142 - News *Modern*

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Prompt - Modern Monarchy - something bad happening to Francis and Mary, with their parents being powerless to stop it?


"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Michel Nostradamus exclaims, his bulky frame jerking from right to left, long legs scampering down the hallways of the former King and Queen of France's Italian palace. He continued to yell for Henry and Catherine, the recently abdicated King and Queen of France, his heart racing as his chest heaved for breath. He continued to yell, ushering maids and guards out of his way until he came to a stop, finally setting eyes on Henry and Catherine.

They were sitting at a small white table, drinking tea out of the finest silver tea set, small cakes and nibbles resting on a few different tea plates. Michel breathed a sigh of relief, rushing over to the former King and Queen. He didn't bow, he didn't have to now that Henry had given up his crown a year and a half ago, nearly skidding to a stop near them. It brought their attention to him. Henry's concern for his wife's longtime friend evident in his eyes, whilst Catherine masked her own frown with a sip of hot tea.

"What is the issue, my friend?" Henry asked him. Michel almost didn't want to tell King Henry why he was so frantic. After all, with the right treatment, he may have a large number of years left upon this earth, but the man was riddled with the disease that took away his father and his brother at such a young age. Michel didn't want to stress the man, potentially taking away days that the King didn't really have left. But what choice did he have? After what was seen on the news, he couldn't keep it from the man.

"You Majesties, you must turn on the news channel. I-I am afraid it is horrid news concerning your son and daughter in law. And your two grandchildren." he wheezes. Henry freezes with his wife, her Medici eyes widening considerably at the words her longest friend had said. He pushes himself out of the chair roughly, letting it skid loudly around the flooring. His height was nearly parallel to Nostradamus' own, and he let the man know it, walking closer to the tall, bulky physician of the French Court. 

"Which one?!" he growled, his voice cracking with emotion that he didn't want to let slip. "The-The King of France or his deputy?" he asks loudly. "F-Francis and Mary, or Bash and Kenna?! Which grandchildren? James and Anne or Matthew and Sophia?! Answer me, man!" he yells.

"Henry!" Catherine cries out, flicking on the television set near them. She gasps, reading the headline.

"Breaking News. It has been confirmed by the French and Scottish royal family that the King and Queen of France and Scotland, Prince and Princess of Wales, have been involved in a head-on car crash during a family vacation in Switzerland. Reports surfaced yesterday, and have now been confirmed by the Swiss King Harold. It is now being confirmed that the Dauphin of France, Duke of Rothsay and Anjou, Prince James, and the four and a half month old Duchess of Fife, Princess Anne of Valois-Angouleme-Stuart were involved in the serious car crash. The King and Queen of France and Scotland were treated at a local medical facility near the scene of the crime. King Francis has since been air lifted to a hospital in eastern Paris to receive further medical treatment. The Prince and Princess have been confirmed to have been air lifted to various children's hospitals in London and Edinburgh. No word on the status of Queen Mary, however it is thought that she remains in critical condition in Switzerland. No word from Swiss, French, Scottish or English police on the details of the car accident, however foul play has not been ruled out from this devastating scene currently playing out. This just in, the King of France's brother, the Duke of Velay, Sebastian de Portiers -who'm shares biological father King Henry II of France with King Francis, the husband of Lady Kenna Beaton, a distant cousin of Queen Mary, adoptive father of Lady Sophia and Lord Matthew de Portiers- has confirmed to the press and the world that his King and brother is stable. His Grace also confirmed that the Prince and Princess have sustained minor injuries and now rest comfortably in the King and Queen's residence of the Palace of Versailles. The former Baron de Portiers confirmed that the Queen of Scotland, Princess of Wales, has survived her injuries, however declined to comment on the severities. It is suspected that her Majesty's injuries are neurological in nature, however we have no comment on the truthfulness of this claim. Queen Elizabeth Tudor has sent MI5 to investigate how this horrid occurrence occurred, and has sent the finest doctors to assist both Queen Mary and Prince James, both being heir apparent and future heirs to the crown of England when her Majesty steps down from royal duties due to health reasons. We have no comment on the feelings of the Duke and Duchess of Moray, former King and Queen of Scotland, feel on this horrid occurrence, nor the King Father and Queen Mother of France. Any legitimate progress on this horrid day will be reported immediately. We here at Paris Daily News send the King, Queen, the heir and Princess of France and Scotland our best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery."

All the Queen Mother of France does is scream.

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