63 - Tubes *Modern*

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(Not exactly Frary, but it's got undertones of it. And, here's a treat for all you Lola dislikers out there! Also, there's undertones of WDWG in this little one, too. Enjoy!)

Francis de Valois-Angouleme jerked his body forwards, allowing the hospital doors open slowly. He sauntered into the hospital room, looking straight at the woman who occupied the bed. The doors slammed closed behind him, awakening the dark haired girl. She looked at him sharply, her features lessening into a smile as she took in the tall blonde who stared back at her.

"Francis," Lola Fleming gasped out. Her voice was raspy as Francis walked closer towards her. "You're here." she smiled. He sat upon the bed, his back facing her. He held his face in his hands, facing the blue flooring of Lola's hospital room. The beeps of the machinery echoed in the room, and she reached out towards him. "I knew it." she smiled, touching his back. "I knew you wouldn't leave me after I called you." she smiled. "I knew you didn't love her." she stated, running her hands over his shoulders. "It's just us now, right?" she asked, her voice breathy. "Just us." she clarified. Francis looked over his shoulder at her. He said nothing. "I forgive you, Francis." she smiled, her smile contradicting the exhaustion in her eyes. "I forgive you." she whispered.

"You forgive me?" he asked, his voice soft. Lola nodded slowly.

"Of-of course." she swallowed thickly. "She used James to ware you down, Francis. To get you to look at her and not me. It-it was all her, I know that. Okay? I do. But-" she swallowed again. "none of that ever matters now. All that matters now is that you're here, okay? With me?" she smiled, her skin growing even more pale as he took her hand off his arm.

"That's big of you to forgive me-" he whispered.

"I love you." Lola clarified.

"And I know that it shows that you're the bigger person between us. Because I can never, ever forgive you." he glared, getting up off the bed, leaning down towards her.

"What for?" she wheezed.

"You always talk about how crazy Mary can be, but how fucking insane do you have to be to stab yourself and blame her?" he asked, grabbing her wrist in a grip so tight that it immediately stared cutting off the circulation to her fingers. She gasped in pain. "What happened between us was wrong, bad and wrong." he accentuated. "You knew Mary was pregnant when we did what we did, yet you didn't let a single word out." he glared. "And you aborted our baby, too." he nodded. Lola swallowed thickly. "You spent all that time pretending you were okay with it, that you were happy for Mary and I when James grew and was born. But all that time, you were festering, just waiting for the opportunity to try and break Mary and I, once and for all." he scoffed, coming in closer now. "So you got her alone, took a knife, put it in her hand, gripped her arm and stabbed yourself. Oh, you acted oh, so innocent when Mary called me and I came to help you. Blamed her, and she took off running with James." he glared, his eyes no longer a beautiful cobalt blue, but rather a steely, dark grey. "You have driven away the love of my life away. And she's taken my son with her. Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now?" he asked, their noses touching. He gripped her throat before she could get any ideas, keeping the hospitalised woman where she was. Francis didn't squeeze down, but he held her in a grip tight enough to let her know that she wasn't going anywhere.

"There-" Lola croaked. "there's a very thin line-" she wheezed. "between love and hate." she whispered, looking into Francis' eyes.

He scoffed, nodding. "You know, I could wait until you recover. Then, I can use every inch of my being to make your life a living hell. But why should I? Why? Why? Why should I do that?" Lola whimpered as Francis suddenly grabbed a handful of tubes that were connected to her wound. He whistled in pretend surprise. "It hurts?"

Lola trembled, gasping out as Francis' hand tightened around her throat.

"Good." he whispered. "You aren't the only one, are you?" he asked."The thing with you, Lola-" he chuckled. "in a couple weeks, you'll walk around, go to work, and act like nothing ever happened to you. But me? I've lost my son. The woman that I love and my son." he whispered. "And, I will have to bare that pain for the rest of my life. The knowledge of why I will never see either of them again is because of you, and your sick obsession with me." he scoffed, looking at her with pure disgust. "And, you know what?" he asked, tightening his grip on the tubing. "Do you dare me?" he asked.

"Francis-" Lola whispered, before screaming out as they were all suddenly removed. Instantly, the beeping in the room grew louder and more intense. She curled up, but was forced to look into Francis' eyes as he grabbed her hair and jerked her head back. 

"Yeah," he whispered. "It's my turn now." he paused. "Bye bye, Lola." he whispered, their noses touching again. Lola cried aloud, her sobs echoing. "Bye bye." he whispered, getting up and leaving the woman to cry upon the bed. He stole a final glance at her body before he left. And then, the door closed, and Lola cried alone.


I have no idea what this is, but I watched the ending to 2x16 a while ago, as well as having to watch the frola scenes in 1x12 for a rewrite. So, this was very therapeutic to write. Hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment down there please!

Stay safe everybody!

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