143 - Delivery Room *Modern*

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Leith Bayard smirks at his old friend as he's roughly shoved into the waiting room. Francis cursed loudly in French, kicking at the door. It doesn't open up again, and his fists clench angrily. Leith's blue eyes shine in amusement as Francis turns and slams his back against the wall near the door.

"Has it happened yet?" Remy drawls, looking up from his takeaway cup of coffee, over at the tall and very very aggravated blonde man standing near him. Francis looks down at him, staring at the twin. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds.

"No." he says, tensing as the echo of Mary's cry of pain hits them all. Remy's face lost its light, and little Hercules and Henriette pout from the corner of the private waiting room, hearing the fact that their first cousin wasn't born yet. 

Julien -Remy's twin brother- raises a brow at Francis, cocking his head in confusion. "Well, if that's the case-" he pauses as the blonde father-to-be looks over at him. "why're you -you know- here, instead of in the delivery room with Mary?" he asks, his phone sliding into his jeans pocket, leaning against the wall as they waited for Francis' response.

Blue eyes narrowed. "The doctor kicked me out." he says.

Leith snickers. "Why?" he drawls, pushing his sunglasses back up his nose.

"Uh-" he stutters, shrinking as his mothers' pointed glare hits him. "Mary's cries were breaking my heart, and uh-" he stutters again. "I guess I needed somethin' to hit, so-" he mumbles, blushing as Sebastian turns from his conversation with Henry to look over at his little brother.

"You hit the doctor, Francis?" he asks, raising his brows in mild amusement. Leith snorts again, drinking some coffee to dilute the sound.

Francis blushed deeper. "Uh-" he says nothing else.

"That's my boy!" Bash slings an arm around Francis' shoulders. "Couldn't stand to hear his little beauty in pain, hmm?" he hums, grinning widely when Francis shoved him from his body with a curse. Bash smirks at him widely.

"Francis!" His father snaps, looking down at the younger children, who struggle to hide their giggles after hearing their brother curse at his friend.

"Sorry." he mumbles bashfully, wincing as he caught sound of Mary's cries again. They were louder, the frequency higher. It shouldn't be too long now, the baby would be there. Their son, the first child of many. 

"She'll be fine." Julien says seriously. "You know childbirth hurts like a bitch-" he ignored Henry and Catherine's glare. "but she'll be fine after it. And the baby." he says.

"Think of it," Lola says, putting down her purse on one of the chairs. "that baby of yours and Mary's'll be gorgeous when it comes out." she says, brushing hair behind her ear. 

"It's just unfortunate that your dumbass got yourself kicked out by punching the doctor as he delivers your kid." Leith grins widely, drinking another gulp of coffee.

"Bayard!" Henry snaps. "Your father will hear of this! He works for me, you know!"

I'm not a Malfoy, Henry. He thinks with an eye roll, looking over at Francis.

"I still can't believe the fact you're gonna have a kid, Valois. Look at you, married and a father in the next few minutes. And we met when you were a little squirt in private school." Remy says with a smile.

Francis shares a bashful smile with his longtime friend. Even he can't believe the fact that he's gonna have a child soon. It's a boy, he knows. They found out when Mary was four months gone, and five months later, here they are. He wonders what the child'll look like. Will he be blonde like him, or dark haired like Mary? Will he have Mary's golden eyes or his blue eyes? They both were beautiful humans anyway-it was always jammed down their throats by their parents and families- so that child'll be a deal breaker when he comes out.

Mary had begun her contractions at one in the morning, December nineteenth. And now, eleven at night, December twentieth, the child was so close to life.

A cry of pain shot Francis from his place upon the wall. He begun pacing back and forth quickly, a hand pressed against his mouth, walking back and forth, despite the wobbling of his knees. Leith, Remy, Julien and Sebastian looked like they were watching a tennis match as Francis continued to walk around.

Until the cries grew louder and louder, and ceased completley. Francis froze, his face pale.

They heard footsteps coming closer to the door, until it opened. And Greer stood in the doorway, her face exhausted and pale.

"It's a boy." she announces with a wide smile.

The room cheers loudly.


Hope you liked this little oneshot!

Just a few things before I go, if anybody has sent me a message -scouter or requester alike- please don't take offence by my lack of answering. My profile is glitching massively, if I open a message, it deletes itself and I can't get it back. It's really bugging me, it's happened like three times now. So, if you've sent me a message in the last little while, that's why there's no response. Anyone know why this is happening?

Next, I'm gonna be stepping back from this oneshot story for a little bit. I'm not deleting it or stopping writing it, but I'm really trying to focus on getting my multi chapter stories posted more regularly. I have so many prompts/things I've thought of for this story, and I will write them up at some point, but I want to get some stories finished and posted and out of my drafts or my ideas (There's like eight things on the go one way or another). So, this and Frarytales'll get updated, just not very much compared to the past. This more than Frarytales, because I've got a ton more requests for that compared to the rewrites.

Third, I've unpublished Le Blanc Duchesse, as you might have seen. I'm rewriting the first chapter and am going to be adding two more parts to it, so it's gonna be a mini book. I'm gonna try and get it posted and finished this weekend, so that's my main focus right now. Keep an eye out for it!

Fourth, The Billionaire's Daughter is on its final leg. I don't think there's more than three or four chapters left for that story. So, after LBD is completed, I'm gonna work really hard on getting that finished up. But I have to plan the step by step stuff for each chapter beforehand, and that takes time, to please be patient with it. Keep an eye out for that and please show it some love if you haven't read it already :)

Fifth, Neverum. I've noticed a massive downfall of reviews and votes lately. I don't get why this is happening, so if you haven't gotten the notification for updates for it, please go and read the last two chapters and show them some love. And the update schedule for that is every seventh of the month, that's not gonna change until I complete it. Maybe I'll do a complete overhall of Neverum if I finish writing it before I finish publishing the parts. Who knows, but that's the schedule, in case anybody wants to know why it has such slow updates. I think consistency is better than speed, and it's so much less stressful on my end doing it this way.

Six, the nanny story is in the works. I've planned the chapter lengths and have started editing it, but if anybody writes on this site, then they know how much of a time consume editing is. So, please bare with me. It'll be posted after LBD and TBD, so get ready for The Billionaire's Wife (no connection to The Billionaire's Daughter, too. I just couldn't think of a better title).

I think that's it for now, so just keeping everybody in the loop about what's going on for the future of updates.




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