Chapter 19

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The next day Freya sneaked out before Morgan got up to make her way to the compound

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The next day Freya sneaked out before Morgan got up to make her way to the compound. She wanted to check up on the others but with the fact that Morgan had not seen her in weeks, she was not going to let her leave but as much as Freya wanted to stay and play with her sister, she wanted to check up on her friends.

But she also wanted to get out of the house before Tony because of what day it was and she was not ready for the pitiful looks from him all day.

Freya stopped her car outside the compound and smiled when she saw the familiar motorbike. She walked into the living room, proving correct that Steve was back. Instead of saying a simple hello, Freya stalked over quietly behind him. Natasha noticed the girl and tried to hide her smile as Freya jumped on Steve.

Steve let out a sound of surprise when arms wrapped around his neck but when he heard the familiar laugh he rolled his eyes but a smile graced his lips "Nice to see you too Stark"

Freya let go of Steve and stepped back "And you told me I couldn't sneak up on you"

Steve rolled his eyes and turned to face the girl but his eyes widened as they landed on her hair "How long have you been blonde?"

Freya shrugged her shoulders "A few weeks"

Natasha leant back in her chair as she examined the young girl in front of her "You sure you wanna train today? we can skip it if you want?" Ever since Freya has been hanging out at the compound, the two have gotten closer and Natasha sees Freya like a little sister, which is why Natasha is comfortable to show her emotions in front of her.

Freya's smile faded and she played with the sleeve of her leather jacket "I'm fine, just wanna treat it like any other day"

Natasha frowned knowing she was lying and that she's still hurting. Freya lost someone she loved more than anything and today is just a reminder of what she lost.

Natasha sat up to speak but a beeping and a message popped up on the screen. Natasha sighed and pressed play on the message, knowing it was probably another one from the archives but when a familiar face graced the screen Natasha jumped up.

Steve stared at the screen as they watched the guy shout at the camera "Is this an old message?"

Natasha shook her head "It's the front gate"

Freya watched confused as Natasha rushed out of the room and towards the front gate. Freya turned to Steve "Who is that guy?" Steve sighed and leant against the desk "That's Scott Lang"

Freya crossed her arms "Who?"

Freya watched as the guy in front of her paced the room while muttering to himself, something he had been doing for the past ten minutes.

Steve had finally had enough of watching him pace and grabbed his attention "Scott? Are you okay?"

Scott sighed and looked between the three of them "Have any of you guys ever studied Quantium Physics?"

Steve and Natasha quickly looked at Freya who sighed. Yes, she had. It was something she learnt through Tony over the past few years "Only to make conversation"

Scott looked satisfied with her answer and continued "Alright, so five years ago right before Thanos" Freya couldn't help but flinch at the name and Scott noticed and sent her an apologetic smile "I was in a place called the quantum realm and the quantum realm is like it's own microscopic universe. To get in there you have to be really small. Hope, she's my uh"

Freya noticed him stuttering on his words and frowned "She was suppose to pull me out and then Thanos happened and I got stuck in there"

Natasha frowned at his words "I'm sorry that must've been a tough five years"

Scott shook his head "Thats just it. It wasn't five years for me. It was five hours"

Freya perked up at his words as he continued "The rules of the Quantium realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable- Is that anyones sandwich?"

Freya shot him a confused look as he brushed past her and started to eat one of the sandwiches on the table "Scott focus please"

Scott finished his sandwich "So what I'm saying is time works differently in the Quantium realm. The problem we have right now is that we don't have a way to navigate it"

Scott started to pace again as he explained "What if we can navigate it? What if there was a way we could enter the Quantium realm at a certain point in time but then exit at another point of time, like before Thanos"

Freya stared at the man in front of her as she thought about what he was talking about "So you're talking about a time machine?" Scott shook his head "No of course not, not a time machine, it's more like um-"

Freya raised her brows as he tried to come up with the right words but he only sighed and nodded his head "yeah exactly like a time machine"

Steve looked towards Freya "Is this possible?" Freya shrugged her shoulders "I have no idea, the best bet would be to talk to my dad"

Steve nodded in agreement and grabbed his jacket 'Let's go then"

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