Breaking and Exiting

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-x- Third Person POV -x-

Toga stood behind a tree, peeking her head out from behind the trunk. "Alright...," she mumbled. "I need to get those notebooks. But...," she sighed, "There's tons of pros around."

Suddenly, though, she caught something in the corner of her eye. She watched as a few students snuck out the back of the building, and a smirk spread across her lips.

Taking in a deep breath, she hid her presence before rushing towards the building, barely slipping through the door before it shut. Once inside, she let out a sigh, when she heard hushed tones from the other room.

Curious, Toga turned her ears towards the source, listening in with her find-tuned senses.

"Everyone's hit their mark so far," Kirishima grinned, "Great job, Yaoyoruzu!"

Yaoyorozu blushed. "O-oh. It wasn't much. Bakugo was really-"

Jiro sighed. "You've got to stop selling yourself short." She tossed the girl a smile. "Your idea was great."

Toga furrowed her brows. What's going on here...?

"I'm sure they escaped by now," Ojiro mentioned.

"Yeah. Hopefully they'll come back with Midoriya," Kirishima said before shaking his head. "No! I know they will!"

The class grinned. "Yeah!"

So they're looking for Izu... Whatever. It's not like this wasn't expected. Now I just have to-

She stepped forwards, the wood creaking from underneath her. Freezing in place, Toga watched as heads snapped towards her, and she barely was able to dive behind the wall.

"You guys hear that?" Kirishima asked, suspicious.

Toga blew out a stream of air, heart pumping rapidly as someone walked over to her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she sucked in a deep breath, eyes drifting towards the side.

Sero stood right next to her, glancing around. "I don't see anyone...," he mumbled. Leave. Leave. Leave.

It seemed like forever, but Sero soon turned around, shrugging. "No one's here!"

As he walked away, she let out her breath before hiding herself once again, rushing upstairs. That was close.

Toga didn't allow herself to breathe properly until she reached Izuku's room, ensuring that no students, teachers, or cameras spotted her. She cracked the door open, carefully closing it behind her before glancing around.

Great, she sighed, noticing the slight mess. Looks like the place was already gone through. Hopefully they're still there, though...

Quietly moving to Izuku's bed, she lifted his covers, peeking underneath. Her eyes darted around, a curse slipping from her lips as she saw nothing. She narrowed her eyes, straightening herself. They found it.

"Are you sure you heard something up here, Shoji?" Kirishima asked.

"Mhm," the boy replied simply.

Toga groaned. Not again.

Glancing around, she noticed that Izuku's window had been open. And, just as she heard the doorknob turn, she leapt from the building, catching herself on the small ledge outside.

"There's nothing in here...," Kirishima sighed.

Shoji glanced around suspiciously while Toga rolled her eyes. When will these kids give up?

"I guess...," Shoji mumbled, hesitating before turning around.

"It's cool, man," Kirishima said as they walked out, "Maybe you just heard something because you're nervous. I know..."

Infiltration - PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now