Chapter 15

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Today Vox was at work, so you were at the hotel, watching a random show with Husk.

Angel walked in a while later, smoking a cigarette and seeming really down.

He walked upstairs slamming the door to his room.

"What's wrong with him?" You asked, turning to Husk.

Husk shrugged

"I don't know."

You flapped your wings, landing in front of Angels door, knocking gently.


"Go away!" You heard him shout

"Sorry." You mumbled

He opened the door slowly.

"Oh, Sorry Y/N, I thought you were Vaggie." He gently grabbed you arm, showing you his room.

He sat down on the bed, unusually tired.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Valentino." He mumbled.

"What did he do?"

Angel started crying again, pulling you into a hug, he slowly explained everything he does, making you want to cry as well.

"It'll be ok..." You said.

"I want it to stop." Angel hugged you tighter.

You rubbed his back, letting him cry into your shoulder.

"Y/N!" You heard Vox's voice calling.

"Gotta go Angel, but I'll take care of it."

Angel sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Like sweet little old you would do anything, but thanks." He laughed, gently closing the door behind you.

You flew down in front of Vox, who was texting on his phone, he patted your head, making sure to avoid your horns.

"Let's head back home." He put his phone away, hugging you.

He kept an arm around you, leading you to his car.

On the drive back home, you could not stop thinking about what Angel said.

"Something on your mind?" Vox asked.

"No, just thinking." You lied, keeping your thoughts to yourself.

You and Vox made it back home, Vox gently running your head.

"I have to work on something in my room, will you be ok out here?" He gestured to the living room.

You nodded, he walked into the room opposite of the bedroom, closing the door.

You sighed turning on the TV in the living room, but you ignored it, still thinking about Angel.

Why would Val do that?

Sure he was a demon, but he couldn't be that bad?

Could he?

The thought rushed through your mind, and you decided on something.

You reached for the secret compartment you kept your exterminator stuff, pulling out your suit and mask, you slipped the suit on, ignoring the voice in your head telling you to stop.

You looked between your scythe and spear, deciding on your spear. You put on your mask, than lit up your wings and horns.

You looked like an exterminator.

You quietly left the house, closing the door behind you slowly.

You decided to fly to where Val was, the porn studio.

Going through the front door was a horrible idea, so you decided on searching the windows.

You hovered over every window, searching for Valentino, and eventually you spotted him, on the tallest floor, counting money

You quietly used your spear, cutting a hole in the window, then kicking it in.

Valentino turned around, hearing the glass shatter.

"What! What are you doing?!" He shouted.

You ignored him, twirling the spear menacingly.

"This has to be joke right? The extermination isn't here yet." For the first time, he seemed scared.

You shoved the spear through his chest, and Val started coughing, blood pouring out of his mouth and the wound.

You tilted your head sideways, then started twirling your spear, around and around.

Val passed out, and you pulled the spear away, his hat rolled in front of you, and you stomped on it.

Your mask glitched into a smile, and you thought for a sec, did you enjoy it?

You did kill a friend, but he was a horrible person.

You turned and flew out the window, just as security busted through the door.

"Call the doctor!" They shouted.

You flew out of sight, hovering beside the open window, listening to what would happen next.

"It... was an... exterminator." Val said.

So he wasn't dead...such a shame.

Wait...why did you feel that way....

You should be feeling guilty! You hurt him.

But he should be dead.

You flew back to Vox's house, deciding to leave him alive...for now.

Wait no, your happy he's still alive.

What was this feeling?

You sighed, and slipped off the suit, hiding your mask and weapon again, cleaning your hands carefully, washing his blood off.

Vox stormed out of his room a while later, holding his phone.

"Someone tried to kill Val, he said it was an exterminator." Vox shouted


"We need to contact your father, we need to see what is going on."

You nodded.

"Y/N..." Vox said staring at you.


"Do you know anything about rouge exterminators?" He asked.

"No, I never researched that, why?"

Vox gestured to the news, which showed your father, and all the other exterminators, your father explaining that it couldn't have been any of them, sense the were all in a meeting.

Then one of the exterminatiors whispered something into his ear, making him glare.

"The only exterminator who could have done that, would be my half demon daughter, son." Abaddon sighed

"Wait..." You said

"You have a brother?"

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