109 - Animals *WDWG Deleted Scene*

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Side Note - Set around three years post WDWG!


"Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, my loves!" I smile brightly into the camera that Jeffree held in his hands. I flicked the black and blonde wavy wig that I wore behind my shoulder slightly, clapping my hands together to start off the latest video we were filming. 

"So, how are you all doing this fine, fine day? As most of you all know by now, I've been promoting on my social media about our new additions to the family, and today is finally the day that they arrive!" I smile prettily into the lens, fiddling with the jewels upon my fingers as I continued to speak. My cameraman stared into the black device that lay in his hands, standing directly opposite me. I fixed the wine, lacy shirt I wore subconsciously, continuing to talk. "I am literally so, so excited to welcome these new guys into my family, my home and into my heart." I lay my hands upon my chest, feeling the cold, onyx teardrop stone that lay on my skin. 

"If you've been following me and my life for the last little while, you know that I not only adopt from shelters all around the country and the world, but I also adopt entire shelters, too! I've always, always wanted to clear out entire animal shelters ever since I was a kid and had my first dog. And when my brothers and I found this place-" I extended my right arm outwards, overseeing the beautiful Parisian staircase and foyer that we were standing near. "when we were younger, it just seemed like the perfect place to start my dream. As the entire world knows, we all had wobbles before that happened -me especially- but now that I'm in a far, far better place, it's time to do it again!" I flicked my wig around my shoulders and back. "I just love, love animals, you guys. I prefer them way more than humans. I mean, I've had like eighteen pomeranians and different animals in the time I've lived here. I just love them all." I smile, leaning down to collect one of my newly born Chow Chow puppies from the floor. 

"And, obviously, nature happens, and they grow and breed and spread. I mean, look at this little guy!" I smile, putting my finger under the puppy's little paw, making him wave. "Say hi, dude! Some of you may recognise him from a few videos past, but in case you don't, this is Incubus!" I smile. "He has three other brothers and sisters, but this one just gravitated towards his step mommy!" I kiss his little nose, giggling as he gave kisses, before turning to the camera again, holding the little dog close to me, safely, as I spoke. "I've done this two or three times in the past, adopting an entire shelter. It is a lot of work at the start, getting all of them used to the system in Chateaux de Valois, but -I mean- why shouldn't I do stuff like this? I've got an entire castle and acres and acres of land for all of them to run around and play in. We've had farmhouses installed that have troughs of food and water for all of these guys, as well as the ones who mainly live in the complex's. I just love animals so much, I hate to think of any animal suffering. These guys-" I look at my little Incubus. "just have a special place in my heart. They have fields and courtyards to run around and play in, they have an entire complex to sleep or laze in if they're older. It's a perfect environment for all of them to live in. And today, we welcome our next batch of babies! Come on," I smile, leading Jeffree over towards the area of the house that the newbies lived in as they were trained. 

"this-" I say, pushing open the double doors to reveal a beautiful room complete with pet beds and sun loungers, and a large open space of grass with a small pond. "is where they stay until the trainers that I employ for a couple weeks get them all trained up, and until they get a full bill of health. Of course, the doors close if it's raining, and you can see, there's plenty of room for all of them." I say, slowly twirling around the room. "Now-" I say, looking over at the camera again. "whenever we do an entire clean out, it is usually from a kill shelter. Now, I know what you're thinking, Scarlett, how the fuck could you support a kill shelter?" I say, adjusting the little bear on my arm. "And I one million percent do not support places like that. But these animals are not safe, simply put. The animals in non-kill shelters are safe, and they would potentially get placed in a healthy, happy home. Animals in those other situations do not have that luxury. So, I help them get the home that they need and deserve." I pause. 

"And the animals that I adopt singularly or in small batches, they are absolutely from no kill shelters. I give those places at least double the money the animal is being sold for. Just to make sure that these little bundles of joy-" I smile down at the puppy. "are gonna be healthy and happy and fed. And, the kill shelters I clean out completley are usually served with a letter from my lawyers telling them that if there's an animal, a cat or a dog or any kind, that's gonna be harmed and it's not in their best interest, then they're gonna be transported into my care, either fostering or adoption." I pause again. "It breaks my heart to think of these little bundles of love being harmed when there's no need for it. And I wanna help these little guys in every way." I pause, kissing the puppy's little head again. "Now, the batches I've adopted today are from Washington and Ohio respectively. They've been driving for a few hours each by two of my assistants, and those two are really, really close to the castle, so let's get ready to meet them!" I smile happily, leaving the room with my cameraman following me.

"Now, you may be thinking, Scarlett, where do the animals that you foster go? Or the ones that you don't keep after adoption? Do you keep them all? So, let me clear it up." I say, walking through the hallways of my home. We pass a few fish tank walls and a few portraits and artwork that I've amassed over the last few years, before landing in the puppy playpens. I smile at the eight little puppies that have been birthed by the Chow Chows and Daxten and Azure, putting little Incubus into the playpen with his brothers and sisters. He yelps happily, starting to wrestle over a squeaky toy. "Look at them go!" I giggle, turning to the camera. "Anyway, sorry, some of the most rambunctious ones are held in other parts of the complex, so they can't harm the others. But the ones who've been abused or have had horrible pasts, and their time with me hasn't healed them, they go to my friends in San Francisco, who run an animal adoption centre. They can give them better healing time than I can. Not to say that I only take the perfect dogs, not at all. We have countless three legged cats and dogs, some of them are on wheels, we have quite a lot who're deaf or blind, but they're still happy and they're not suffering. But some need more help and love than I can give them. I mean, I'm not around for a good few months out of the year, with my jobs and my businesses. So, they do need a lot of help that I can't give them." I walk into the nearest living room and plop down onto the overstuffed sofa. 

Two Pomeranian's yelped in happiness as I came closer towards them. I chuckled, becoming ensnared within black and white furs. "Hey, bears." I smile. "Well, that's it for now, we'll pick back up when the doorbell rings and the babies get here!" I finish, blowing a kiss towards the camera, smiling prettily as Jeffree turned it off.


Hope you enjoyed it! Please leave some comments down below, the teaser I wrote for the Kid-Frary period story and the other deleted scene that I did work really hard on barely got any comments or votes, and that sucks. So, please let a girl know what you think!

This was originally supposed to be posted after the Frary wedding that I wrote on WDWG, but it didn't really fit. And the ending was more impactful with the ending I chose, not this one. Besides, I couldn't think of anything else to write for that story, and I think I stretched it as much as I could. By the way, if you haven't read it, please go do!

Spoiler for the next oneshot - Modern Frary with a rainbow baby!

Stay safe, be kind.




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