Chapter 8

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You were woken up by Vox, he gently shook you awake.

"Come on, you're gonna show me how to fly."

"Vox here's the thing." You said

"I can't fly!" You shouted

Vox stared at you, laughing.

"No need to lie, you lived with Husk, I know he can fly."

"Vox I can't!" You tried to tell him as he dragged you outside.

He stood on the lawn, watching you intensely.

"I'm waiting."

"I can't fly." You snapped

"If you fly I'll let you go."

"What?' You asked

"If you fly, I'll let you go, the deal will be off and I'll get rid of the mark on your eye." Vox said

"You promise."

"My word is as good as your heart." Vox said crossing his heart

You didn't know how to fly, but how hard can it be?

You spread your wings and started flapping slowly, hopping off the ground once in a while. When that didn't work you started flapping faster. You tried over and over again to no avail.

You collapsed on the ground, probably your only chance at escaping from Vox, gone.

You held back tears, but Vox saw what was happening and wrapped his arms around you.

"It's ok, I can teach you how to fly." Vox said, standing up.

He went behind the house and pulled out a ladder, setting it up against the wall.

"Climb up to the roof." He said

You quickly did as he said.

"Now try to fly." He said, pulling up a sun chair.

"How?" You asked


"But, won't I get hurt?"

"That's the point."

"How is that supposed to help?" You yelled at him

"You'll see."

You sighed and jumped, trying your hardest to fly, you, of course fell to the ground, you landed rather hard on your arm.

"Yeah, I can't do this." You said, brushing yourself off

"Come on, you have to think positive, try again." Vox said, relaxing on the chair

"And you're going to, because you're going to keep doing that over and over again until you fly." Vox said, virtual sunglasses appeared on his face.

"Who says?" You snapped


"Why do I have to listen to you?" You snapped, rubbing your bruised arm.

"Are you really going to ask a demon overlord, who has control over you that?" He laughed

You sighed and climbed up the ladder again, this time, when you jumped, you managed to stay a couple seconds off the ground.

"Did you see that!" You exclaimed

"Nice, you got this, keep trying." Vox encouraged you to continue.

You stood outside, trying over and over again, only managing to stay a couple seconds off the ground.

"Try tilting your wings at a different angle." Vox shouted

"Can I take a break?" You asked


You sighed, a little annoyed at Vox.

"How come you get to sit down?" You said, jumping off again

"You think I want to be here? I'd rather be inside, it's hot out here, I could overheat! But I'm out here because I want to help you."

You decided to listen to Vox's advice, and tilt your wings at a different angle, flapping as hard as you could, it worked for a good couple of seconds, as you flew a little higher into the air, but then dropped down.

You tried to remember how Husk flew around when he could. You tilted your wings at that angle the best you could then jumped.

You didn't hit the ground, in fact, you were hovering in the air, you flapped harder, you did it! You were actually flying! You did a little twirl, getting the hang of it.

"Y/N!" You heard Vox snap from the ground

"Can't get me now!" You teased, flying above his head.

He suddenly jumped up, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug, as he slowly dragged you back down to the ground.

"I doubt that." He cooed gently setting you down on the ground.

"Can you take off from the ground?" Vox asked, letting go of you and taking a step back

You jumped into the air, quickly taking off.

"Yep." You said, giving a small twirl then landing next to Vox

He wrapped and arm around you, pulling you to him even closer.

"I told you it would work." Vox laughed, showing you to the dining room.

He pulled out a chair for you to sit on, then headed into the kitchen, pouring you a glass of ice water. He set it down in front of you, sitting across from you.

"The house is getting redone tomorrow, I'll head to the hotel with you."

"And you promise no fights with Alastor?" You said.

"As I said, I'll ignore him the best I can." He laughed

"Ooh, can I fly there?"

"I'd rather have you ride with me... " Vox mumbled

"Ok, I'll ride with you tomorrow, if next time you go to work, I can go visit them."


You finished drinking the glass of water, you got up to go sit down in the living room, but Vox wrapped his arms around your face, dragging you into him, your head in his chest.

"In the 7 days that I've known you, you have managed to simultaneously make me enjoy every little thing about you." He said, using a claw to play with your hair.

"I hope one day, you'll stop hating me as well."

You lifted your head up to face Vox

"Vox, I don't hate you, I have no reason to, I kinda enjoy your company as well." You wrapped your arms around him, hugging him back.

Vox seemed a little surprised by this action, but he gently picked you up, carrying you to the living room, where you both sat together watching TV.

You gently laid your head down in Vox's lap. He gently played with your hair, in reality, Vox was more focused on you than the actual TV. Sooner or later, you fell asleep on Vox, happily being with him.

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