27 - Blackout *Modern*

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"Daddy," was what awoke Francis de Valois that morning. He groaned, forcing his blonde head deeper into the pillow, squeezing his eyes shut. A hand hang from the bed and he would have brought it back into the luxurious warmth if it hadn't been for the little hand grabbing it and jerking it around. "Daddy," the little voice drug out the wine. He frowned, before opening his eyes.

There, in little blue dinosaur PJ's, stood his four year old son. Black curls were messy and all over the place and he held his little toy sloth in one hand, the other firmly clenching a thick blanket that was over his little shoulders. The fist that had the blanket clenched into it rubbed the back of his eyes, the blue orbs half lidded and sleepy.

"James," he whispered, moving up a little. "What is it, child?" he whispered, not wanting to wake Mary, who slept soundlessly beside him.

"It's cold, dada." James whispered, shivering. Francis glanced at the clock beside him and saw no numbers. He checked his phone, saw that it was the middle of the night, but the charger wasn't charging it. Of course, the area where they lived was plagued with harsh winters, and those brought snowstorms, and those brought blackouts. "I'm cold, daddy." James wined, stepping closer to his father.

"Come here, bud." Francis nodded, moving his arms to take James into them. He held the tiny boy easily, one hand on each side of his ribs. He lifted him as if he was weightless into the air, before resting the tiny little boy on his chest. The blonde patriarch of this little trifecta rolled over and placed his little son in the middle of he and his wife's bodies. Francis wrapped James' blanket around his little body, before covering him with the thick coverlet of his own bed. James shivered, a little coo leaving his lips as he hunched his small shoulders together in an attempt to get warm again. The boy was only small, he couldn't usually keep warm in the blackouts. Besides, the storms unsettled the little boy and his mother, so they enjoyed all being together. "Mommy and I'll keep you warm," Francis whispered, rolling onto his side so his body heat warmed his child. James made a small noise as the warmth of his parents started heating his cold little body. He nuzzled into the crook of his father's neck, before reaching backwards to drape his mothers' arm around him.

Mary rolled over, opening her eyes for a moment to realise what had happened, before pressing a kiss to his head and curling her body around his back in another attempt at keeping the boy whom she adored safe from the cold. She instantly fell back into her sleep

James smiled a little, waiting no longer than a few moments to be back in the land of sleep. Francis smiled at his little family, kissing his son's head before wrapping his arms around both his wife and child. He held them closer, threading his fingers around Mary's as he finally drifted off to sleep again.


Hope you liked this cute little family moment! Make sure to leave feedback and check out my newest kinda fix it based in 1x15!

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