Chapter 3

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When you woke up, you were under the covers, and Vox was gone. You crawled out of bed, and saw the night stand moved closer to you, some hot soup was set down next to a note.

There's blankets for a reason, use them. -Vox

You sighed and picked up the bowl of the soup, heading to the dining room. You sat down, and started eating, Vox was no where to be seen. When you finished, you set the bowl in the sink.

Suddenly you heard a door open, and Vox came out the bathroom, fixing his bowtie.

"Sense you think you can survive the cold, we are heading to the hotel, but ONLY so you can pick up your clothes."

"Can't I say goodbye to my friends normally?" You asked

"Fine." He snapped, the gestured for you to follow him.

He lead you to a large garage, and inside was a luxury car, it was black, and flashing neon lines were all over it, underneath the car was a red light, the same color as Vox's eyes. He opened the passenger door for you, and you hopped in.
It was just as stylish in the inside as it was on the outside, it was also rather dark. When Vox pressed one of the buttons to turn it on, the inside lit up with neon lights. The garage door opened, he grabbed the lever that was in between both of you, and pushed it forward, the car slowly moved out the drive way, and you both were off.

While driving, the song "Narcissistic Cannibal" Came on

"I love this song!" Vox shouted, turning the radio up

He started singing, and you had to admit, he was rather good.

You pulled up in front of the hotel, and Vox turned down the music

"You have 10 minutes, don't be late." He snapped. "Also, hide your eye, don't want anyone knowing it was me who did that."

You hopped out the car, gently shutting the door. You closed your right eye, then went up to the front doors, you took a deep breath, then knocked.

Charlie answered the door, a bright smile on her face, when she saw you, she gasped, then gave you a big hug.

"Y/N!" Came back for a visit!" She shouted

"I only have 10 minutes." You said, turning around, Vox's car was gone, maybe that's why he wanted you to be on time.

You walked into the hotel, only to be bombarded by hugs and hello's from everyone.

"Hold up everyone, let me pack my stuff really quick." You said, walking up the stairs to your room. You pulled out a suitcase from your closet, and started packing.

"What wrong Y/N?" You heard Alastor ask, he was standing in the doorway, a smile on his face like always.

"Why are you closing your eye?" He asked walking over to you

You sighed and opened your eyes, Alastor leaned back from, a little startled, until he leaned closer.

"I'll try to find... Something that can fix this." He gestured to your eye

"Think you can come back tomorrow?" Alastor asked

"I can try, I don't think Vox will let me."

"Then sneak out, you just have to be home before 3, I know his routine." Alastor said

You thought about it for a moment, before you nodded.

"I'll be here."

You finished packing your bags, then headed downstairs, dropping them besides the door.

"How much longer do I have left?"

"7 minutes." Charlie said

You decided to sit down and answer questions. You tried to be as vague as possible, not letting anyone on about where you were staying, or who you were staying with.

Eventually, 6 minutes had passed, and you gave goodbye hugs to everyone, even Husk decided to hug you. You waved goodbye, and sat outside, waiting for Vox.

He pulled up at exactly 10 minutes. You threw your bags in the trunk, then hopped into the passenger seat.

"Got everything out the way?" He asked
You nodded, and he started driving, you were thinking about how you're supposed to meet Alastor tomorrow.

When you both arrived at the house, Vox helped you with your bags, setting them down inside the house.

"We can keep them to the side for now, just until the bedroom gets redesigned." Vox panted

"Is it gonna look like the rest of the house?" You asked

"Of course, then I'll have my dream house!" He exclaimed

"I can't remember what I wanted my house to look like." You sighed

"Do you remember anything from your past life?" He asked

You shook your head

"Well, I have work tomorrow, I'll be gone in the morning, can you manage by yourself?" Vox asked

"Y-Yeah." You lied, you hated being alone, it was your worst fear, but you would be leaving to the hotel anyway.

"Need any food?" He asked "Or blankets?" He mocked

"Do you not eat?" You asked

He knocked on his head, reminding you of his TV head

"I can't eat, my face is literally just a display, I can't do a lot of things you could normally do."

"Can it feel?" You asked stepping closer to him

"What do you mean?" He asked

You gently raised you hand up to his face, he flinched before you even touched him. You gently touched his face, he seemed a little surprised at first. He raised his hand, gently laying his hand on yours. He still had a surprised look on his face.

"I didn't know my face could feel."

"Well now you know." You said, pulling your hand away

Vox seemed a little sad, but brushed it off quickly.

"I'll be in the room across from the bedroom, if you need anything, I'll be in there." Vox said, walking off to the room.

You walked into the living room, you grabbed the remote and started watching TV.

Eventually, Vox came in and said it was getting dark, you grabbed some pajamas, and changed in the bathroom. When you walked into the room, Vox was staring at you disapproving.

He grabbed you by your waist, and slowly spined you, looking you up and down. He let you go after the third spin, letting you flop on your bed.

You looked up at him, wanting to question him, but he seemed busy, tapping away at his face.

You just crawled under the cover as Vox turned down the temperature even more.

"I would leave it up for you, but I can't have my head overheat." He sighed, laying down in his own bed. He clapped twice, and his tablet came down. After a while if scrolling, his screen turned off, and he fell asleep.

You realized he left his tablet on, you quietly got out of bed, and went to go push it up, but Vox suddenly woke up, grabbing your arm, he smiled at you and pushed the tablet up.

"Next time, just tell me." He laughed, patting your head

You nodded and headed back to bed, wrapping yourself up as much as you could. You eventually fell asleep.

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