Chapter 25

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Later that evening Freya had finally returned back inside as it became too cold for her. She walked past the meeting room seeing everyone huddled around to discuss the locations of the stones.

Tony noticed her walking past and rushed out of the room. Freya quickly turned around to leave but Tony grabbed her arm and gently pulled her towards him "I'm sorry"

Freya jerked her arm away from Tony and crossed them over her chest. Freya so wanted to lash out at him for not trusting her but when she saw the guilty look on his face she only sighed "I understand"

Tony's eyes widened "You do?"

Freya nodded and leant against the wall "Natasha explained it all. I didn't want to admit I was still struggling with my abilities and definitely after Thanos I didn't want to. And Natasha is right, I'm still angry at Hydra and I don't know what I would do if I saw them again"

Freya tried to get over what Hydra did to her but they ruined her life and she tried to hard to have that anger disappear but it will never go away.

Tony looked at her hopefully "So you'll stay?" Freya nodded her head "I'll stay but you have to promise me that you'll all come back"

Tony smiled and nodded his head "I promise" Freya smiled slightly and nodded towards the room he had just left "You might wanna go back in there"

Tony bit his lip and watched as Freya walked away "Join us"

Freya stopped walking and whipped around as she stared at Tony confused "Why? I'm not going"

Tony grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the room "You're still apart of this"

Freya slid into the chair next to Clint. Clint took a bite out his sandwich and felt eyes on him. He turned to Freya who was looking at him innocently. She's not had anything to eat all day and the sight of the food just made her realise how hungry she was. Clint rolled his eyes but pushed the plate towards her for her to take the other half of his sandwich.

Steve and Tony stood in front of the group, now that everyone was there "So now we know the how works, we just need to figure out the when and the where. Everyone in this room has had an encounter with one of the six infinity stones"

Tony pushed past Steve "And by encounter we mean nearly being killed by one"

Scott perked up "I haven't" Freya swallowed her sandwich before she chuckled at the confused look on his face "I don't even know what you guys are talking about"

Steve sighed to himself and turned to Thor who was sat at the back by himself "We'll start with the Ether. Thor what do you know?"

Freya turned to Thor when he didn't respond inly to see him sitting still. Natasha looked at him confused "Is he asleep?"

Freya saw the empty beer cans and shook her head as Rhodey answered Natasha "I'm pretty sure he's dead"

Freya sighed knowing this was going to be a long night.

After hours and hours of figuring out when the best times it was to get the stones they all finally called it a night. Freya stayed and watched as everyone slowly left the room to go to bed.

Freya stared at the screens in front of her that displayed everything they knew on each of the stones. Her gaze landed on the space stone as she read over what they knew about it. She never really explored the fact that her abilities came from the space stone. All she knew was that she was connected to it somehow as she was able to feel when Thanos took it as she was able to sense when he was about to come through the portal.

Steve leant against the doorframe as he quietly watched Freya as she read through the information.

Even though Steve stayed quiet Freya knew he was there, it had something to do with her abilities.

Freya stared at the Space stone with curiosity "The one thing I don't understand is how I have the power to create fire when my abilities came from a stone that opens portals through space and time"

Steve walked further into the room knowing she was talking to him "Maybe it just merged with whatever they were using"

Freya sighed "Or it was a lie"

Steve looked at her confused and when Freya saw the look he was giving her she sighed "I know my file says something about the Tesseract and I know my alter ego self said so but it doesn't make sense"

Steve reaches forward and turned to monitor off before she worried even more "When we come back with the stone we can have a look, okay?" Freya looked up at Steve to see if he was lying just to get her to stop worrying but he looked sincere.

Got a new Peter Parker story in the works but I don't know when it will be published either I do it when it's finished or wait until this series is finished which has another book to go.

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