with us to grab the tesseract but Hydra was also there and Freya recognised one of them to being one of the ones that took her"

Peter looked at him nervously "What did she do?" Steve shook his head "She didn't do anything. But once we came back she had that look in her eyes, the same look"

Peter closed his eyes and sighed "It was the same look she had when she went after Hydra last time wasn't it?"

Steve nodded sadly "We didn't tell her this but Natasha had Freya's file from Hydra. It had all the information on her time there including the ones in charge of her. Two of those men are still alive"

"You're afraid if she knew they were still alive she'd go after them" Steve didn't want to admit it but one of his biggest fears is Freya going back to how she was at the start "I'm afraid that we've lost a side of her we've fought so hard for"

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