Chapter 13

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Vox gently shook you awake.

"Come on, today's the party, I'm finally wearing something different!" He exclaimed, jumping out of bed and walking over to the closet.

"Why not something new everyday?" You asked

"I just save the other outfits for special occasions, like a party." He pulled out the dress you got yesterday and handed it to you.

After coming out of the bathroom, Vox clipped a diamond bracelet on your hand, then fixed a tiara in your head.

"Somethings off." He mumbled

He handed you some black lace gloves and helped you slip them on, then handed you some black heels, gems on the side of them.

"There we go." He twirled you around, looking you up and down.

"Vox, it's just a party for the hotel, you know that right?" You laughed

"You should know by now I'm a little over dramatic" He giggled


"Good Evening." Alastor did a small bow to you and Vox, opening the door.

You showed Vox to the ballroom, where Charlie immediately greeted both if you.

This seemed more formal, and everyone was dressed in fancy clothing.

"Hi Y/N! Vox, help yourself to any snacks." Charlie gestured over to the table filled with food.

You face palmed

"Oh! Sorry Vox..." Charlie mumbled

Vox laughed it off

"It's quite alright Charlie, I knew you were talking to Y/N." He laughed

You walked over to the table and realized they had (favorite snack)!

(Personally, I like Oreos, and If you don't count those as a snack, chili cheese Fritos)

You immediately started eating them.

You glanced to see Alastor and Vox chatting, at first you made nothing of it until they started shouting at each other, and you could make put bits of the conversation.

"It's not that hard!" Vox snapped

"I'd like to see you try!"

"It's broken you triffilin radio fool!"

"Then fix it, how else are we supposed to play music!"

"Boys Boys! What's the problem?" You asked

Alastor pointed to a demolished boom box

"He won't fix it."

"You don't know anything about technology do you?" You and Vox both said at the same time

Vox strolled over to the speakers, running a claw down them, suddenly, ball music came out of it.

Vox turned to Alastor, and smiled smugly.

After a while, everyone was here.

Vox strolled up to you

"May I have this dance?" He asked, holding out his hand

"Of course." You gently grabbed his hand

He led you to the middle of the dance room.

You both got lost in your own world, only caring about each other.

When the song ended, you both held each other, still lost in each other.

"I know who I want to be with for the rest of my life."

{OLD NEW BOOK ON MY PAGE} Vox x Reader A Rival's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now