71 - Mother *Modern*

695 13 4


Prompt - John calls Mary 'mom'


"Daddy?" John Phillip de Valois-Angouleme asked, looking over towards his father, who was being dressed and fixed up by his own father. His word was slurred and a little misspoken, but he got the message across. Sebastian gently chastised the young four year old boy, pushing him back to his original sitting position to fix the red flower in his little lapel. Francis glanced at his son quickly, but faced his own father, who pinned a white rose to the groom's lapel. Henry straightened out Francis' blazer, brushing invisible dust from his shoulders. He offered his second-born a smile, walking away to converse with his bickering fourteen and thirteen year old sons.

"What is it?" Francis asked softly, touching the boy's blonde hair. It was even blonder than his own, almost white. And because the tiny child had been leaning against the wall whilst Bash had propped him up on a table to pin the little ring bearer's flower to his little blazer. The boy's blue eyes look into his fathers, Sebastian going over to help Henry deal with Charles and Henri who were arguing about something littler than nothing.

"You know 'cause Mary is gonna be your wife today?" the young boy asked, fiddling with his small fingers. Francis nodded with a smile. The honest, good man who worked as a school teacher had found and proposed to one of the wealthiest women in the continent. Mary had been a friend and cousin of Kenna's, Sebastian's fiancee. A single parent in her own right -Darnley had been a drunk and had died in a car crash when their son was only a baby, nearly taking Mary and young James with them- she had found him when she picked up James from Bash and Kenna's home where the boy stayed when he wasn't permitted to travel on a particularly long business trip. A single father after a drunken rendezvous with one of his old friends had brought with it an unexpected consequence, the young man had instantly fallen for the beautiful ravenette with a kind smile and a sweet, motherly aura about her. Lola had soon been introduced after Mary and Francis started dating and after a brief awkwardness between she and Kenna -both had dated Sebastian- she had been welcomed into Mary's group of girlfriends. John and James had hit it off, both being friends in preschool, and the family had morphed into a happy union. Two years later, it was only right that Mary and Francis should make it official.

"Yeah?" Francis asked, fixing his son's little red bow tie. He sent a fond smile to the nervous child, the little boy gripping his father's expensive watch -a gift from Mary- to gain some nerve.

"Can I call her mama?" John asked. Francis blinked slowly. That was an unexpected one.

"Why?" Francis asked slowly. John shrugged.

"'Cause Mary's nice, I like her. You said that when you and Mary got married, James would be my brother, and if you and Mary have a baby, that baby would be my brother or sister, too. And you said that we were a family, so if we are, I wanna call her 'Mama' like actual Mama." John explained. "Can I, Papa?" John asked. His sentences were very, very mispronounced, but Francis understood enough.

"Uh-" he stuttered. Of course, he would love for John to be able to call Mary 'Mama', it would be like they were an actual family, without worrying about co-parenting or anything to that extent. Also, John was fond of Remy, Lola's boyfriend. But the mother of his child could get very, very possessive from time to time. She had a temper, too. One although eclipsed by that of Mary, or Kenna, or Greer -who was easily the scariest of Mary's girlfriends- she still had a temper and he hated being on the receiving end of it. "Why don't you ask mama if you can?" Francis decided, not ashamed that he used the 'go ask your mom' card. He had a feeling Lola wouldn't be impressed if John came to her house one day talking about his new 'mama' without being given at least a choice in the matter.

"Okay." John decided. He hopped off the table. "We go now?" he asked, gripping his father's large hand in his tiny one.

"Can we go now?" Francis smiled softly. "And not yet. The ceremony doesn't start for another hour." he smiled down at John's little pout.


"Did Francis tell you?" Lola Fleming asked the new Mary de Valois-Angouleme, dragging her onto the dance floor so the two mothers could talk and dance with each other. The ceremony was over now, so beautiful and intimate, grandeur yet secluded. By now, dinner had been served and the cake was just shy of being cut. The lights were dimmed, strobes and dark setting giving the dance floor a beautiful, intimate feel as the Fleming woman in red conversed with the ball gown covered bride.

Mary gasped as she was suddenly twirled around. She laughed with her friend, her large skirts and long veil blooming out as Lola pulled her back in to talk with her. Mary's expensive ball gown exposed her arms and bust, brought in her tiny waist and bloomed out in layers and layers of skirts, shimmering in expensive exquisiteness. The train was long, the veil even longer, forcing everybody to give them a wide berth, as well as the privacy that they both needed for such an intimate conversation.

"Tell me what?" Mary asked, feeling her soft, straight hair caress her shoulders and back. Her large necklace and matching chandelier earrings clinked as they danced with each other.

"John came up to me earlier, just before the food, asked me if I could call you 'mama' as he does with me." Mary gasped. Lola smiled. "I'm guessing you didn't have any idea?"

"None at all." she answered. Lola smiled at her again.

"I have no issue with it, my friend. Absolutely none at all. We are both his mother now, and should I ever marry Remy or anybody else, they will be just as much his father as Francis, as you are just as much John's mother as I am." Lola smiled. Mary gave her her prettiest grin in response. "Now, mama, go to your family." Lola directed Mary to the sight of Francis sitting down in a chair, laughing as both of his sons crawled all over him. "Go to your family."


I loved how this one turned out, surprisingly. I thought it was refreshing to write Lola as somebody more accepting and less judgemental as I found her to be in the show. I'm gonna try and get a few requests up today, since I don't have a whole lot of ideas for Frarytales. But, if you guys have a scene that you hate in reign (but Frary) and want a rewrite of it, let a girl know! I'm thinking of doing 2x07, but don't know what I'd write for it. Give your girl come requests and feedback in the comments below!

Stay safe,




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