Lies and Longing

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-x- Third Person POV -x-

Uraraka's throat became dry. "Deku...?"

"Stop calling me that stupid name!" Toga spat, enjoying every moment of this. "The dumb blonde," she jabbed her finger towards a surprised Bakugo, "Only gave it to me to tease me! I only let you call me that because I didn't have any other friends. You were just a tool."

Tears welled up in Uraraka's eyes, and Iida stepped forwards, anger clear on his features. "Midoriya, you-"

"Oh, the class president," Toga rolled her eyes. "Always so proper and also the most stuck-up, annoying person I've ever met! And don't get me started on the redhead, Kirishima. Always going on and on and on about being 'manly.' Why don't you shove a sock in it?!"

The two boys looked hurt and confused, as if they were puppies who had been scolded.

"Bakugo, though. He's the worst out of all of you. Always yelling and insulting everyone, it's a miracle he has any friends!" She narrowed her eyes. "You're the worst person I've ever met, going so far as to tell me to kill myself while everyone around me laughed and whispered." She had been awfully surprised to learn that in one of Izuku's journals, but used it to her advantage.

The class looked surprised, eyes nervously glancing toward Bakugo while he looked somewhat hurt.

"Well," Toga huffed. "I'm sick of pretending to be the nice 'Deku,' 'Izuku,' 'Midoriya,' or whatever you want to call me!" She gave a sadistic grin, pulling out a knife. The class stared wide-eyed and terrified as she smiled at the blade, tracing it with her finger.

Suddenly, she snapped her head towards the crowd, giving them a crazed grin.

"Put the knife down, Midoriya...," Iida reasoned.

Toga sighed. "Fine." She began bending down, noticing Kirishima coming for her. Grinning, she shot back up, taking the opportunity to plunge the knife into his skin.

Kirishima, eyes wide, fell to the ground, blood seeping from the side of his stomach.

"Aww," she sighed. "I didn't hit any vitals."

The class stood frozen, staring at Kirishima as he groaned, attempting to hold his hands over his wound. They couldn't believe it. Izuku Midoriya - the kindest, most gentle person in the class - had just stabbed someone.

"Quit your gaping!" Bakugo shouted, breaking them out of their trance. "Go get the teachers, Glasses!"

Still shaken, Iida nodded.

"Oh no," Toga narrowed her eyes, "I won't let you leave that easily."

Toga grinned widely as she lunged for Iida, a fearful expression appearing on his face. He can't stop. Perfect.

However, just as she was about to reach him, she felt a sudden tug backwards. Turning around, she saw as Sero pulled her back with tape.

Gritting her teeth, Toga watched as Iida fled, bursting through the door. Just my luck.

Rolling over, Toga quickly cut the tape. Not bothering to pay any attention to the students, Toga stood, quickly pulling out Izuku's phone. After unlocking it - because, for some reason, he hadn't set a password - she went to the recent calls and tapped hastily on Shigaraki's number.

While the phone rang, she ran to the side, dodging an ice blast from Todoroki. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. Pick up, Shiga!

Toga breathed out a sigh of relief as his voice came through. "What?"

Infiltration - PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now