13 - Morning Sickness

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The Dauphin of France awoke. He moaned, eyes fluttering open, adjusting to the darkness of his chambers. It had to be past midnight, the fire unlit and all the candles darkened. He heard the crickets and the owls from the forests outside of the castle, heard the echoing voices of the nobility not yet taken to their bed for evening rest. Distant echoes of cows and chickens and horses were drowned out by the sound of heaving. He frowned, leaning up upon his elbows, looking over to the side of the bed. It was vacant, the sheets thrown messily.

Yet the Dauphiness of France wasn't hard to find. Even in the dim light of the room, the Queen of Scotland's body was illuminated by the moonlight. Hunched over the chamber pot, emptying her stomach.

The future King of France bit his lip in sympathy, gingerly getting up from the bed. He winced, the coldness of the floors disagreeing with the warmth of his feet and toes. Walking over to her, he knelt next to her. One arm wrapped around her middle, feeling the beginnings of a bump upon his wife's midsection. He supported her weight, the other hand coming up to hold her hair back.

"My love," he whispered into her hair, remembering his mother's words a few days after they came back from their honeymoon with the information that the future of France and Scotland lay in the Dauphiness' womb. Some women do not recover from the sickness by their third month of quickening, some have it bad throughout the whole childbearing opportunity.

"I wish there was one thing, anything at all, I could do to save you from this." he stated, stroking her back in hopes of comforting his wife. She didn't respond in any way, still too busy emptying her stomach into the chamber pot. Her body tensed with every wave of disgorgement. She gripped his wrist that held her weight with ease.

"I promised to protect you from all things in front of our families not too long ago, now I cause this suffering." he bit back another wave of self hatred for being the one to get her pregnant, making her go through such struggle on a daily basis.

Pregnancy had not come easily to her. Almost as soon as she told him of the quickening of her womb, Mary had been plagued with horrid morning sickness. Day and night, fine dinner after fine dinner was expelled through her stomach's reluctance to hold in food and nourish the child inside of her. She grew weaker by the day, but there was nothing that could be done. None of Catherine's tonics did a damned thing, nor did any of Nostradamus' thoroughly researched potions. The only thing that could be done was to wait out the pregnancy, which wasn't really a solution in itself. Mary wasn't even four months gone, there was still so much time left.

When she was done, the future Queen of France fell weakly into his arms. He caught her with ease, shushing the whimpering she let out, kissed her hair and face as best he could. He gently wiped her mouth with a cold cloth, placed a second upon her forehead to relieve some of the strain. He poured a little bit of water into a nearby goblet, making her slowly sip against the bronze, before she chewed upon a few mint leaves.

"Francis," she weakly moaned.

"Shh, I'm here, love."


Hello peeps!

I don't think I've put a little AN in this story yet, so just popping in to say hi! How do you like this story so far? Suggestions are always welcome, I'll do my best to write out each thing you guys wanna read.

Anyway, as we all should know, this story is gonna be most of what I'm working on until the two Frary books I'm planning have been published. But if you haven't read my modern AU, then you don't know that I'm planning on publishing a few bloopers that didn't make the final cut. Also, I put in that little AN that I was planning on writing a couple fix it's for scenes that I either didn't like or didn't agree with in the show. They're gonna be all Frary, so any Mash or Frola shippers, that isn't the story for you. So, buckle up, my Frary shippers. I'm gonna try and publish at least one today, and it's gonna be about the big Frary scene of 2x10. So, keep an eye out for it!

So, in summary, ideas for this one shot book are always welcome, and whatever I do get, I'm more than likely gonna write. There's two Frary books coming in the future. I'm gonna be writing/publishing some blooper scenes from the modern story and some Frary fix-it's are coming in the immediate future. Think that's all for now! Keep your eyes pealed!




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