Daydreams and Secrets

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and sorry bc there's probably not gonna be a part two, yikes


merry egg :D


-x- Third Person POV -x-

Izuku tapped on his desk with his pencil, humming as he waited for class to start. He smiled as he thought of visiting his mother the next day, as he had just recently moved into the dorms.

"Midoriya!" Aizawa said just about as loudly as he was capable of.

Izuku suddenly snapped his head towards the front of the classroom. "Whaaa...?"

Aizawa sighed. "I've been saying your name. I'm taking attendance."

Izuku blushed, laughing nervously. "Oh... Here..."

Aizawa looked unimpressed. "I get that it's Friday, but save the daydreaming for another time."

Nodding, Izuku shifted in his seat to face towards the front of the classroom, a light blush still on his cheeks.


Sitting down in his usual lunch spot, Izuku smiled. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka greeted him cheerfully.

Iida smiled back. "Hello, Midoriya."

Todoroki simply looked up, nodding while slurping noodles.

"Whatcha guys up to?" Izuku asked.

"Nfothing rfeallhy," Todoroki answered, mouth full. After a moment, he gulped them down. "Except for planning for-"

Uraraka's eyes widened and Iida quickly shot his hand forwards, knocking Todoroki's drink off the table.

Todoroki looked bewildered. "What?"

Uraraka sighed, glancing over to Izuku before Todoroki realized.

"Oh. Sorry. I forgot," he said.

Izuku raised a brow. "Wh-"

"Sorry, Todoroki!" Iida piped up, standing quickly. "I'll clean this up and get you a new one!" Todoroki nodded and Iida quickly grabbed up a handful of napkins and carefully wiped down the mess before leaving to grab a new drink.

"What was that all about?" Izuku asked.

Uraraka laughed. "Don't worry about it. Guess Iida was just being clumsy."

Izuku nodded hesitantly, deciding to accept the answer. "Alright..."

"So, Deku," Uraraka turned towards the boy, "Are you doing anything this weekend?"

Izuku nodded, smiling. "I'm visiting my mom tomorrow. I'm not sure about Sunday, though. Oh," he added, "Are you doing something?"

Uraraka hummed in reply. "Yeah, I've got to go shopping and things. You know, the usual."

Izuku nodded and Iida shortly thereafter returned with a drink in hand, as well as a few spare napkins. He placed it down in front of Todoroki - who gladly accepted - before sitting down. "What are we talking about?" he questioned.

"Oh, just if we have any plans," Uraraka answered.

"What about you, Iida?" Izuku asked.

Iida smiled, though there was a hint of sadness behind his eyes. "I'm visiting Tensei. After that, though, I'll be going out to shop."

Infiltration - PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now