11 - Videos *Modern*

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"And look what we got over here," Comte Julian Begarta grinned, moving the camera from the future duc et duchess of Avon to the future King and Queen of France and Scotland. The young nineteen year old's were dressed down in sweats, far more comfortable than the formal attire they'd been donned in for the entire day of media. The royal wedding of Queen Mary of Scotland and Princess of Wales and the duc de Anjou, Dauphin of France, Francois de Valois-Anguleme had stirred the French and the Scottish people into an excited frenzy. The young lovers were crazy about each other and young and fertile, ready for a life of ruling and childbearing.

"We've got the Dauphin of France, mister Francois." the childhood friend of Francis' grinned, his twin brother Remy smirking at the couple from behind them. "And his lovely, future wife, the one and only Queen of Scotland." the young man grinned from behind the camera.

The future King and Queen of France and Scotland were curled around each other, laying on a barrage of blankets and pillows. The Queen of Scotland was wrapped around her French counterpart, and she tiredly smirked into the camera, holding up Winston Churchill's iconic 'V' symbol towards the lens, laying her head back onto the shoulder of her future husband. The future King of France smirked at his friend, his own exhaustion apparent in the raccoon-type eyes he sported and the half-liddedness of the pretty blue eyes he held. Long blonde curls were swooped backwards in a messy ponytail, his arms wrapped around his young fiancee, hands holding hers.

It was a rare time when the young nobility could get together like this. Along with the future King and Queen were the heir's heirs. Just two weeks previous, the doting father namely the King Henri ii of France had legitimised his eldest son, giving Sebastian de Portiers-Valois-Anguleme the name he had taken from him when the King had divorced Archduchess Diane de Portiers in favour of wedding the Italian Countess, Catherine de Medici. The Queen of France had been livid, throwing such a fit that it put the angriest woman in the world to shame, when Henri told her what he planned to do. Sebastian was behind Francis and any children he should have with Mary, in front of Charles and all of the others. It didn't help that after the imperial wedding, the Prince would wed Countess Kenna Beaton, the King of France's former mistress, making her Princess and a possible future Queen, should anything happen to Francis, Mary and any possible offspring.

The group of noble young adults had all grown up together. Going back and forth from France to Scotland and the occasional trip to England. The only person in their group to not grow up noble was Leith Bayard, who'm only attained his title three years ago when he had taken a bullet for the Dauphin, literally. Yes, the heir was seriously hurt in the incident in north Lyon, but it was Leith who kissed death's cold hands. After the two had recovered from their wounds, Leith Bayard was granted the title Marquess of Velay, a show of appreciation by the relieved King and Queen of France, who both had been terrified at the prospect of loosing their firstborn son and heir.

The twins however, they had grown up noble. Julian and Remy had grown up the twin sons of the duc de Tulumes, so they had been counts by right. Being the same age as the Dauphin, Remy and Julian had been something of surrogate brothers to the heir, for the only siblings he was close to were Sebastian and Margot, the rest either resembling the mother who'm he didn't get along with too much or too young to maintain a bond that wasn't patronising. They were the only ones who were allowed to play ball games with the heir or ride horses. The trust of the King helped massively, for the Queen had tried everything to separate the bond her eldest son held with the two noble boys. He was too like his father for her liking.

The group had been four years old when they met. The Queen of Scotland's hand had been matched with the Dauphin's before they were even born, so when Mary's father died and she was declared unsafe in her home country thanks to Tudor assassination plots, she packed up her things and gained flight to France.

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