46 - Saying Goodbye

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(This isn't exactly Frary, but our narrator is Frary's eldest son and has some of Frary's traits to make it better.)

King James of Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales slowly made his way through the crowd of grieving spectators. He stroked his youngest' siblings hair when they looked at him for support, looked at the babies just birthed a few months ago, laying in the arms of nannies. Everybody stood silently in the large chambers, observing the forevermore still body of the great, siren Queen and her King that helped her get to where she had gotten.

He finally walked over towards the front of the collection of people and found the still body of the Empress. Her Emperor-turned King was kneeling on the bed, holding her hand and stroking her hair. She was still so beautiful, so young, all things considered. So still, so cold.

"James," Francis stated aloud, his voice so different than usual, turning to see his second born son finally returned from his and Mary's business about an alliance between their countries and Sweden. James smiled sadly at his father. His eldest younger brother, the nineteen year old Prince Francis, walked over towards his eldest true brother, taking his forearm in his hand.

"James, mother's-" he stopped when James held up a hand.

"You don't have to tell me, my brother." James gruffed. "I already know." he paused. "Our mother is dead." Vaguely, James heard Genevieve, one of their sisters, sob with the conformation that wasn't really needed.

"M-may I say goodbye alone?" he asked quietly, far from a married King with a babe on the way like he was. He sounded like the unsure little boy who feared for his mother when the eldest twins were born. That birth had been the hardest so far and the Queen of Scotland and France -at the time- had nearly lost her life in the turmoil.

King Francis nodded and slowly got up off the bed. He walked out of the room, the procession following him as he walked slowly from the room in which the body of his wife lay. When they were alone and the door closed, James sighed and walked over towards his mother. He stopped at the bed, looking at Mary's body. She wore a soft white satin dress, her hair unwound, her jewellery still in place.

"Mother, I told you a thousand times, that I hoped this day would never, ever come." he paused, inhaling deeply. "When I had to say goodbye for the final time. You gave me strength to go on, guided me in my rule and in our lives. You taught me how to clean off my bloody knuckles and tattered remains of my heart, put on a smile and go on, no matter what. You taught me not to be afraid of my enemies, of my duty, of love. I-I see that like me, me and so many others, this world clings to you, unwilling to let you go to the next. But the almighty Lord calls you home, my grandfathers eagerly await your arrival in heaven." he let out a rush of air, tear choked and moist. "I wish I could be there. With you. I am unsure as to handle the world without you as my guide, my teacher, my strength, my support. You are a legend here, mama. The greatest warrior Queen of all time, who fought back against all of her enemies, who said no in the face of death. Who showed the world that women are not just child bearers, they are just as much as men are. A Queen is as much as a King, an Empress as much an Emperor. That is what you taught the world, that is what you taught me, and that is the truth. A hero to thousands of women, men, and children. Now and forever more. That number will only grow as I preserve your memory to the diamond state it deserves to me known as. But, to me, me and my brothers, my sisters, my brothers and sisters that I never met or have taken their leave from the world before you, you will always be my mother. The one who bore me, raised me, who protected me and fought for me against all things and everything. I-I swear mother, now I will do the same for you. I will fight for you. I will go on for you. I will fight for you now. I-I did not protect you in life, if I did, if anybody had, then this may not have happened." he sighed, looking down at her still body. She wasn't sleeping. She would never talk back to him again. "I didn't protect you, but I can punish your murderer with my father. And after he leaves, and rejoins you in paradise, I will continue that fight to punish everybody and anybody who lay even the slightest hand in your refuge from this life. You had so much more to do, more to say and achieve. But I know now that that is now my responsibility." he sighed, taking her hand in his. He inhales deeply. "Farewell, mother. I love you, I love you more than any other. I will miss you, but I will avenge you. Of this, you have my oath."


I really love how this turned out, let a girl know what you think in the comments down below. If Frary had a James in the show, I picture him to act just like this. Just under an hour before the cut off point for requests that will be posted tomorrow. Make sure you get your thinking caps on, or be patient with me tomorrow! This is my last update today, so I'll only be replying to comments/messages!

Love you all and stay safe out there!



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