171 - Adoption *Modern*

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"Mama?" Jean-Philippe de Valois asks, looking up at his step mother, his large blue eyes shining up at her as she sat on the overstuffed couch. Mary looked up from the beautiful golden eyes of her newborn baby boy, and ceased stroking his silky dark hair as he fed from her, and to her little step son of three years. The little boy smiles at them both. "C-can I ask you something?" he asks.

"Of course, my little love. Come here," she pats the couch. He bumbles up, before looking at little James, seemingly stalling in whatever he was going to say to his step mother.

"Does it hurt, doing that?"

"Not at all," Mary answers. "It's actually quite comforting." she said. "What did you want to ask me?" The four year old bites his lip, cocking his head to one side.

"You know since Papa had the accident?" he asks. Mary nods slowly, having always preferred to not think about the horrid car crash the four of them had suffered two weeks after her sons Christmas eve birth. There was nothing that could have been done, she knows. The icy roads made the breaks redundant, and the other car couldn't have done anything either. They spent a few days in hospital, Francis being the most hurt out of them all. His left leg being smashed to pieces and his arm and collarbone not faring too much better. The poor heir to the Valois dynasty was bedridden, and he would be for a few months yet, and relied on the caretakers to get him from A to B.

"Yeah?" Mary asked.

"If he went to heaven-" Jean paused. Mary didn't know where these words were coming from, since the child was only four years old. But, she listened on. "would I have to go to Lola, and not stay with you and my brother?"

The story with Lola was a complicated one. She was with Francis for a night before he and Mary reconnected after a business meeting with the Stuart and Valois dynasties. The girl got pregnant with Jean, and she backed out of the abortion, so she went through with the pregnancy, before getting on a plane to drop a newborn baby boy to his poor, unsuspecting and very young father. Ever since, she had vanished. That was until Francis and Mary got married, and she got pregnant with James. She had gotten engaged to a notorious viper by the name of Stephane Narciesse, who had willed her to fight for custody of the little boy. She had done so with tooth and nail ever since, and who had completely capitalised on the car crash a few weeks ago. The next month, there was again a family court date for her to try and get some sort of custody. And, because Jean didn't want to go to this woman he didn't know, Francis fought right back to keep her away from his son.

"I'm not sure, my love. She'd be definatley considered by the people who make the rules, but you'd have a say in who you'd go with." she says. "Let's be thankful that it didn't come to it, hmm?"

He pauses. "I heard Pepe talking with Papa a few days ago," he reveals. "He said that if Lola didn't win next month, they'd make her sign a paper and would make her go away forever, she wouldn't bother us anymore." he says. Mary licked her lips, gently rubbing her baby's back. "If-if that happens, and even if it doesn't, could you sign the papers?"


"You know, to keep me with you if something happened to Papa. I-I don't want to go to Lola anyway, she's never said hello to me. I want to stay with you and Papa and James. Can you, mama?"

"You mean you want me to adopt you?"

"That's the word!" he smiles.

"It's not that easy, baby. But if that's what you want, I'll definatley try and make it happen. Maybe you can go to Papa and ask him about it when he's brought to the living room in a few hours."

"'Kay, mama!" he kisses her cheek and hops off the couch. "Can I go outside and play with Sterling?"

"Of course, be careful!"


This is literally so bad, but I needed some fluffy stuff since I just wrote a chapter for The One Winged Raven, which was kinda dark. Next one's period dead Lola!

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