Chapter 38

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Peter awoke the next morning bright and early

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Peter awoke the next morning bright and early. He groaned at the sunlight that was coming through the window as they didn't close the curtains the night before.

He rolled to his other side and reached out to pull Freya close to him but his hand only met the cold mattress. Peter frowned and opened his eyes slightly seeing the other side of the bed empty and by the fact the covers remained untouched on that side proved that Freya didn't go to bed last night.

Peter pushed himself up from the bed and reached for one of his t-shirts that were littered around the room and made his way downstairs.

His first stop was the kitchen. May smiled at her nephew from her spot at the table "I expected you to sleep in"

Peter scratched the back of his neck anxious to know where his girlfriend was "Have you seen Freya?"

May nodded and pointed towards the living room "Found her asleep the couch" Peter frowned but made his way towards the living room.

Peter walked towards the couch seeing Freya fast asleep. He sat down on the edge of the couch slowly as he didn't want to wake her and noticed she had a piece of paper held tightly in her hand as she slept.

Peter gently took the paper from her hand and looked at it briefly seeing her name written at the top in Tony's handwriting and instead of reading something that was clearly only made for Freya Peter folded it up neatly and placed it on the coffee table.

Peter has no idea how long he had sat there and watched as she slept but eventually Freya's breathing changed and she opened her eyes. She squinted slightly at the sunlight coming through but smiled when they landed on Peter.

Peter smiled when her eyes landed on him "Hey"

Freya sat up and patted the spot next to her. Peter moved to sit next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Freya rested her head on his chest and sighed in content.

She hadn't expected to fall asleep on the couch. After she read the letter she moved to the living room where she sat there for hours rereading it.

They sat like that for awhile. Peter was enjoying the peace and quiet and just enjoying having Freya in his arms but Freya finally moved.

Peter groaned slightly when Freya sat up and moved so she was facing him "We need to talk"

Peter turned to face her when he heard the seriousness in her voice "About what?"

Freya looked down at her hands "We haven't talked about it yet but I need to talk about the age gap" Freya wanted to tell Peter the night before but she is worried on how he may react.

Peter grabbed her hands and placed them in his lap "I don't care about an age gap. Five years or ten years I don't care. I love you and nothing is going to make me leave"

Freya smiled at his words but her smile faltered "How about two years?"

Peter looked at her confused. He knew that five years had passed, so why will it be just two years?

Freya sighed when he didn't speak "Somehow in five years I have only aged two years"

Peter's eyes widened "How is that possible?"

Freya shrugged "It seems like my powers are slowing my ageing. I guess they want to stick around for a long time and for once I'm okay with that"

Freya kept her gaze down on their entwined hands "Ever since my powers came back I've felt different. I never mentioned it to anyone because I didn't understand why but I found out recently that I'm in control, for once I'm in control of what I can do"

Freya reached to the side to grab the letter that she's memorised "My dad left me this. In it he mentioned that you may have been my anchor at first but now I'm my own. I didn't believe that at first but the more I think about the past few weeks the more it makes sense"

Freya sighed and finally looked up at Peter "When I found out that my powers didn't come from one infinity stone but two of them it was like it opened something in my mind" Freya hadn't said anything to Steve and Tony but after finding out about the mind stone she felt different.

Peter stared at her in surprise "The mind stone?" He doesn't  know why they didn't pick up on it. It effected her brain more than anything else so it made sense.

Freya bit her lip and nodded "Remember when I told you about my parents" Peter nodded his head slowly "I mentioned that when I got angry I pictured the room on fire and then it was"

"The other day when I protected you from the rockets and the blasts I had no idea I could do that. I saw you trying to get away from the blasts and I saw this image in my head of me using my powers to protect you and next thing I knew I was doing it and the same thing happened when I was hurt. I saw myself healing and next thing I knew I was" She looked up at Peter who had tears in his eyes "I knew I heal after time but I didn't know I could heal myself but I told Clint that I could but that was the first time"

Freya smiled through her tears "I didn't say it at the time but when I found out about the mind stone and my connections, I accepted it, I accepted they were apart of me and once I did it was like both sides had finally stopped fighting and for once they were helping me instead of fighting me"

Peter reached up and wiped a tear away that had fallen from Freya's eye "And now Tony will never know that he helped me and that finally I can be happy"

Peter smiled through his own tears and kissed her forehead "He knows"

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