Chapter 11

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It's been three days, and Vox has been missing, Vaggie went to get him two days, but he wasn't even at his house, and you started to worry. You stayed in your room all day, every once in a while glancing to the duffle bag in the corner. You still couldn't believe you were an exterminator, and the daughter of the leader!


You repeated your fathers name over and over again. You wondered where he was and if he knew about you. You also pondered who your mother was, why was Vaggie and Alastor so insistent on keeping it a secret? Was she even still alive?

You sighed and wiped a tear, quietly walked downstairs.

You opened the fridge and got a glass of milk, leaning against the kitchen counter, a hand on your head.

"Thinking if him?" Charlie walked into the kitchen

"Which him?" You asked


"A little, there's a lot of things I've needed to think about." You responded, taking another drink of milk.

"I know how you feel about him, they way you look at him is the way I look at Vaggie." Charlie laughed, placing a hand on your shoulder

"I know." You giggled, sadness still in your voice.

"I sent a letter to him yesterday, he hasn't responded." She hugged you

"Charlie. Do you know where I can find the exterminators?"

Charlie shook her head

"Do you know who my mom is?" You asked

Charlie bit her tongue, and turned away from you.

"Please Charlie!" You shouted

Suddenly you were cut off by a rapid knock on the door.

You walked out the kitchen and to the front door, you took a deep breath and gasped.

Vox was standing at the door

He was holding his arm, and had a sad look on his face.

"Y/N...I just wanted to-"

You cut him off by pulling him into a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck and dragging him to the floor. He hugged you back, and you both laughed.

"I missed you." He whispered

"I did to." You whispered back

"I'd kiss you, but, you know." He rubbed his head

"I still love you." You hugged him again.

"Why we're you gone for so long?" You asked

"I spoke to Valentino, and stayed with him. I didn't know what else to do." He sighed

"But I'll make it up to you!" He exclaimed


"By doing whatever you want, for the rest of the day."

"Can you show me how to dance for the party?"

"You don't know how?" He seemed a little surprised

You shook your head

"Alright, you're the leader here."

You both got up off the ground, brushing yourselves off, then Vox followed you to the ball room.

"This place has a ball room?" Vox was shocked

"Yeah, when you're trapped in here for a year, you start to explore."

"Alright." Vox snapped his fingers, and your clothes became a F/C ball dress, and your shoes became the same color heels.

"Where do we start?"


"There we go." Vox said as you started getting the hang of it

He twirled you around, then pulled you back to him.

"Just keep your eyes on me." He smiled

You stared into his eyes, as you both danced, it seemed like stars were around you two.

The music Vox was playing ended, you both still held onto each other.

Vox coughed and pulled away slowly.

"We should take a break." He walked into the kitchen with you close behind.

Vox poured you a glass of water, setting it down in front of you. You quietly took a sip.

"Thank you Vox... For everything." You said

"It's nothing." He mumbled

"I just feel bad about leaving you, I just never expected you to be an exterminator!"

"I didn't either." You laughed

Vox giggled with you

"Y/N! Are ok?" Alastor came down stairs, his eyes glancing over you, then stood on Vox, his eyes turning to slits.

"I swear if you keep coming over here, you're going to break my smile." Alastor pinched his nose in frustration

"But I love to visit everyone!" You exclaimed

"Do you have to bring him." He pointed a claw at Vox

"I'm still in the room!" Vox shouted

"I know." Alastor smiled at him

"Why do you care so much Alastor, he's my... " You cut yourself off

"He's your what?" Alastor snapped

"My..." You thought for a moment 'boyfriend' sounded a bit weird to you.

"Lover." You placed your head in Vox's chest, and he wrapped an arm around you

Alastor let out a deep breath

"Let me get this straight, you start dating your friends greatest enemy?" Alastor slowly said

You shrugged

"Maybe you two could make up."

"I'm not sure." Vox tapped a claw on the table.

"At least try, for me Vox?"

"I have!" Vox snapped "he's just so persistent on hating me."

"You know I'm still in the room, right?"

"I know." Vox mocked Alastor from earlier

"One day, and that will be the party." Alastor snapped, leaving the room.

"At least he didn't say no." Vox laughed

"Yeah... "

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