Chapter 14

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It's almost been a full year sense you moved in with Vox. Normally he would be at work, and you would be at the Hotel. But today was "special"

Today was extermination day.

You and Vox had planned this out a month ago, both of you were gonna find your father, hoping he had some answers.

"You ready?" Vox asked

"Yep" You exclaimed, twirling your spear.

"Only use that if you have to." Vox pushed the button on the side, turning it back into its harmless stick.

You sighed, and opened the doors.

Bodies were already sprawled across the ground, blood and gore dripping from all angles, you pulled your mask over your face, ready to find Abaddon.

You flew above Vox, he searched the ground while you searches from the sky. But you made sure to stay close to him, so no exterminators harm him.

Suddenly a spear was thrown at Vox, you pulled out yours and interfered, using your scythe to throw the other spear off target.

The exterminator walked up to you, as you landed in front of Vox.

It bowed.

"Take me to Abaddon." You ordered

"And don't harm him." You pointed to Vox.

The exterminator nodded, then gestured for you to follow them, not saying a word.

You followed him silently, until he pointed to a tall figure.

It was standing in smoke, but you could see their purple mask shine through it, as well as the outside of their wings and the tip of their tail.

They strolled over to you, and leaned down, getting close to your face.

"A-are you Abaddon." You stuttered

His mask lit up, then he nodded.

"Can you meet me there?" You pointed to the Hazbin hotel, where everyone was expecting you.

He tilted his head sideways.

"I-I think you might be my father." You said

He seemed to pounder that, then nodded. He spread his wings, then flew off into Hell, continuing his extermination.

You watched him go, seeing the other exterminators follow him.

You twirled, falling into Vox's arms from happiness.

"I met him, I found a family member!" You exclaimed, as you and Vox walked to the hotel, or Vox carried you.

When you both made it to the hotel, you jumped from his arms, strolling to the living room where everyone was relaxing, including Charlie's father, Lucifer.

"Good day Lucifer." You waved to him, you've met him before, as he had visited Charlie every now and then, but he heard you might get the exterminators leader to come over.

"Hello Y/N, Vox." He said

You and Vox sat down with everyone, watching what ever was on.

Alastor rubbed the top of your head, and you looked up at him, smiling.

You fell asleep in Vox's arms at one point, and you woke up a while later, 10 minutes before the extermination ended.

When it did end, you heard a light knock on the front door.

"Ok, get ready everyone!" You squealed, running to the front door.

You fixed yourself up best you could, and opened the door.

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