Care and Threats

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-x- Third Person POV -x-

Bakugo hurried to the school gates, watching as Snipe raised his head, confused. His arms wrapped around none other than Izuku Midoriya, who lay unconscious on his back.

"Well?!" he barked, "Aren't you going to open up the gate?!"

Snipe hesitated for a moment before inputting the code, allowing the students in. Bakugo rushed past while Iida quickly apologized, following the rest of the group afterwards.

Bakugo suddenly burst into Recovery Girl's office, heaving. "Hey, old lady!" he yelled, catching her attention. "I've got him!"

The old woman turned around, eyes widening before she hurried over. "Oh my...," she gasped at his condition. "Lay him down now," she spoke sternly and quickly.

Bakugo nodded, gently setting him on the cot. He stepped backwards as Recovery Girl immediately got to work, checking his vitals and hooking him up to machines.

"Do you know what happened?" she asked quickly.

"No," the blonde replied. "But I'm going to kill whoever did it," he growled.

Recovery Girl inspected him, wincing. "He clearly hasn't had anything to eat or drink in days." She hurriedly worked on giving him an IV (idk how this works so I'm sorry if this is wrong e.e), checking on Izuku while glancing back and forth at the screen.

Iida and Todoroki both found themselves in Recovery Girl's office soon after she spoke, with Uraraka following shortly behind them.

"Is... Is he okay?" Uraraka asked, voice cracking.

Recovery Girl didn't bother turning. "As long as he gets the proper treatment, I will say that it's possible. Though I can't say his injuries are minor. His entire elbow has been decayed, to an even worse extent of your teacher's. It's possible that it's infected. And it seems he has several injuries underneath these bandages."

As the group exchanged nervous glances, Recovery Girl continued hurrying around her office, cleaning up Izuku's cuts while working furiously to keep him stable. "I'm amazed he's been able to keep up for this long."

She placed her hand to his head, pulling it away after its heat reached her backhand. "It seems he's developed a fever."

The tension in the room, to say the least, was palpable. Each student watched as Recovery Girl flew back and forth in the room, checking up on Izuku in all sorts of ways. After a few minutes, she sighed, relaxing slightly.

She turned towards the group, allowing her hands to fall to her sides.

"Well...? Is he okay...?" Uraraka asked anxiously.

"He's in stable condition for now," Recovery Girl said, bringing some sort of relief to the students. "However, he's still not out of the woods yet. It'd be best if you left for now. I'll make sure he's safe."

Bakugo didn't flinch. "Promise."

"Promise that you'll save him," Bakugo replied simply.

Recovery Girl paused for a moment. "I can't-"

"Promise, you old bat!" he barked, a deafening silence falling over the room as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

Uraraka's eyes widened, her own filled with tears. "Bakugo..."

Bakugo gritted his teeth, wiping his hand across his face. "If you let him die, I'll kill you," he growled before leaving, slamming the door behind him.


"Hello?" Snipe crackled through his communicator.

Nezu sat upright, listening in. "Yes, Snipe? Does something seem to be the matter?"

Infiltration - PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now