Chapter 1

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You were sitting in the front area of the hotel, staring out the window, the extermination had begun, and you could see the exterminators had started killing.

"You sure you'll be ok kid?" Husk asked, placing a hand on your shoulder, he didn't look down at you, and was staring at the exterminators as well.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, for some reason I like watching them." You sighed, looking out the window.

This wasn't the first time you have seen the exterminators, you had been in hell for a while, and you can't quite remember why. All you remember is waking up in hell, and Alastor helping you to the hotel, you've lived here for a year now, and everyone called you "their little sister" You weren't allowed to leave the hotel either, everytime you asked, everyone immediately said "no" The only thing you could do was look out windows, which got kinda old after a while. You could swear, you had come to the hotel with other things, but everyone said you had come with a suit case of clothes and that was it. Even though you never left the hotel, you seemed to know where everything was, and knew the streets like the lines on your palm.

Your e/c eyes stared out the window, you didn't look like other demons as well either, you looked more human. You had h/l h/c hair, and large e/c eyes, the only thing "demon" About you, was your Raven wings, curved horns on the top of your head, and a gray demon tail, on the end of it, it had a dark heart.

You jumped suddenly as a demon punched one of the exterminators in the face. He was pushed back by one of the other exterminators, and they faced off.

He was rather slim, and stood a little above 7 feet, just as tall as Alastor, you just barley hit Alastor's chest,you can't imagine him. He had a television for head, which you thought was rather weird. He wore a striped dark tuxedo, and a black and red striped shirt, he had a black top hat which had a resemblance of tv signals. Both his eyes were red, but his right eye had black spirals. And on the right side of his mouth, it looked like he had blood sliding down his face, but after a closer look, you realized it was just how he looked.

One of the exterminators threw something at him, and it knocked him down on the ground, another exterminator stomped on his arm, and a tv static rang out.

They were going to kill him.

You knew that, but you really didn't want it to happen.

You burst through the front doors, and ran up to him. When the exterminators saw you, they backed up.

You thought

He was rather light for a demon almost two feet taller than you. You gently dragged him into the hotel, and set him down in front of the window you were looking out.

His screen wasn't on, and his arm was bleeding from the exterminator stepping on him, you ran behind the front counter and pulled out the first aid kit.

You rolled up his sleeve, and pulled out some cleaning alcohol, you poured it on a wash cloth. You went to go clean the wound, but his other hand grabbed your wrist.

You looked up to see his screen on, his eyes staring into yours, a confused look on his face. The sudden grab of your arm, and the fact that he was staring at you left you speechless.

"Who are you?" He asked

"Y-Y/N" You said "I'm just gonna clean, and wrap it."

He nodded.

As you finished wrapping the wound, Alastor came in the room with Vaggie and Charlie.

"What, is he doing here." Alastor snapped, his eyes became radio dials, and a loud static pierced the ear, everyone but the TV Demon covered their ears. The TV demon pulled you into him, and stuck both index fingers in your ear, you could still hear, but the loud static sound Alastor makes was gone.

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