Journals and Pills

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smol torture warning? idk.

-x- Third Person POV -x-

Toga yawned, laying on Izuku's bed. "Oh, Izu," she sighed. "I wish I could stop pretending and just kill them all. But I've gotta do this right, or else everyone will see that something's wrong."

She rolled over, mumbling to herself when suddenly her heart flew upwards as she neared the ground.

"Wo-WOAH! WOAH!" she yelped, legs becoming twisted. She fell to the ground with a hard thump, sprawled out and dazed. "Ow...," she groaned, rubbing her head.

Rolling her eyes, Toga began to sit up when something caught her eye. "Ohh...," Toga smirked, noticing a box under Izuku's bed.

After glancing around, she smirked, quickly snatching up the box. She quickly stood, taking a seat on Izuku's bed.

Crossing her legs, she licked her lips. "What kinda secrets do you keep in here, Izu?"

She grinned, delicately placing her fingers on the top before lifting it and setting the lid to the side. Once she turned to the side, she furrowed her brows, confused.

"What the...?" she mumbled, eyes falling upon a collection of books stacked in the box. There looked to be about 14 in total, each labelled neatly. She tilted her head to the side. "Hero Analysis for the Future, eh?"

"Well," she shrugged, "I've got nothing better to do." She hastily picked up the first volume before laying down, holding the book above her. She scanned the pages, which held extremely detailed notes of heroes, their costumes, and more.

As she read, Toga's smile widened, and she found herself standing. "There's so much good stuff in here! Though," she scrunched her nose, "It looks like it was written by an 8 year old." After speaking, she pictured an 8-year-old Izuku and gushed. "Awwwh."

Once she flipped through all the pages, she moved onto the next, finding even more notes. "Shiga's gonna love me after this," she laughed.

Soon enough, though, Toga found herself getting bored. "Alright," she yawned, "This is too much hero junk for me. I'll just finish this last one and-"

Usually I use this as a place to document heroics, but I need somewhere to write this. I don't want to worry anyone, especially not mom.

Toga smiled, her curiosity piqued from the diary entry. "Ohhh," she giggled. "Have you got some dark secrets, Izu?"

*I remember when Kacchan and I used to be best friends. But ever since everyone found out I was quirkless, he's been avoiding me like the plague.

Toga raised a brow. "Quirkless? Wait...," she remembered, "I do remember that creepy potato guy saying something about All Might's power being given to Izu... But who's Kacchan?"

*I was okay with that, though. It made me a little sad, though I guess I understand. But...

*The pages had small splotches of dried paper, signifying that he was crying while writing.

*When middle school started, he started bullying me a lot. It's only been a few months since then, and he's left me burnt and bruised.

Izu..., Toga's eyes widened. Wait... Burns? Then maybe Kacchan is that Bakugo kid. I think I heard Izu call him that once...

*I don't know what to do anymore. Whenever he comes around me, I can't keep my heart from pumping. I always want to say something back, but I never can. He terrifies me.

Toga flipped the page expectantly, but the next was filled with the usual heroics. And, after that, there was still nothing about Izuku himself.

For a moment, she found herself feeling bad. However, being a villain, she also felt giddy. She closed the book, grinning. "I guess I found out how I'm going to do this, then."

Just as she started daydreaming, there was a sudden knock at the door. Eyes darting around, she quickly closed the box before shoving it under the bed. "Uh, is someone there?" she asked, sitting on the bed.

"It's Uraraka," she replied.

Toga blinked. Izuku likes her, right? Ugh..., she sighed, If only he liked me... "O-oh." She stood, opening the door. Trying to force herself to blush, she began thinking about Izuku and his blood. "H-hello, Uraraka."

"You're kinda red, Deku," Uraraka raised her brows, "Are you okay?"

Toga nodded quickly. "Mhm. Totally fine. Is there something you wanted?"

"Well...," she glanced behind Toga before looking back. "Iida said that you were upset."

Toga's expression darkened. "I also told him I was tired."

Uraraka looked surprised at the sudden change in mood. "Oh... Well, I just wanted to see if you were doing alright."

Toga held back her eye roll. "Yeah. I'm fine. Look," she faked a yawn, "I really need to get to bed."

"Well, I-"

"See ya, Uraraka," Toga said before closing the door. She almost laughed at the surprise on her face as it closed in front of her.

"Anyways," she mumbled once Uraraka left, glancing at the clock. "I really should get to bed..." She turned around, blushing at the sight of Izuku's bed. Shaking her head, though, she flicked off the lights before burying herself in the covers. "Goodnight, Izu," she spoke quietly.


Izuku's eyes fluttered open, his expression showing clear confusion at the dark room he found himself in. Squinting, he mumbled to himself. "Where am I...?"

He attempted to stand up, but his eyes widened once he fell back into the chair, scooting it backwards and causing the blanket on top of him to fall. Confused, Izuku moved his arm up slightly, only to hear metal scrape against the chair he was in.

"What is-" In the middle of his sentence, his eyes widened. Toga.

As his eyes adjusted, he looked around. Though, there was nothing of note until the door suddenly opened.

"The brat's finally awake then," the man said once he saw Izuku, shutting the door behind himself.

"Who's there?" Izuku demanded.

Izuku could practically hear the eye-roll in his voice. "Dabi."

"W-what?!" Izuku gasped slightly. Well..., he glanced down, I guess it makes sense if Toga knocked me out... Raising his head, he eyed Dabi suspiciously - or at least, to the best of his ability in the dark. "Why are you here?"

Dabi sighed. "I have to bring you something to eat or whatever. Don't make this weird, though." Dabi walked over to the boy, holding a pill to his lips. "Eat it."

Izuku pulled backwards, pressing his lips tightly together.

"Kid," Dabi said, unimpressed, "If you don't eat it, you'll starve. It's not poisoned or anything. We need you alive."

The green-haired boy's stomach growled, but he remained firm with his position.

Dabi sighed. "Fine. You asked for it."

Suddenly, Dabi grabbed onto Izuku's jaw, forcing his mouth open before placing a pill on his tongue. He closed the boy's mouth, assuming that the boy would finally swallow, but he simply glared before spitting the pill out.

Dabi blinked. "Alright, then. We'll do this the hard way." He placed his palm against Izuku's arm before releasing a burst of blue flames, inspiring a scream to escape from Izuku's lips.

His eyes were wide as the fire danced upon his skin and, while he screamed, Dabi forced him to eat one of the pills.

Once he had swallowed, Dabi sighed, removing his palm from the boy's arm. "I did warn you."

Izuku heaved in his chair, eyes wide and body slick with sweat. His head pounded, his pain immeasurable as he clenched his teeth. Izuku's mind screamed at him, unaware as Dabi closed the door behind him, leaving the boy alone once again.



Thanks for reading! <3

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