Chapter 33

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Freya threw another fireball towards a group of aliens that were making their way towards her and jumped up to higher ground

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Freya threw another fireball towards a group of aliens that were making their way towards her and jumped up to higher ground. She looked out towards the battlefield in search of three people.

She saw her father fighting alongside Pepper in her suit that Tony had made for her for their anniversary. She saw Peter swing by at some point, who even though was fighting off the aliens he was in search of finding her. He knew she didn't disappear and has spent the last five years without him.

The third person came into view and Freya couldn't help but glare at him. He was fighting Steve and Thor and Freya made her way over to them. Thanos, after fighting off Thor saw Freya advancing his way.

She used the high ground as a advantage and pushed herself off the edge, ready to make a hit on Thanos but Thanos grabbed her before she was able to hit him. Thanos threw her down on the ground but Freya only snarled and stood back up and threw fireball after fireball at him only for him to use his sword to deflect it.

Each time he defected it he pushed forward causing Freya to step back each time she used her powers. She threw one towards his face which he didn't have time to deflect and stumbled back at the impact. Freya advanced forward but Thanos recovered and grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

While Freya struggled in his hold while Thanos smirked "Not so powerful now are you?"

Freya grabbed the arm he was holding her up with and burned his arm. Thanos only growled in pain and tightened his grip on her but a red haze wrapped around him causing him to let her go before he was thrown back.

Freya fell to her knees as her hands went straight to her neck as she coughed. She looked up seeing Wanda now fighting Thanos. Wanda had Thanos up in the air with her powers. Wanda looked over her shoulder at Freya "Go, I got him!"

Freya stood up and ran towards the fight only to be hit by one of the aliens. Freya groaned when she hit the ground and threw her arms to defend herself but before she could use her powers someone knocked the aliens off of her body.

Freya quickly stood up once they were gone and heard a soft thud behind her. Freya spun around but her breath got caught in her throat at the sight of Peter standing in front go her. Peter retracted his mask and his eyes watered as he looked at the girl in front of him.

Freya ran over to him and threw her arms around him. Peter stumbled back at the impact but wrapped his arms tightly around her "oh thank god"

Freya pulled away and grabbed his face in her hands. A tear slipped from her eyes "You're really here" Peter smiled and tightened his arms around her "I'm here"

Freya reached up and kissed him. They completely forgot where they were as they kissed but when an explosion happened a few feet away they both pulled back when they realised they were in the middle of the battlefield.

Another explosion hit but this time was a lot closer and pushed them away. One after the other the rockets were fired and hit everywhere. Freya searched through the smoke seeing Peter a few feet away trying to get out of the way of the rockets.

Freya advanced towards him and knelt next to him and held her hands up. She had no idea if she was able to do it but when a soft orange glow surrounded them the rubble bounced off. Peter looked up in surprise seeing the orange glow. He looked towards Freya who was focused on keeping it up. He's defiantly missed a lot while being gone. From the fact that she looked different and that she looked way more confident in what she was capable of doing.

Freya looked down at Peter "Did you see the gauntlet at all?" Peter nodded his head still in a bit of shock seeing how strong she was "T'Challa had it"

Freya nodded but winced as one of the rockets hit near making her lose her focus slightly "We need to get it as far away as possible, can you do that?" Once the rockets stopped firing Freya put her hand down.

Peter looked around "What are you going to do?" Freya smiled "Keep him distracted" Peter's eyes widened and he went to protest but Freya placed her hands on his shoulders to reassure him "I'll explain it later, I promise but I can stop him long enough to get the stones far away"

Peter knew he had to trust her on this. He had no idea what she's gone through for the five years he had been gone but he knew that he had to trust her. Peter nodded and kissed her forehead "Be careful"

Freya kissed him one more time before they separated. Peter went on search for the gauntlet and Freya searched for Thanos but what she saw when she did see him only made her feel sick.

Peter wasn't going to find the gauntlet because it was in Thano's hands.

Peter and Freya are finally reunited 😊 I've just finished writing the third book today and I'm really excited to finally get it published because I've worked hard on it 😅

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