112 - Protectiveness *Modern*

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Same AU where Mary's a surgeon and Francis is a teacher. Comes directly after part 94!


Mary de Valois giggled slightly, running her fingers over her new daughter's soft, chubby cheek. It's so silky smooth and supple. Her beautiful little Anais, only several hours old, continued sleeping contently in her mothers' arms. She's such a beautiful little baby, long lashes that make Mary almost jealous, delicate and satiny, wispy hair, pouty lips and a little button nose. She's perfect and serene, the perfect blend of herself and her husband wrapped up in a little bundle of baby that's already a marvellous sleeper and eater.

"Smile, mama." she hears. Mary giggled and looks up, seeing her pretty blonde husband. He was leaning over the bed, Charles' DSLR camera in his hands. Well, she says it's Charles'. He got it for his latest birthday, but he grew tired of the gift after several weeks. It became Francis' surrogate camera for the rest of the pregnancy after his eldest younger brother left it in their home after a visit after school. In fact, her husband had barely put it down since the baby slid out of her body. The only time he wasn't holding the camera is when he was holding the baby.

Mary smiles for her husband prettily, grateful for Kenna's light sheen of makeup that she put on her after the two had brought James and John to meet their sister for the first time. Now, the two had gone to take them to Lola's home. She'd be the one taking the boys to school for a couple weeks, until Mary and the baby were home and rested. James and John may be good kids, but they were still kids who needed attention and nurturing, something that neither Francis, nor Mary could provide until the baby was alright and Mary had gotten over the most graphic parts of the healing process. She didn't want to scar her son, nor her step son.

Francis takes the picture and looks down at the screen with happiness. "Beautiful." he says, gently placing the camera onto the nearest table, walking over to his wife and newest child. "You look so beautiful holding a baby." he states. Mary blushes. "Hey, you were serious about more, right? 'Cause you know I want a big family." he finishes, smiling down at his first daughter. Francis runs his fingers through her hair, for the child didn't like wearing a little hat. Opinionated already, just like her mother, he had stated when Anais began to fuss as soon as the midwife put it on. Mary had hit him for it.

 "Of course." she smiles tiredly. "If they're all this beautiful and calm, I want a hundred babies with you." she smiles. Francis kisses it away, leaning his head on hers for a moment after he pulls away.

"Well, I don't know about a hundred, but definatley a few more. Maybe three or four." he chuckles.

"It's God's plan." she states, a kittenish yawn accentuating the end of her sentence. He nods, accepting the baby as Mary held her up to him. "I'm getting a little tired, my love. Can you take her?" she asks. He holds his baby to him.

"Of course." he states, kissing his wife's head. "Rest, my darling."

But Mary doesn't hear him. She's already fallen asleep.

"You've got one hell of a beautiful mother, mon amour. I hope you know that." Francis whispers to his sleeping baby. "You're gonna look just like her when you grow up, and I'll spend all my time batting the boys away from you when the time comes." Anais shifts in her sleep. Francis thinks she's understood him.

When Mary woke up, it was to the sound of crinkling bags and footsteps. Her eyes fluttered open, seeing Kenna and Sebastian putting down a few take out and coffee shop bags, and her elder brother James, who held a little pink bag in his hand, and then Greer and Leith, who were putting a tray of cupcakes on one of the tables that were in Mary's room.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." James states, smiling softly at his sister, walking over towards her. He kissed her head and her cheek, before handing her the gift bag. "Sleep well?" he asks, pushing an errant wave of raven lock from her face.

Mary hummed in acquiescence, fumbling around with the bag. She pulled out a little teddy bear, tiny booties and a crystal pacifier with her name engraved in it. Mary smiles brightly at it, biting her lip to stop the tears. So. Many. Hormones.

"Uh-" James scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "She-she can't use the thing, of course. It's just for decoration, but my mother thought it'd look nice on a mantle or somethin'" he drawled as Mary wiped her tears.

"No, it's beautiful. Thank you, brother." she smiles.

"There he is." James turns to his brother in law who still held his niece, coming out of the bathroom with the baby in his arms. "There she is, too." he lowered his voice.

"Wanna hold her?" Francis asks. James doesn't get to answer, Francis is already easing her into his arms.

"Woah, she's so tiny. Looks like her mother." he states. Mary smiles at that. Anais begins to whimper, her face twisting in irritation. "Uh, think she wants Mary." the baby was quickly shot into Mary's arms, before the men decamped into the ensuete bathroom Mary had in her room. The females quickly began to coo over the tiny child. Figuring her daughter was tired, Mary began to loosen her nursing top, only to cover herself up as the door opened swiftly.

"What are you doing here?" she snapped, looking at the new occupant of the room. She tensed, preparing to defend her baby if necessary. "I don't want you here, you're not welcome anywhere near me. Leave, now!" she snaps it, staring the tall, dark haired man down.

Stood before her was James' biological father, Darnley Stuart.

"Get out of here, now!" Kenna exclaimed, already marching over towards her friends' ex husband and baby daddy. Well, one of them, anyway.

"Francis, Bash, Leith, James!" Greer yells as Kenna raises her hand to slap the taste out of the sleaze who had fucked over her best friend when they were younger.

Instantly, hearing the commotion, the door opened and the four men flew out. Bash growled loudly, seeing the drunken slob start to argue with Kenna, his hands tightly woven around her wrists. She was jerking and spitting at him.

"Get him out! Get him away!" Mary continued to cry out. Greer began trying to soothe the emotional new mother and her now very much wailing newborn as Kenna was ripped away, becoming shielded by the wall of four men. 

Mary didn't know what they were yelling, the five of them getting into it so much that it was nothing but a dull droan that became so loud, it alerted the security team in the hospital. Far too late for her liking, Darnley was dragged out of the room. The door closed and Mary focused on keeping her tears at bay and comforting her newborn daughter, who was alerted at the sound of her mothers' distress. She didn't mean to cry, but Darnley had been so horrid to her and James that seeing him again, out of the blue, brought back too much for the very hormonal new mother to handle. She didn't even know why he was here, he hadn't seen James in over eleven months.

"Shh." Francis shushed her, walking over towards his wife, wrapping his arms around her. "He's gone. He's gone now, I won't let him hurt you again. I promise, my love. I promise."

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