Chapter 7

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You quickly got out of bed and grabbed some good looking
clothes. You took a shower and quickly threw them on, then fixed your hair.

"Woah, what's happening today?" Vox asked

"Valentino is coming over." You said, poking him with your tail

"Oh, right... Just in case the alarm goes off, the password is 1204"

"Wait, why isn't he in the alarm system?" You questioned

"He is, he just tries to sneak in at 3 in the morning." Vox laughed

"Can you promise me you won't sneak off to that hotel, I have to go."

"Of course, I'll never do Valentino like that."

"But you'd do me like that?" Vox asked

"You did kinda put a collar on me." I argued

Vox sighed
"I know, well I gotta go, I'll see you later today." He said, leaving.

In order to feel less alone, you turned in the TV, watching what ever was on.

After an hour you started getting nervous, and lonely...

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Valentino strolled in.

"I'm so sorry Y/N baby. I was late because I was getting things for me and you, I know Vox didn't have a lot of entering things around here." Valentino sighed, setting down a couple of bags.

"First things first, I got you a coat, Vox's house is always shivering, and it's in style." Valentino said, wrapping the coat around you.
It was almost exactly like his, except the coat was black and green, and instead of hearts, they had stars. You had to admit, it was really warm and fluffy, and you relaxed as it warmed you.

"Haha, knew you would love it." Valentino laughed

"I also brought bored games, because I heard that's what humans do."

"You know I'm part demon right?" You said

"Yes, but the other half is unknown, so I assumed it was human." Valentino said, setting down 'The Game of Life'

"I figured it seemed interesting, sense you can't remember your past life." Valentino started setting up the game

After two practice rounds you two were getting the hang of it, and took it seriously.

"Ok Valentino, you have a wonderful wife and 17 children, you need to spin a six to make it to the finish line and pick your retirement, you got this."

Valentino spinner the spinner, and it quickly rotated.

"4... 5.......6!" He shouted, moving his car to the ending.

"Which retirement are you choosing?" You asked

"The mansion, obviously." Valentino laughed

"Wanna play monopoly?" He asked


Suddenly a loud alarm went off, and a screen came down from the roof, showing you the front door, standing on the porch was Charlie and Vaggie.

You sighed and input the code, then opened the door.

"Hey Y/N! We came to say hello! And we thought Vox left you alone." Charlie said

"Well no, I'm just playing bored games with Valentino."

"Can we join?" Charlie asked

"Who's at the door?" Valentino asked

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