Rumors and Leads

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-x- Third Person POV -x-

"Did you hear?" a man told their friend, "That one kid from U.A. was going around earlier and leveled some buildings!"

"Yeah," the other person nodded, "Apparently he went psycho on some civilians too." The man sighed, shaking his head. "Heroes were surrounding him, but they still lost."
The original man raised a brow. "Wow. That's just sad. A bunch of pros can't take out a single kid. Things have been going really downhill lately."

Their friend chuckled. "Makes you wonder what they're thinking, scraping the bottom of the barrel like this."

Bakugo growled, "Hey, you punks-"

Iida stuck his hand in front of the blonde, shaking his head. Bakugo glared at him, but huffed and made a silent agreement to keep quiet.

"So," Uraraka sighed, "Looks like De-" She suddenly remembered what he had said about using the name. "...Midoriya attacked again."

Bakugo nodded, eyes narrowed.

"I just wonder if we'll be able to help him...," Iida said sadly.

Uraraka was mid-nod when Bakugo growled at the two. "Don't act like this is a hopeless situation. Aren't you two idiots supposed to be his best friends?!"

Iida and Uraraka looked at Bakugo surprised, before they both nodded. "You're right," Iida said.

Uraraka smiled. "Mhm. We'll help him!"

They remained silent for a moment before Todoroki spoke up. "I don't think that's him," he said simply.

Iida turned towards him, brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Todoroki's face darkened. "I think something happened to Midoriya. His personality is just too different."

"Gah," Bakugo rolled his eyes, "It would be just like that worthless Deku to get kidnapped or something."
"Bakugo!" Iida scolded. Though, he sunk a bit. "I suppose it's possible..."

Uraraka bit her lip. "I just hope he's not suffering, wherever he is..."


Izuku suddenly awoke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. He glanced around, blinking, feeling the hair matted to his scalp. His wrists felt sore and often gave off a burning sensation, caused by the rubbing of the cuffs against his skin.

He felt warm and as if he could puke from his dizziness, signifying that he likely had a fever.

"Where are they?" he croaked, squeezing his eyes shut as fuzzy faces filled his mind. "Why has no one come to help me?"

His breath hitched as he remembered everyone's avoidance of him.

"I...," his throat felt dry. "I'm scared..."


"How are we going to find him, anyways?" Uraraka asked.

"Dunno," Bakugo replied bluntly.

Iida blinked. "You mean you brought us out here without so much as a plan?!"

"Shut up, Four Eyes," Bakugo rolled his eyes. "We're going to find him."

"We could always start by asking around," Todoroki suggested.

"Tch. Fine," Bakugo said. Glancing around, he spotted someone. "HEY, YOU!" he barked.

The man jumped slightly, eyes wide. "Y-yes?"

Bakugo stomped towards him angrily. "Have you seen a green-haired kid? Useless? Has freckles?"

"...You mean that kid from U.A.?" the man questioned, still scared.

"Uh-huh," Bakugo narrowed his eyes.

The man shook his hands in front of him. "No, I haven't seen him, I swear! I only heard about what happened."

Bakugo glared at the man, causing him to shake. "Tch," he spun around. "Useless."

Iida stood, gaping at the blonde. "Bakugo! I can't believe you'd do something so rude!" He rushed over to the man, apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry, sir. My classmate didn't mean to come off so rudely."

The man nodded, smiling nervously before he seemed to realize something. "Wait... Bakugo? Like the kid who won the Sports Festival Bakugo?"

"What of it?" Bakugo asked angrily.

"All these kids are so violent...," he mumbled under his breath, though he was clearly more shaken. "But...," the man sighed. "I did see someone."

Iida's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah. He had green hair, but I didn't say anything because I wasn't totally sure. But he ran off in that direction," he said, pointing down the road. "Way back that way. Now," he glanced nervously at an enraged Bakugo, "I really should be going."

"Thank you very much for your help, sir. I am forever in your debt," Iida bowed.

The man laughed nervously before leaving, glancing back occasionally as he sped-walked away.

"Well," Iida smiled triumphantly, "I suppose we have a lead now."

Uraraka raised a brow. "What are the chances we'd run into someone like that so quickly?"

"High," Bakugo replied. "He was shady. That's why I asked him."

Uraraka looked impressed. "You could tell that... Just by looking at the guy?"

Iida placed his finger on his chin. "Yes... He just looked like a normal man to me..."

Bakugo nodded as if it was no big deal. "That extra was fidgety, and freaked out at the mention of U.A. Before that, he was acting like he had somewhere to be, but was nervous about it."

"So perceptive...," Iida mumbled. "I acknowledge you as my better, in that category!" he announced.

"I'm your better in every category!" Bakugo barked back. "But whatever," he turned around. "Let's just go."

The other three nodded, following the blonde down the road.

Uraraka sighed to herself. We're coming, Midoriya.


this is a shorter boi, sorry!

also: it makes me kinda sad that Uraraka is calling him Midoriya, lol


Thanks for reading! <3

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