121 - Sadness

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The King of France burst through his chamber doors with such a furiocity that it started him. Kenna and Greer had ran to him, blabbing something about Mary and he needing to go to her immediately. His worry had come out into anger, and that anger evaded into nothing as he saw the sight of his wife and Queen, mother of his children, upon her knees on the floor. Her purple gown was crooked and she was sobbing over Sterling.

"Oh, mon tresure." he whispered, not even needing to be told what had happened. The King of France closed the door and walked into the candle lit chambers, kneeling at her side. He wrapped her into his arms, Mary immediately clinging to her husbands' blue velvet doublet. She cried into it as he stroked her hair. "I'm so sorry." he whispers, looking at the still body of the dog she'd had since childhood.

"He-he was always there." she cried out, clinging to him. Her Sterling had been through so much with her. Gifted by her mother just before the trip to France as a child, he was with her every day until they were both moved to the convent. He clung to her in those horrid six years, and she to him. Even more so when they faced the frightening realities of the French Court. That frantic first year, her assault, four pregnancies and two children and her wedding and coronation. Always Sterling. And now he was gone. "I-I can't bare it!" Mary cried into his elbow, gasping for breath.

"You can, mon amour. You can." he whispers into her silky dark locks. Tears continued to slide from her face, wretched sobs leaving her lips. "He was old, Mary. So tired. Love, his time had come." he whispered. Mary gasped for breath, leaning up from his elbow to face his beautiful face that was marred in sympathy and concern.

"I will miss him so much." she gasped out, tears falling into her mouth and down her cheeks as she cried openly.

"Everything changes, my love. Everything." Francis whispers, cupping his wife's face. "Except us."


Annnd I'm sad :(

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