Chapter 6

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You were woken up by Vox messing with his tablet. Be glanced at you, then pushes the tablet up when he saw you were awake.

"Oh, your up, good, I have a day planned, just me and you." He said getting out of bed and heading to the closet.

"Wait, what?"

"Me and you are heading out." He said as he pulled out something from the closet

"Oh, ok." You said, quickly getting out of bed

Vox handed you an outfit, the ushered you into the bathroom.

You quickly took a shower, drying yourself off, then putting on the outfit.

It was a pure black dress with neon green speckles dotting it, the sides had splits in them, he also gave you black high heals with speckles of neon green on them. There was also something left on the bathroom counter for you. It was a perfume called 'Starry Night', it smelled wonderful when you sprayed it on you, you quickly fixed your hair, putting it up in a bun.

When you came out the bathroom, Vox gave a look of approval, he brushed his hand against the collar, and it turned it a black choker with a bow on the side. He pulled out a black bow which also had speckles dotting it, and fixed it in your hair.

"Where are we going?" You asked

"Just a small walk around town."

"I thought you had work today?" You asked

"I did, but I didn't want to leave you alone, so I took a day off."

Hmm you quietly thought to your self, you and Vox walked out of the house, and just started roaming the streets.

While you guys were walked, Vox slipped a hand over your shoulder, pulling you close to him.

"Vox wha-" You started saying, but was cut off as Vox pointed to everyone who stayed at the hotel. They seemed to be dragging Husk out for a "day of fun" You giggled at them.

Suddenly Vox, twirled you a bit, then leaned down, placing his face on yours and closing his eyes. You had wrapped your arms around Vox so you wouldn't fall in case he let go. He opened his eyes and smirked at you, before lifting you back up. He gave a quick glance to the left, and you realized Alastor was standing a couple feet away, a hurt look on his face that quickly turned to anger, and he marched over to you. Charlie saw what was going down, and called everyone over.

Alastor tried to push you away from Vox, but the collar pulled you towards Vox anyway, and he wrapped and arm around your waist.

"Y/N! What's going on?" Charlie asked

You walked away from Vox over to Charlie, and hugged her, she gasped when she saw your eye, and turned to Vox, but Vox and Alastor were already arguing.

"Who do you think you are!" Alastor snapped

"My name is Vox, you're Alastor, I thought we knew this."

"I'm taking Y/N back to the hotel."

"No, I don't think so." Vox mocked

"You treat her like a pet!"

"And you treat her any better? Locking her in the hotel and not letting her out."

"You lock her in you house!"

Vox leaned sideways looking at you
"I don't seems she's outside right now, and she's been to the hotel twice."

"Y/N, you've been staying with Vox?" Angel asked

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