Chapter 17

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I love him, here's a gif of this guy. I love him to much might make an X reader for him soon

The drive back to Vox's house was quiet, your brother was sitting in the back with Abbadon, no one knew what to do with him.

"Did you kill someone?" Abbadon broke the silence, staring at him.

"N-No...NO! I would never! Is that why you guys wanted me?" He turned to you, gently touching one of your wings, Vox brushed his hand away.

"Where did the blood come from?"

"It's mine, I didn't live in the best part of case your couldn't tell."

Vox roughly pulled into his garage, slamming open his door, everyone hopped out the car, heading inside.

"You should go wash up, I'm pretty sure I could find something that would fit you, might have to cut a hold in it for your tail though!" You laughed, he giggled and headed into the bathroom.

After a couple minutes he head out, indeed you had to cut a hole in the pair of sweatpants you gave him.

"Don't you have an exterminator outfit?" You asked him, he shook his head.

"Can you...explain everything? I'm still a little confused on the details."

"What's your name?" Vox asked, he still seemed angry.

"Adolfo." He said, rubbing his arms "It's cold in here."

"Good." Vox mumbled

"I'm your father's and that's your sister, your half exterminator, and half demon, I'm a little confused why both of you look...human ish, but I guess it's because I used to be human myself."

"And you guys think I killed someone?"

"Tried to." You corrected "He's still alive."

"I don't even have an exterminator weapon like you said." Adolfo pointed to Vox nervously "I don't have the guts to kill someone."

"You're still meeting with Lucifer and are going into trial tommorow, you better hope and pray he's forgiving. You attacked a overlord! Sure not a very...respected one, but a overlord none the less!" Vox slammed his hand down on the island in the kitchen.

"Vox calm down." You placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm kind of harboring a fugitive right now, after we found him, we were supposed to bring him to the palace."

"Excuse me...palace?" You squealed, ignoring everything else Vox just said.

"Yeah we were supposed to take him to the palace where Lucifer could watch over him."

"I-I'm not sure...I mean, he is my son, I just met him, can't we hold off?"

"I was already being generous enough by not turning him in immediately, you, let's go, I'll be back." Vox gestured for Adolfo to follow him, Adolfo nodded fearfully, running to the garage, you heard the car start and drive away.

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know, I know he hates exterminators a LOT, and he cares for Valentino, he's probably just scared."

"Quick question, why would Lucifer care if someone died?"

"Even though it's uncommon, Overlords can die, they are incredibly powerful, I thing they are supposed to represent all the sins, but I haven't cares enough to ask Vox about it."

"Jesus Christ if he found out my own daughter was dating a sin, I might as well cut my own wings off."

"Why would he care?" You laughed, grabbing a random snack out of the cupboard and munching on it.

"I'm kind of supposed to be a savior or something, it's confusing, enough about me." Abadoon leaned on the table next to you "How have you been? Any plans besides staying here and what? Living life?"

"Yeah nothing much, see my friends, enjoy life, I'm immortal right?"

"Technically yes, but you can die, it just has to be very specific, but sense your half demon, you might be able to die from an exterminators weapon, its confusing."

"I guess I'm rare!" You smiled, spreading open your wings in happiness, your dad laughed, wrapping his tail around yours.

"I have to go, promise me you'll be safe."

"I'll be safe, I have two overlord friends and the princess of Hell is my best friend, I'm the safest person in hell right now."

He smiled, wrapping his wings around you in a hug, you hugged him back, he smiled at you one last time, then left, leaving you...alone.

You heard scratching at the door across from your and Vox's bedroom.

"Alright Vark I'm coming."

You happily opened the door, allowing the huge shark to jump on you.

"Hey, back off Vark, come on, let's go watch TV."

"Box?" Vark jumped said, shocking you.

"No, Vox." You corrected him.

"Box...hut...u?" Vark said.

"No....what are you on about? Why do you think he hurt me?"

"Smell....lick....baf....people....they...hut... Box."

"I don't hurt people, I'm not a full exterminator, I would never hurt Vox."

"U....dont...hut...Box...smell...lick... people...who...hut... Box."

"Oh!" You finally understood Vark "I smell like my dad and brother, they would never hurt Vox, they are....good exterminators."

Vark made a face, then wondered off into the living room, crawling on the couch, you laughed and turned on the TV.

A couple minutes later, Vox pulled into the driveway, slamming his door closed loudly.

"Ok, something's up, why are you so angry?"

Vox sighed, collapsing next to you.


"Come on, something is wrong."

"Not to be racist or anything, but I hate exterminator's, and no offense, I hate your brother."

"No offense taken, but you need calm down, I know Val is your friend, but you can't take it out on my brother, he's still my family."

Vox sighed, laying down on you, using a finger to play with on of your feathers.

"Still...he hurt someone, and it wasn't the extermination, exterminators aren't supposed to do that."

"It'll be fine, how about we go see if Val is doing ok tommorow?"

"That'll be nice." Vox yawned, you wrapped your wings around him "I'm so tired."

"You did a lot today, go ahead and sleep." You assured him, he smiled happily. "What would I do without you?"

You smiled, gently patting his back, after a couple minutes he fell asleep, his chest gently rising and falling.

"You'll be just fine without me."

{OLD NEW BOOK ON MY PAGE} Vox x Reader A Rival's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now